[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 222


I've done this many times. I used to dream about currency direction in the morning, woke up, opened a position in this direction and never incurred a loss. However, I was not able to do it very often. But I managed to check it in practice.

Stat in the studio. Start your own thread. "Predictions in dreams - myth or reality?"

Experiencing resentment is a rather silly pattern of behaviour. I am not offended. And I only said what I said to warn against delusions to unsophisticated minds.

"I'm never offended" people usually either cheat out of strangely understood politeness or have very serious mental problems. Richie is of that same sort of person.

Psychological inventors, my ass.

Why translate the flour!? - I have already had both conscious dreams and conscious out-of-body experiences ;-) That is to say, the subject is clear to me personally.

I said that experiment was for the doubters. The flour is needed to eliminate attempts to write off the results as sleepwalking.

The other thing is, would the other person believe what I might have said?! More likely not than not.

Do you need it? You are well aware of the fact that your personal achievements are the key to you. Why discuss your practice with someone who doesn't know anything about it?

There's a 100 percent chance that your experience with flour won't produce positive results for someone off the street.

I disagree. To quote the original source:

Without a shadow of a doubt I knew Don Juan was right. All I need is integrity, energy. And it all starts with a single action, which must be purposeful, precise and carried out with unyieldingness. By repeating this action long enough, one obtains inflexible intention. And inflexible intention can be applied to anything. And once it is achieved, the path is free. Each step leads to the next and so on until his full potential is achieved. (K. Castaneda "Fire from within").

So, as you see, with proper diligence and consistency anyone can still pull off this experiment. The only question is whether he has enough patience to persevere.

By the way, there's a great book on the subject by Robert M/onro, Out-of-Body Travel!

Thanks. Haven't read it - I'll run my eyes over it. It wasn't hard to find this essay on the internet - save people time - I've attached this book to this post.

monro.rar  231 kb

Yes, you should quit smoking... so much energy would be released... drknn, is there any "anti-smoking" magic?

Carlos told us that when he was a student he had a bad habit of smoking cigarettes. He tried to quit several times, but without success.

"One day Don Juan told me that we were going to pick plants in a desert area and that the trip would last several days. He warned me: 'It would be better if you took a whole pack of cigarettes! But you have to wrap them very well because the desert is full of animals that can steal them.'"

' I thanked him for his attention and carefully followed his instructions. But the next day, when I woke up in a thicket of chaparral, I found that the bag was gone."

"I was upset: I knew that without cigarettes I would soon not feel well. Don Juan blamed the coyote for the disappearance and began to help me look for it. After several hours of torment, he finally found the animal's trail, which we followed for the rest of the day, going farther and farther into the mountains. When night fell, he confessed to me that we were completely lost."

"Having no cigarettes and not knowing where I was, I felt miserable. To console me, he assured me that there must have been some village nearby, we only had to walk a little further to come to that place and be safe. But we spent the next day looking for a road, and then another, and the next. It took us almost two weeks to get there."

"There came a point when I was almost dead from exhaustion, I collapsed on the sand and prepared to die. When he saw me in this state, he tried to encourage me by coming up to me and asking: 'Are you not interested in smoking anymore?'"

"I looked at him with anger, I accused him of being incredibly irresponsible, and I told him deafly that all I wanted was to die. very well! - he replied with indifference - then we can go back already. All this time we weren't far from the highway! "

"Man's real tragedy is not his social conditions, but his lack, his desire, to change himself. It's very easy to plan collective revolutions, but to genuinely change, to put an end to self-compassion, to erase the ego, to leave our habits and whims ... ah, that's another thing! The magicians say that man's true rebellion and only way out is to make a revolution against his own stupidity. As you understand, it's a solitary work."

Armando Torres "Encuentros con el nagual"


Carlos told us...

beautiful way :) - Thank you!

State in the studio. Open your own branch. "Predictions in dreams - myth or reality?"

Not at all. Don't make an idol out of me or a guru - I don't want to be one. You only need to know that it is possible. And you have everything to achieve similar and even better results, because mine are more accidental than systematic.

"I'm never offended" people usually either cheat out of strangely understood politeness or have very serious mental problems. Richie is of that same sort of person.
Psychological inventors, my ass.

I am not the type of person who is never offended - I CONTROL that pattern of behavior and try to keep it in check. In fact, I have already acquired a different habit in this regard. By making such a point you are changing the meaning of what I have said. You think I won't notice? I will. If it goes on like this, I will simply go mind my own business and let you say whatever you like - it will not affect me in the slightest and I certainly will not be offended ... Responding to hurtful situations with a slightly different, more effective way is just as much a habit as responding with a sense of resentment. As a child grows up, he sees that this is how others around him react. Implicitly, society instills in the child the habit of reacting with resentment. A silly pattern of behaviour. Power going nowhere (a waste). There is a class of people who benefit from society being a boor, to act out of habit and not out of intelligence. It is with their encouragement that we get used to live inefficiently, viciously. They introduced such models of behaviour into society and promoted their entrenchment. Now these models work on their own and make us justify our foolishness with words like "What about me? Everybody's doing it..." Back in 2003, this was already being taught in the FSB. Now it's gone out to the masses. If you're interested, go to the YouTube search engine and search "Efimov Sufficient-General Theory of Control".


Carlos told us that when he was a student he had a bad habit of smoking cigarettes. He tried to quit several times but without success.

Nah, too complicated, I quit in one day (after 20 years of smoking). You just quit smoking and that's it :)

nice way :) - thanks!

I am a smoker myself and for years I wondered how to stop smoking. As a result, I have made some interesting observations:

- A person sleeps an average of 6-8 hours and does not care at all about smoking. This suggests that the urge to smoke lies solely in the head. If you turn off your head, the desire disappears too. BUT!

- Often a person smokes "for the company" or just does a semi-automatic "out of habit" action. At such moments, the head is turned off. So, you have to turn it on in order not to lose control. And one more thing - being in a campaign we get "herd mentality" - the feeling of being in the group - the feeling that makes us act as others do. So the occasional smoker puts a cigarette in his mouth, just because someone else in the campaign smoked.

Well, since the best conditions for results are those in which there are no interfering factors, we can try to create them. I have told all my friends not to call or come in idle anymore, and I have told them that I have a difficult programming project and that I will be busy for a very long time. With this I minimized the "herd mentality". Now I was on my own. Everything was going on as usual and at the next moment I noticed that I went out for a smoke just because about an hour had passed - a kind of timer had gone off. I listened to my body - there was no desire to smoke. Then I started asking myself more and more often if I really wanted to smoke or if it was just a habit. Often it was just a habit. I could endure longer and longer periods of abstinence without feeling uncomfortable.

Castaneda would say that quitting a bad habit is shifting the assemblage point to a new position and locking it there. The trick, he would say, is how to keep the assembly point in that new position. Don Juan told him repeatedly that the process of holding must be harmonious - that is the only way. One must feel comfortable in the new position. Otherwise, the body will resist. In the story above, Don Juan tricked Castaneda into shifting deeply into a position of giving up smoking. But in order to hold on to this achievement, Castaneda sewed up all the pockets of his clothes. He explained that he wanted his body not to remember a packet of cigarettes. Any object placed in the pocket could remind the body that a packet of cigarettes had the same tactile effect and bring to the surface of the memory all that was associated with smoking.

Once there was an article in the magazine "Zdorov'e" back in the Soviet era about how to quit smoking. It said that it was better to do it on holiday. That it is better to go somewhere in the woods, say, fishing and away from populated areas. Go alone or with non-smokers. There are no tempting factors in the woods and being far from a shop, you won't want to run there.

Nah, too complicated, I quit in one day (after 20 years of smoking). You just quit smoking and that's it :)

My neighbour did it under the influence of his wife. We were living in a shared room at the time and he had just come back from the sea. When he announced that he didn't smoke anymore, my roommates and I watched him with interest. When we asked him five days later how he was doing, he said that he still didn't smoke, and the best part was that he didn't feel like smoking either. He hasn't smoked for like 5 or 7 years now. :)


My neighbour did it under the influence of his wife. We were living in a room at the time, and he had just come back from the sea. When he announced that he was no longer smoking, my neighbours and I watched him with interest. When we asked him five days later how he was doing, he said that he still didn't smoke, and the best part was that he didn't feel like smoking either. He hasn't smoked for like 5 or 7 years now. :)
Yeah, if I had the desire, or rather the incentive...
Well, I quit under my own influence :) There's no real problem quitting smoking. All you need is the will. That's all :)