[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 146


Although the film is, well, very old.
Were you cheating?
- No, how could I?
- Cheated?
- Yes, with whom could I?
- Admit it, have you cheated?
- Well, there was one time with a neighbour...
- I said, did you change your password to log on to the network?
Two admins are sitting there, sad and staring blankly at the monitor,

A third one walks in.
-Why so sad?
-We had a beer last night... and changed passwords...
The hacker Vova Cool wrote a program that picks an 8-character password in an hour. How long will it take Vova Krutoy to find a forgotten 32-character password for his own computer, which has a single copy of the program?
The hacker Vova Krutoy wrote a Trojan that sends itself to addresses in the address book. The average user has 30 addresses in his address book. Due to a bug in the program, the trojan sends Vova's password to the infected machine instead of sending the password from the infected machine to Vova. How many people learn the password of the hacker Vova Krutoy before the antivirus appears?
Programmer Sidor Pentyukhov writes 2 e-mails per day to a girl he met in a chat room, 4 kilobytes each, and user Vasya Chaynikov writes 5 e-mails of 2 kilobytes each. What is their total traffic by the time they find out they are chatting with each other?
If you want a lot of $$$$$$$$$$$$, press and hold the Shift and 4 keys simultaneously
I'm walking down the street, I look at the fence, and it says "FUCK" big time.
So what, you ask? That's what it says, with an "@". The moderators have brought this country to hell!!!