[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 75


"after being interrogated under duress... under torture he confessed... that the beer was alcohol-free..."
I haven't laughed like that in a long time!
"Only exemplary nightstands will go on dismissal" and more
Not humour: http://news.mail.ru/politics/3570208/ This is what our united parliament is doing.

We don't need any more political confrontation with Japan.
We already got a confrontation with the Poles for November 4.
Mathemat >>:
Не юмор:
Вот чем наш единый парламент занимается.
Не хватало нам еще политической конфронтации с Японией.
Конфронтацию с поляками уже получили за 4 ноября.

This is what your link looks like in the browser:


so it gives out a 404 page. How do you deal with this?

I too would like to make my proposal to the DG: reduce the number of time zones to zero!
Don't know if it's a forum glitch, noticed it a while ago. But it works the second time around :)
Here's the link in text form: http://news.mail.ru/politics/3570208/
Mathemat >>:
Не знаю, это глюк форума, некоторое время назад заметил. Но на второй раз получается :)
Вот ссылка в текстовом виде: http://news.mail.ru/politics/3570208/

It's working!

Talex писал(а) >>

I haven't laughed like that for a long time :))))

wrote >>

I'm glad I don't live in Ukraine.

But we have fun ), can it be taken seriously :)

xrust >>:

With the ratings in this thread - this post is the BEST! Recommended...
Mathemat >>:
Не знаю, это глюк форума, некоторое время назад заметил. Но на второй раз получается :)
Вот ссылка в текстовом виде: http://news.mail.ru/politics/3570208/

The old link works fine for me too. And our parliament will do anything to avoid passing a law on controlling expenditure and matching it with declared income.

Sublimation in its purest form.