[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 82

Talking titles:
PAMM "Icarus",
TS "Pipsophrenia",
indicator "Nostradubus".
What you call a ship, so it sinks ...
I remember this computer in our stationery stores from the early '70s.
only newer than that

I used to have one of these in the garage. But the most interesting thing I saw at the end of the seventies was in the accounts department of the Kovrov Excavator Factory. I had just read "The Snail on the Slope" by ABS and saw in person how "the Mercedes rattled and twitched..." on the accountant's desk.
"Mercedes" is the brand name of a keyboard electromechanical arithmometer of the German firm of the same name.
granit77 >>:
Валялся такой в гараже. Но самую интересную штуку видел в конце семидесятых в бухгалтерии Ковровского экскаваторного завода. Только что прочитал "Улитку на склоне" АБС и вживую увидел, как "Мерседес" застучал и задергался..." на столе у бухгалтера.
Are you ill? From "Snail..."
-Fine! -The presiding officer exclaimed. -Now list the foot ailments you've been suffering from.
-Anything else?
-Intermittent claudication, Peretz said.
-Very good. Anything else?
-Nasminitis, Peretz said.
-It's not a foot disease.
-I don't know. You might not have a foot disease. I have feet. I get wet feet and runny nose.

"Mercedes" is the brand of an electromechanical keyboard arithmometer of the German firm of the same name.

There was also a Rheinmetall one. It was also mentioned by ABS.


Also poems (I. Irteniev):

Practice numbers.

Why are you stubborn like a sheep?
Enough with the style!
Stop breaking, Perelman,
Take your million.

The country is laughing at you,
Ridiculous Perelman,
♪ Come on, blow the whistle ♪
And put it in your pocket.

♪ Are you a Jew or not a Jew? ♪
# And if you are, you've got to answer #
And if you are, take it.
♪ And don't disgrace your fathers ♪

There's an ancient faucet in the kitchen,
Of Ochakov's time:
- Don't be an idiot, Perelman,
Take your million.

The couch squeaks and creaks,
A bedbug's den:
- Change me, O Perelman,
Take your million.

Or, in pride of mind,
♪ You've decided that the price to pay ♪
For your merits, Perelman,
Isn't equal enough?

- "No," says Perelman.
It's not a question of price.
I have been given such a genius from above
That I am quite happy.

Euclid, Kapitsa, Galileo
My equals and relatives.
Is a paltry six zeroes
is a reward for me?

...He shut the compartment tightly.
And went to the bottom again.
Yes, Grisha is a man!
And we are all shit here.
Svinozavr писал(а) >>
Yes, Grisha is the man!
And we're all shit here.

Isn't SProgrammera's name Grisha by any chance? ))))

Stumbled across the website, nostalgic http://savok.name/index.php
Svinozavr писал(а) >>

And then there was Rheinmetall. Also mentioned by the ABS...

I personally remember a domestic one called iron Felix. In the mid-seventies two aunts in our department used it for quantum-mechanical calculations. Quantum mechanics, Schrödinger equation, eigenvectors, spectra and... an iron arithmometer. I can't get my head around it anymore.