[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 34

FION >>:

У меня шеф ( гуманитарий) .................................................................. Хорошо, что он очкарик иначе всем бы жопы на портянки разорвали...

Another antique accordion. However, in case anyone hasn't read it yet...

FION >>:

...он у шкафа стоит в шоке, у пасатижей губки отплавлены начисто, зато у него очки покрыты капельками металла. Хорошо, что он очкарик иначе всем бы жопы на портянки разорвали...

It's not an accordion, but my daughter advised me to write my memoirs so that I wouldn't be confused by the details and dates. So much has happened in my life that I can hardly believe it myself. Thank God I never lie (at least on this forum).

Our electrical engineer had spent half his life introducing equipment in the deepest corners of the country and he was used to not paying attention to minutiae, like turning off the grid when he was running a powerful installation. The scheme was typical: to cover the insert with a copper wire soapbox. But one day there were a few overlaps. The circuit breaker was without a door, and the installation had a solid installation short circuit. As a result, the exploding soap bar riddled his face with copper shot. But his eyes remained intact! He claims he managed to close them, but that can't be, it was just luck.

Just before the new year I met him at the bus stop. He was as gray as ever, with black pockmarks all over his face, though many years had passed.


US Air Force to build supercomputer from 2 thousand PS3s

04.02.2010 [15:36], Valentin Rush

Sony originally positioned the Playstation 3 as more than just a gaming console. Developers have repeatedly mentioned its hidden potential and power. The US Air Force apparently appreciated the PS3's capabilities and decided to assemble a supercomputer of 2,000 PS3 consoles to be housed at a base in Rome.

The estimated capacity of the new supercomputer is 500 teraflops. It will be able to process radar data and recognize human facial expressions in photos.



Building a cheap "Big Brother" ?



Silicone implants as an energy source

04.02.2010 [21:14], Artem Terekhov

Many of you, dear readers, know about American military-intelligence governmental organizations. Thanks to Hollywood movies, these "top-secret" offices are often recalled with a smile, but this time everything is serious. Apparently, the United States Intelligence Community wanted to show that they were a serious government instrument and not to be trifled with. A little digression to make you understand how serious everything is: this organization is a union of sixteen government services, which are responsible for ensuring national security and carrying out intelligence by any means, including espionage, research and development in the military field.

That is why the leadership of the Community has decided to allocate funds for promising electricity generation technology. We are talking about introducing piezoelectric elements based on lead-zirconium titanate... into silicone implants. By, um... vibrating the body parts in which the piezoelectric silicone is implanted, it is possible to generate enough electricity to power individual electronics: mobile phones, pacemakers, audio players and the like. Put jokes aside, this is serious - the US government is already rubbing its hands together by imagining a fully autonomous soldier with silicone implants, who provides himself with electricity, and if the implants are large, then the entire military unit.

An amusing point reported by the research team led by Michael McAlpine: "The system can also work in reverse, just as a generator can work as an electric motor - if you apply voltage to the piezoelectric elements, the implants will vibrate and oscillate."

Note that this is all being said in all seriousness. And how else could it be in the case of the Princeton University team's project, which is sponsored by a serious governmental organisation? The United States Intelligence Community is not fooling around!

kombat >>:

Строят дешевого "Большого Брата" ?


They already did - 4.2 native petaFLOPS - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folding@Home#PlayStation_3




"Highlanders of the mind"