[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 72


A Thousand and One Nights of Shaherazade - Shaherazade *Whenever you sneeze, you want a nibble.

Candidate Barack Obama's campaign promise - I will withdraw our troops from Iraq...., he withdrew troops from Iraq (he kept his promise to the people), and he brought them into Afghanistan. and where to laugh? - A political joke (with a bias *overseas* - if you don't watch the news, especially the uneconomical ones).

kraizislot >>:

Предвыборное обещание кандидата Барака Обамы - Я выведу наши войска из Ирака...., вывел войска из Ирака (сдержал обещание народу) ну и ввёл их в Афганистан. а где смеяться? - политический анекдот (с уклоном *за бугор* - если Вы новости не смотрите, особенно неэкономные).

How are you?


Too bad, I thought you'd like it.

Mischek >>:

Жаль,я думал тебе понравится

I don't think it's meant to please everyone :-)

I liked Lenin's essay, it was funny :-) and they were right to give it a 4. I have zero knowledge of history, but what an imagination :-))

The thread "Probability, how to turn it into a pattern ..." is dedicated to
Closing the border between Pakistan and India
or the silly gait contest


The small one in the middle is a DC anyway))
Not Humour, just a good short film
