Beginner trader working on a real account on Elliott Waves (invest - password enclosed)... - page 10

goldtrader: Quite right. But ... the Canadian is pretty independent and often... spits on everyone else.
There's a strong correlation between the US and Canadian economies. A very peculiar instrument.
USDCAD H1 14:30 MSK 0.9830 . After breaking through the extreme hook on the CCI, a "Ghost" has formed, consolidation will continue with a pullback possibly to 0.9890 (Taichi resistance level)
USDCAD H1 14:30 MSK 0.9830 . After breaking through the extreme hook on the CCI, a "Ghost" has formed, consolidation will continue with a pullback possibly to 0.9890 (Taichi resistance level)
Is Taichi something to do with Ishimoku ?
Sart: Is Taichi something to do with Ishimoku ?

Yeah - the article and the Taichi indicator itself
Sart:Taichi - is it something to do with Ishimoku ?

Yep - the article and the Taichi indicator itself
Thanks, I'll have a look...
Sart wrote (a):
I can't find the error on the Canadian. From the pictures, he doesn't want to go down much...
It's normal! It seems abnormal, but it's NORMAL! By normal, I mean the connection. Everything is calculated, everything is checked, there are no errors, everything is correct. But it doesn't work! That's what's normal! It is normal when the fifth, tenth, twentieth picture works, and the twenty-first - does not! Traders trade on probabilities, not on 100% possibilities.
And nevertheless, by way of rehabilitation, so to speak, pay attention what a nice forecasts were received for the other three instruments: the New Zealand, the Franc, the Japanese.
Euro shows no signs of sliding, but franc was ready to rush down, it showed a very good pattern.
I think this TS has great prospects. The trading technique, of course, does not hold out any criticism.
The whole set of typical errors is obvious.
By way of rehabilitation, I can say that the analysis was quite decent, despite some errors.

But, here, let me explain more simply, there are simple drivers, and there are Schumachers. And beginners often want to show that they may be not worse than Schumacher and they are caught for it. They get in a car, exceed the speed limit, and then an old lady appears on a trajectory, though according to no signs it should not be there and there is no way she could have jumped out on the track. Sharp turn, drive onto the oncoming traffic lane, bang, bang, tibidoc and in the best case, no victims or cripples.

You just need to understand that in financial markets, too, pedestrians suddenly jump out onto the track at the most inopportune moment. And Schumacher wasn't born on the F1 pedestal, he studied for a very long time before he was given his first bottle of champagne to pour out.
In rehabilitation, so to speak, the analysis was quite decent, despite some mistakes.

You just have to understand that in the financial markets, too, there are pedestrians who suddenly jump out onto the track at the most inopportune moment. And Schumacher wasn't born on the F1 podium, he studied for a very long time before he was given his first bottle of champagne to pour out.

Well, there you go, that's different, or show him a certificate...

10:00 MSK EUR H1 -consolidation in a strong trend, possible pullback to 1.5025. If there is no tricky news, the trend should continue.

10:00 MSK CHF H1 -consolidation in a strong trend. Finished the pullback at 4 o'clock that continues a steady trend on the daily chart.

10:00 MSK CAD H1-consolidation on a strong trend. Beginning of a strong trend at 4 o'clock. Daily chart is flat, pre-break condition downwards.


They say the Eliotchiks were washed away by a ze yak dobrovno.

But if it's business - it's worth looking and learning from the forecasts of ready-made robots:
Eliot Wave Analyser 3
ElWave -xxx.x
WinWaves 32
(one problem - they are not taught in Russian)


They have a bad reputation among professionals: their markings are often grossly inaccurate. But you can use them, but you need to know the EWP to use them.