What do you think of intuitive trading? - page 9

not delving into your debate... but let me lighten the mood and maybe suggest you think about it.

The Nostradamus family.
Michelle: Mum, what are we having for lunch today?
Mum: Stop teasing, as if you don't know.

And measuring the depths of the subconscious or the stats... it's been out of fashion for a long time.
And on this theme the second bearded trader joke:

An old trader (ST) sits and pipses all day long. 3 points there, 10 points there, 5 points there, etc.. And a young trader (MT) approaches him and starts to argue: who trades that way? It's pipsing! But he needs to make a serious market analysis and go to a mid-term, and the profits are 200 points each, etc. The ST turns around and says: I'm sick of being smart... I'm tired of being clever... I really want the money...

I'm not sure how to do this, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it in the future.
did you steal this from here? http://bookap.org/popular/silva3/gl2.shtm:-)

No, it's not from the internet, it's from the book by José Silva and Bert Goldman "Managing Intelligence by the Silva Method".

Xeon, have you read this book? Do you practise it? and if so, what are your impressions? :)))

I think that Wolf Messing used this technique, and most likely did it unconsciously, because he didn't fully

because he didn't fully understand the nature of his gift. Messing was a master of hypnosis, could read minds and see into the future.

From his biography I learned that he often fell into catalepsy dreams.

And one time, when he was a child, he fell on the pavement, they thought it was over and took him to the morgue, but a student intern,

who put a mirror up to his mouth, saw the sweat forming and saved his life.

I assume that our thoughts "work" on a certain wavelength frequency not available to most people.

Messing could tune to the thoughts of people around him by lowering the wave frequency of his brain. :)

There are a couple of interesting books on hypnosis, by Victor Kandyba "Three hundred techniques of deep hypnosis".

If anyone wants to practice diving into the unconscious with full mental clarity, the best place to start

to start with Georgi Boreyev's book, I don't know exactly what it's called, something like

"Nine Practical Ways to Get Out of the Physical Body". Very enlightening, let me tell you.

If you remember, not so long ago, in Buryatia, they dug up a monk who had spent 70 years in meditation - this is part of the same tradition.

P.s. So you can safely travel in parallel worlds, the main thing is not to lose touch with reality. :)

did you steal this from here? http://bookap.org/popular/silva3/gl2.shtm:-)

Excuse me for dropping in off-topic, but I want to ask: what books did you use to study Wave Theory, and can you recommend some of the most

recommend any books on wave theory.

Regards S.D.
331 FION 10.09.2007 10:18  
Вопрос на засыпку, интуиция - продукт опыта или опыт - помеха интуиции?

Intuition is the RESULT (but not the product) of experience... Let me explain. As any person - at birth - is not ready to interact with the world around us, not aware of its benefits and dangers that await (remember each of us - until we are burned by a cooker or a fire - no one has explained to us more intelligible - than good practice - that fire - BURNS)... So with Forex - faced with it ONCE - each begins with it (as they say) - learn to walk again ...We ALWAYS play on its field ... We - observe (who is certainly capable of it), analyze the nature of movements, determine the moments of danger (and for someone - on the contrary - the moment to "earn" - yes, yes - I mean the news releases, especially - resonant and multidirectional movements). Gradually we get used to it. Habit is second nature, as they say. We gradually get used to living in a state - when the thought process - is not such a headache, when entering into a transaction and bearing loss - we do not break into sweat ... We - absorb and begins to attract our own qualities, which in us have always been, but we are not even aware of their existence. An example comes to mind - about a man at war. But the association is appropriate... I know about war. Unfortunately. I know about the constant feeling of death next door ... and the habit of ceasing to be 'afraid' and learning to LIVE in that atmosphere and do something to survive... Here comes intuition and many other things (your sight and hearing improve by 150 per cent). Just do not try to find out how I did it and under what circumstances? The answer is so incredible that can not keep within normal human logic) ... However - on this topic, I saw a few people who I might have responded (via e-mail), because I would not consider their interest idle curiosity, and the goal - to learn new things for themselves ...)

Maybe many have noticed that when we are prepared in advance for an important (whether - business or personal - no matter) meeting and plan an approximate scenario of dialogue and texts said, it never goes in the direction we set ... Our opponent and just the circumstances - make adjustments ... There is a "but" ... From the meeting and dialogue during it - we expect the RESULT. If you think - "let it go - as it goes," think - that you - have arrived ... And if you know the Goal for which you came "to talk," then you - depending on the turn of the dialogue maximum you'll change - so it's just - a trajectory of movement, but - Towards a pre-planned target. I'll translate on the topic FOREX. Very often, many have entered into a trade - first thought riches, then, falling into deficit and began to sit this minus

(The price returns - and we go back to the market again. The price returns - and once again we think - no way... I was nervous here for nothing? For moral damages - a hundred quid - at least! And the market went down on your order and "flew into minus" and you're already dreaming of a "less negative" - and ZERO is out of the question ... I'm not saying that everyone does that ... But - a lot of people ... and not just beginners ... So - when you enter the market, you need to enter it with a right hand.

So - when you enter the market, you need to KNOW - what you want and what you are ready for. Your protection - a stop loss, your "body armor" ... Until you put it on - do not go into battle. A mental stop is utopia. You can not place it physically when there is a sharp movement, or you do not have time or you will be told a "new price", which will stop where it obviously will not save you, or just "can not cut off a piece of your deposit ...

And - fixing of profits. Another clear tactic and a clear figure. The tactics - this is the order and sequence of actions worked out before AUTOMATIC, which do not affect - the weather, a bad mood and chaos going on around us. do not forget - that "of battle" can get out, but - not turning his back on the enemy, but - constantly monitoring the situation, ie - to him "face". The sensation is that Forex is like a small war. If in any business you would see a trend of growth or "falling to zero" only after years, here - everything is fast and specific. As in chess - "taken - walk.

About 15 years ago I read an interesting article on psychology in Kapital magazine, an interview with Mike Tyson. They asked him, before one of his fights for the title of champion, "And your opponent said that he had a plan to beat you. What do you think about it? And Tyson, not being a philosopher in principle, answered clearly and simply, "They've all got a plan, but they're not going to get it in the head". So in Forex - all emotions and suffering comes with a LOSS of REAL MONEY and no demo account can teach you to fight and win ... Adrenaline blocks the mind ... Thanks, there are on Meta-trade lots such as 0.1 ... And I started - on the Body-Trade with lots of 1.0 ... So gone over the horizon 30 grand ... This - not an example for followers. This is my example of UNKNOWN, inexperienced and stupidity.

I just wonder - out of those Advisors that are represented on this forum in VERY MUCH - at least one works for someone and brings in real money, or all of them write only to participate in the championship? And if - brings, so why try to sell it, it's better to simply start up and simply Earn a sum, much larger in equivalent than the realization of the software product. Is this a question that's only arisen NOW, and only for me ... it's a question BEFORE ALL.

And ... I do not remember where, but I saw a phrase that stuck in my memory - "a leader is always ONE". I thought about its double meaning, but years later I agreed with the second phrase. "Looking at what many people write here and pointing out that the majority of present respondents could be considered - leaders of our society (so deep and so versatile interests and knowledge about surrounding us and questions of psychology, philosophy and structure of the world) I observe with sadness sometimes arising NOT IN FAINT with each other of such clever people. Needless to say - understanding in the family is not always present. Where to get it - on the Internet. I just call you NIROBA - do not slide into mercantilism when choosing topics for discussion. You are an intelligent and interesting person and it doesn't suit you very well... I wrote that I admire SK's presentation and narration... I want to say the same about Yurixx's postings... Thank you (Yurixx) for your time and dedication to us all. I am communicating with a lawyer (he lives in Moscow), he is young (24), but very smart guy (he is from a province, but went to university with his head and graduated from the Financial Academy in Moscow).

. He sent me one quote from Roger Zelazny's novel "Lord of Light".

... "Remember when we were standing on the balcony and you were making fun of me? You said I was enjoying the evil you were doing too. You were right, because all people have both dark and light in them at the same time. There are many contradictions in man: he is not the pure, bright flame that you once were. His mind is often at war with his emotions, his will with his desires. His ideals do not correspond to the reality around him; if he follows them, he will feel the pain of losing an old dream, if he does not follow them, he will feel the pain of giving up a new and noble one. Whatever he does, everything represents simultaneously gain and loss, arrival and departure. And he always mourns the passing and in some way fears the new. The mind resists tradition. Emotions resist the limitations that are imposed on a person by those around him. And always because of these disagreements comes what you derisively call the curse of man - sin, guilt..."

I have reread this quote several times. I often wonder how different I am from this guy and at the same time how much fun I have conversing with him. I catch myself thinking that I am slowly beginning to see the world through his eyes, and you know, it's an interesting perspective. I am serious. I come to the conclusion that I had a complex, which I would call the COMPLEX perception of the world, which is now slowly dissolving and expanding horizons (and I, imagine, I thought I knew enough and have not surprised me anything)

And now I see that I LIVE. But it's not just me. People need to communicate and pull each other out of the routine that sucks each of us into the current hustle and bustle. And there has to be someone who will come FROM THE SIDE and pull you out of it all and show you a different perspective and free you from the fixation... So, I was once in the state that this quote describes ...It lasted a long time in my life .... But then circumstances broke me out of the circle of philosophical reasoning and plunged me into the stream of life, which yesterday I contemplated, standing on the shore. And sailing itself began at that moment, when I took the first decision in the life, acted according to it and then I answered before people and before myself, before the conscience and my self-esteem. So life is a series of serious decisions and not being afraid to take them and answer for them in cases, often from unclear perspectives. I don't think I've said anything new to you... I'm sorry, I just wanted to share....


331 FION 10.09.2007 10:18  
Вопрос на засыпку, интуиция - продукт опыта или опыт - помеха интуиции?

Let me explain...As any man - at birth - is not ready to interact with the world, not aware of its benefits and dangers, which lie in wait (remember each of us - until we got burnt by fire from a cooker or a fire - no one explained to us better than PRACTICE - that fire - BURNS)...

Very controversial. When you open the veil of the definition of intuition, you immediately move into the territory where instinct reigns supreme. It's unclear how different these concepts are to you. I, for example, see that beasts fear fire instinctively, the presence of experience is not required. Therefore I find your example of fire very unfortunate. Furthermore, I believe that a human being puts his hand into fire, not because he has or does not have intuition, but because, unlike animals, a human being is endowed with free will and the choice to put his hand into fire or not. Nature (or God) gave humans an opportunity to make mistakes. Animals do not have this option. Animals do not check how hot the fire is, they avoid it according to their instincts. The instinct to keep your hand away from hot hand, backed by practice does not seem to me to be intuition.
In general, most people tend to think that intuition is a result of experience, in which case we can say that intuition is teachable. However, intuition is the sixth sense and does not require any experience or knowledge, it is either present or not, and one should not confuse near-term forecast (product of experience) and intuition.
Intuition is the sixth sense, exactly. It is both the result of experience, the result of learning and something innate. Intuition is very often referred to as the statutory advantage of an "intuit" in something that others are unable to achieve.
Intuition is the sixth sense, exactly. It is both the result of experience, the result of learning and something innate. Intuition is very often referred to as the statutory advantage of an "intuit" in something that others are unable to achieve.

That's what I say "genetic, innate, from nature" - it is either there or not, any training - can only enhance the qualities already present, if they are not there - training is useless. "...then you will be a baobab, and you will be a baobab for 1000 years until you die" (Vysotsky).
Intuition is the sixth sense, exactly. It is both the result of experience and learning, and something innate. Very often intuition is the statistical advantage of an "intuit" in what others are unable to achieve.

That's what I say "genetic, innate, from nature" - it is either there or not, any training - can only enhance the qualities already present, if they are not there - training is useless. "You will be a baobab, and you will be a baobab for 1000 years until you die" (Vysotsky).

I just want to add that at the heart of any feeling or sensation is a chemical process taking place in our physical body.

I recommend reading "The Human Brain" by Isaac Asimov, which describes the chemical

the chemical reactions going on in our bodies. After that book, I began to look at life differently. :)

My respect,

Alex Niroba.


Yeah, Alex, our materialist... You can also advise Stanislav Lem, "The Sum of Knowledge", I think.

The basis of any feeling or sensation is not a chemical process, but something that is not located in any place or time. The basis is outside the material universe. According to the axioms of Scientology - so called statics. But I am not going to develop and explain this thought, not that forum...

2 Integer: this does not mean that none of it can be robotized at all. ...