What do you think of intuitive trading? - page 11

NYROBA писал (а):
Balistica, no offence. :)))) brevity is the sister of talent. ;-)
Yeah. And brevity is obviously his aunt
NYROBA 13.09.2007 15:10
Балистика, тока без обид.:)))  краткость - сестра таланта.  ;-)
Dear NIROBA .... I do not say (I do not insist), that brevity - my Sister ... Really And so - do not understand ... Especially - certainly the talent - I do not consider myself ... But I have - an opinion about myself and I, unlike many outsiders - too good to know yourself ... I personally stick to the tactic - until I was asked - I do not pry into other people's monasteries with my "authoritative opinion"... I do not remember that I personally asked YOU an opinion about me? I remember that no... And do not spoil my (still - a good) opinion about YOU ... You must be young (sorry if not)... And if I react to the CONTENT of a post on a forum I never discuss AUTHOR... I do not 'break' anyone for myself - and do not allow others to 'break' themselves... This is the maturity... I suppose... I don't need to react to such tricks (like brevity). I don't care... And I'll answer all my future critics (not only those who criticize me, but everyone who they try to DISCUSS or DISCUSS) - don't show your bullshit... If you don't respect US, at least respect YoursELF.

Balistica, I wasn't being mean, sorry if I offended. :)))

And you, I see, are a good starter :)))




Vita 13.09.2007 10:38
Очень спорно. Приоткрыв завесу определения интуиции, вы сразу же переходите на территорию, где 
правит бал инстинкт. Неясно, насколько эти понятия для вас различны. Я, к примеру, вижу, что звери 
боятся огня инстинктивно, наличие опыта не требуется. Поэтому нахожу ваш пример с огнем веьсма 
неудачным. Более того, считаю, что человек сует руку в огонь, не потому что интуиция у него есть 
или нет, а потому что в отличие от зверей человек наделен свободной волей, выбором сунуть руку в 
огонь или нет. Природа (или бог) дали возможность человеку ошибаться. У зверей такой возможности нет. 
Звери не проверяют насколько горячь огонь, они его избегают согласно своим инстинктам. 
Инстинкт - одернуть руку от горячего, подкреплённый практикой не представляется мне интуицией.
From what you have written back to me - you have only read the FIRST TWO sentences of my post. - Wrong conclusion. I read the entire post. Your sensibility and delusions are evident. Unfortunately, I can't support you in a virtuous conversation and admire you for quoting anything and everything.
But I - once again - will clarify what you DO NOT UNDERSTAND.... - There was no "one more time" or the first time. I assumed that someone would respond to my comment on the merits. I'm out of luck, you responded and responded procedurally, without going into the substance of what I did understand and what I wrote about, you showed divine awareness of what I didn't understand.

The example with FIRE is more than specific. - To decipher specificity would help much, it would be more subject. However, I believe, that the transcription is very vulgar and down-to-earth for you.

Who said that a MAN is MUDR... That a man is the KING OF NATURE? - From this very place you go on swimming in the waves of your sensuality, startling you with massive quotes and references to 'gurus' of intuition, not even noticing that I said nothing about wisdom or the King of Nature and everything else you've written thereafter. You are arguing with yourself. I was interested only in the first lines of your previous post:"Let me explain . As any man - at birth - is not ready to interact with the world, not aware of its benefits and dangers that await him (remember each of us - until we are burnt by a cooker or a fire - no one explained to us more clearly - than PRACTICE - that fire - BURNS)..." - I dared to challenge them, pointing out that man is ready to interact with the world around us from birth. And with fire as well. I started small, with the opening lines of your post. I always use it to understand what the speaker is talking about. I am a low-flying person, I cannot grasp so many thoughts and quotes at once. You see, in an effort to disperse, to soar after you to enjoy the beauty of your post, I just run up and hit your "Let me explain. ..." like a concrete wall. From the first lines, the incorrectness of your statements rattles abominably undercut my wings with a chainsaw, preventing them from soaring upwards.

Don't waste your energy on me. If you're not going to define a topic for the likes of me, then ignore my nagging.

In the fire example, the person is gaining EXPERIENCE so that they no longer get burned, but not INSTINCT. The instinct was already in the person - the hand pulled away on its own.
In the fire example, the person is gaining "EXPERIENCE" so that they no longer get burned, but not INSTINCT. The instinct was already in the person - the hand pulled away on its own.
И? Intuition? Where is it? If I may.
In the fire example, it is the "EXPERIENCE" that allows the person to no longer get burned, but not the INSTINCT. The instinct was already in the person - the hand pulled away on its own.
И? Intuition? Where is it? If I may.

Intuition is where one has experience. You know, Mendeleev's table was dreamt up by Mendeleev the chemist.
217 Vita 13.09.2007 16:19 
Не тратьте своих сил на меня. Если вы не собираетесь для таких как я определить тему, то не обращайте внимание на мои придирки.

I am very sorry to see that I have wronged someone or offended ... Moreover, that I do not want to assert myself at the expense of someone or in comparison with someone ... I have visited different forums and can say that there are very interesting, intelligent and versatile people here ... I strive to be at least EQUAL among you . And my "concrete wall" of the word "explain" - is nothing like trying to be correctly understood. I wasn't trying to refute your opinion, I thought that I haven't deciphered mine to the end. I thought your answer as an invitation to a dialogue, but I have no principle - about opinions 'mine and wrong'. Personally I - am ready for any dialogue (except - direct or implicit insults - in any form).I am me ... That's what I have just made sure of. All people are different ... Simply everything that I write is taken from life and really helps me in life - let it help you if you need it (and not just quotes from smart books) ... We together - do not baptize children.

If I have offended you, VITA - forgive me for God's sake...

In the fire example, it is the "EXPERIENCE" that allows the person to no longer get burned, but not the INSTINCT. The instinct was already in the person - the hand pulled away on its own.
И? Intuition? Where is it? If you can.

Intuition is where one has experience. You know, Mendeleev's table was dreamt up by Mendeleev the chemist.

Excuse me, do I understand correctly that after a man puts his hand into the fire and instinctively puts it on, he also has an intuition about fire together with his experience?
Vita, I think you have confused necessary and sufficient conditions. The only thing that follows from Integer's post is that "if there is intuition somewhere, there is necessarily experience there". "If there is no experience, there is no intuition there either". But not the other way around.

If I have offended you, VITA - forgive me for God's sake...

No, it's all right.
As I said, I didn't understand you. I dare to think that I would have been influenced by your arguments. But your sensual flow passes me by, which is the only reason I warned you not to waste your energy on me, and not out of resentment.