What do you think of intuitive trading? - page 12

Vita, I think you have confused necessary and sufficient conditions. The only thing that follows from Integer's post is that "if there is intuition somewhere - there is necessarily experience there". "If there is no experience, there is no intuition there either". But not the other way around.

No, I'm not confused. I am aware of the necessary and sufficient. I am, after all, asking about intuition in the fire example. I get an answer about experience. I clarify. Adding about intuition. So I dared to add two plus two in a presumptive form.

Can anyone point to the intuition in the fire example on matches?

With fire, unlikely. But with, say, radioactivity in 1945, when its effects were not known, it could well have been intuition, if someone had clearly shunned it before the bombings in Japan. And it would indicate that that person knew something about radiation based on previous experiences (say, past lives).
Fire is unlikely. But, say, with radioactivity in 1945, when its effects were not known, it could well have been intuition, if someone had clearly shunned it before the bombings in Japan. And it would indicate that this person knows something about radiation based on previous experiences (say, past lives).

Come on, aren't there any simple examples? What, you can't do without past life experience? :)

And by the way, the fire example confused me too.

And there's nowhere to go without past lives, alas. Or, if you don't like that, here's the materialistic version - 'no genetic memory'. Women's intuition is often explained precisely by genetic ancestral memory, stemming from physical ancestral experiences.

I will allow myself to give another example of my own, but not with fire... Once upon a time in my youth I practised modern pentathlon...Who does not know - it is a race (3 km), swimming (300 m), shooting (gun - on a silhouette with an interval for turning target - 3 seconds for one shot - and the target again turns end to end to shooter), fencing (epee) and equestrian sport (jumping with obstacles - in time) ... So ... Then we brought horses from stables ...We tightened the girth in the field, adjusted the stirrups and began to sit in the saddle ... This in westerns - all jump in the saddle - at once ... But all our horses were - thoroughbreds and very high (though I - not small - 1m80cm) ...A horse's withers height is 180 cm (the upper point of the horse's shoulder girdle when he bends his neck to the ground)... So I put my foot in the stirrup, grabbed the saddle and stood on the stirrup to my full height, so the second movement is to throw my foot over the saddle and sit in the saddle ...And then (after my first movement) the horse jumps from place to gallop and galloping, that I miraculously keep at the side, but I can not throw my leg over the saddle ... So in this order (I'm on my side) we fly back - in the stable ...And the stable is - a long corridor with stables on both sides ... And so I managed to jump into the saddle when the horse has already flown down the corridor and jumped in a place where a walled-in (into the wall) rail (if you want - the rod), which always hung from the bridle...From the ground - quite high ... But on horseback - the rail flew just my head ... I ducked at the last moment and the metal was just through my hair ... Next - I took the reins in his hands (both hands, and so he was in my fist tightened) ...Took out of the shin - a metal whip (we made them out of fragments of the sword), pulled the croup (bum) horse, put it on the "candle" (on the hoof - not to be confused with the Japanese candles) and the same course (again ducked) popped back into the field ...

Time passed (about a year)) and I completely accidentally noticed one peculiarity... When we came (we were in Kiev for competitions) to the pool and (there was no cloakroom attendant) went to hang up their outdoor clothes themselves ...We were asked to wait while they turn on the locker room - the light ... We are standing waiting and I felt a squeeze to the temples and my headache began to hurt ... I do not understand what's happening ... Lights are turned on and I see that a meter from me at head level - metal hanger with hooks ...Had I gone forward, I would have bumped into a bump and that was it ... But I DID NOT SEE the barrier ... I felt it ... It is - a horse opened up in me such an instinct ... And then with me often such things happen ... I can even do tricks ...To close my eyes and while moving - just stop or change the route, but I will not hit my head...It starts to clench my temples... And I already know WHAT THIS MEANS... What does not kill us makes us stronger. Though sometimes it does not, but simply - maims... Sometimes, it maims the Soul...

And there's nowhere to go without past lives, alas. Or, if that doesn't appeal to you, here's the materialistic option - "no genetic memory". Female intuition is often explained by the genetic memory of ancestors stemming from the physical experience of ancestors.

The so-called "genetic memory" may turn out to be a trivial instinct on closer inspection.

And for example, if we accept that intuition is unconscious (not logically based) decision-making, then female intuition can be explained even more materialistically, without the nonsense of ancestral genetic memory.

Incidentally, such a definition allows for intuitive decision-making without specific experience. For example, to start trading currencies without ever having traded before.

And there's nowhere to go without past lives, alas. Or, if you don't like that, here's the materialistic version - 'no genetic memory'. Female intuition is often attributed specifically to genetic ancestral memory, stemming from physical ancestral experiences.
Already hot, intuition is based precisely on "genetic memory" and is sharpened by an adrenaline rush. The level of adrenalin simply rises in different people for different reasons. I do not believe that you can "tense" your intuition as memory. Most often, it is manifested under stress caused by danger to life, for example. We will not even find a fly if we start hunting for it, we will find it and sit quietly. That is, the mechanism of this sense is very ancient. Intuition works subconsciously. And the one who works by intuition in the market, blows it until it works by intuition and does not understand what and how, and only after losing a few deposits and getting a few tough bumps, gains experience. Trading by intuition - "it seems now will turn" always leads to the dump.
FION писал (а):

I don't believe in "straining" intuition, like memory, for example.

Tambourine tapping, for example:-)
FION wrote (a):

I don't believe in "straining" intuition, like memory for example.

Like tambourine tapping :-)
Yes shamans high in tambourine knocking, weed nakuriyutsya and go around the campfire - "intuition stretch", the better the grass is "deeper looks into the future" and the spirits of "cooler. Almost all occultists use different drugs.

Ballistika, you shouldn't change the style, fonts or anything else just because someone doesn't like it. You are the only person among us who writes your posts with feeling rather than argument. That alone makes your posts immeasurably more informative than any argument, fact or logic put together. Unfortunately it is difficult for men to perceive at this level. Some do not hear or perceive anything at all, very few do, but it is too "bright" for them, blinding. That is why we are men. However, I want to assure everyone - it's only at first. Like an unfamiliar language, which at first appears to be a disharmonious jumble of sounds and only later and gradually transforms into meaningful and harmonious human speech. You just have to open up to it and perceive it not with your ears, not with your eyes and not with your "logic gland" ...

I do not agree with everything you have written about intuition and experience. But it doesn't matter. You've written the main thing - what intuition really is. I quote that in full:

Когда Ной (уже плывя по волнам в Ковчеге)говорил с Богом и спросил "Господи...Ты сам дал человеку способности познавать,творить, разрушать и созидать...Так почему же за его деяния с применением тобою же ЗАЛОЖЕННЫХ в него способностей ТЫ - УНИЧТОЖИЛ ЕГО?". ..На что Бог ответил "В добавок ко всему я дал человеку и понимание - что есть ДОБРО и что есть ЗЛО...И люди САМИ сделали свой выбор. А я - лишь поступил согласно ему. Уничтожил грешников".

The inner knowledge of what is GOOD and what is Evil - that's what intuition is. It is in the most general and big meaning of the word. And there are many situations in our life, when this main thing shows itself in details and becomes simply good and evil. To intuitively anticipate profit or loss on Forex is, I would say, the most petty level of manifestation of good and evil for a man.

Hardly anyone would insist that Good and Evil are material categories. This is the second reason why I believe that intuition is man's spiritual experience (at least part of it). And to relegate it to the level of, for example, genetic memory is a game-changer (or flirting with materialism).

Of course man is a complex system. There are a lot of things going on in him at the same time. So there is a temptation to identify intuition with material experience, which comes from the practice of a particular person, with instincts or something else. Relying on one or two simple examples here is very dangerous. Any profanation of a complex issue ends in delusion. Kittens fall from heights until they gain experience. Intuition does not help them (do animals have intuition at all?). And children also fall down, grabbing sharp edges, getting burnt etc. And where is their intuition? In the same place where spiritual experience should be. It can manifest only when human consciousness expands to such dimensions that it becomes possible. But even then it is not easy. As it has been repeatedly said here, God gave man the right to choose. And a person is free to choose to listen to his rational considerations, to his neighbour's advice, to accepted standards for a certain situation, to greed or fear (main advisors of a trader), or to something really incomprehensible that crawls inside, but it is not humanly speaking and is often very difficult to understand.

Ballistika, for you from the Tao De Jing. Verse 81.

Sincere speech is not graceful,

graceful speech is not sincere.

Good is not eloquent, eloquent is not kind.

The wise is not educated, the educated is not wise.

The wise man does not hoard.

But the more he does for others,

the more is added to him.

The more he gives to others,

the richer he becomes.

The way of Heaven is to do good

without causing harm.

The way of the wise man is to act without opposition.