What do you think of intuitive trading? - page 7

Question for you, is intuition a product of experience or experience a hindrance to intuition?
Question for you, is intuition a product of experience or experience a hindrance to intuition?

Definitely a product of experience. If it is a hindrance, it means that experience has not yet been extracted.
Question for you to ask, is intuition a product of experience or experience a hindrance to intuition?

Definitely a product of experience. If it is a hindrance, it means that experience has not yet been extracted.
What about trance immersion, information from outside, etc. bullshit?

It is an interesting area of trading, but far from new. Perhaps my revelation will make my colleagues smile, but at one time I was quite seriously considering the approaches discussed as an alternative. I systematically considered all found "methods of forecasting", evaluated them, but finally I stopped at really ancient and very powerful system of forecasting the future - I Ching. It's not a "coffee grounds" reading, but a teaching. Beneath it lies a profound philosophy and laws of the fundamental unity of all things. By the way, this science (and it really is a science), studied by many great and small psychologists, physicists and mathematicians and each of them came to one simple conclusion - "it works". I have to say that I succeeded quite well, much better than many profitable systems :o)))

PS: by the way, I-ching also uses fractals :o)


Well, the men have spoken...

And how do they compare with the post of a woman who happened to be knocked up here? Alas, very pale. Apart from Niroba, who found nothing better to do than write this vulgarity, all rushed to talk about intuition. Not just about intuition, but about the subject! How to use it in the Forex market? After ballistiki's post it sounds like a nail on the glass. But come on, it's understandable - in every post you can see the author's blatant materialism.

I have an acquaintance who is about to turn 50 but has no luck with women - he's a confirmed bachelor. Maybe it's because as soon as he sees a woman his behaviour changes dramatically, he tries to "put down" all the men around him and present himself in the best possible light, trying to please a woman in every way and almost to flatter himself in front of her.

When women appeared on the forum, I noticed similar symptoms in your behaviour.

My dear friend, Yurix, let me ask you, do you have a woman? No offense, just curious. :)

My dear friend, you don't need to work as a psychologist, EVERYTHING! :) You'll never make it...

NYROBA, no offence, just saying...

Jurix, you keep evading answers. So is that a yes or a no?! I'm waiting for your answer. :)

Question to ask, is intuition a product of experience or experience a hindrance to intuition?

Definitely a product of experience. If it is a hindrance, it means that experience has not yet been extracted.
How then is trance immersion, outside information, etc. bullshit?

Trance immersion is forced access to unconscious psychic processes - it fits the concept. Receiving information from the outside like contacting is unhealthy.

This is an interesting area of trading, but far from new. Perhaps my revelation will make my colleagues smile, but at one time I was quite seriously considering the approaches discussed as an alternative. I systematically considered all found "methods of forecasting", evaluated them, but finally I stopped at really ancient and very powerful system of forecasting the future - I Ching. It's not a "coffee grounds" reading, but a teaching. Beneath it lies a profound philosophy and laws of the fundamental unity of all things. By the way, this science (and it really is a science), studied by many great and small psychologists, physicists and mathematicians and each of them came to one simple conclusion - "it works". And I must say that I have worked quite well, much better than many profitable systems :o)))

PS: by the way, I-ching also uses fractals :o)

And you wrote an Expert Advisor?
And have you written an advisor?

That's a good joke. Admittedly, I had the idea of writing such an "advisor" as an already "mathematical joke", but somehow I didn't have time to do nonsense, although in principle it is possible (i.e. transferring it to the market), but would be completely contrary to the philosophy of this doctrine.

For the sake of interest, I looked on the Internet, and the first thing I found was: http://china.kulichki.com/yijing/. I had a Master; everything is automated here, just for materialists. It is no worse than the coin flip (in terms of strategy), and even looks cooler. :о))))

I had a Teacher, and this is all automated, just for materialists.


Yes, the I Ching is an amazing thing. The oldest book in China. Binary numbering, dialectics, structural and, at the same time, figurative thinking are all in it. Confucius studied the I Ching for most of his life, and yet at the end he said: "I wish I had more time. I wish I had 50 more years..."

Sergey, you are lucky.

Sergei, you're lucky.

Lucky in what way? That I abandoned everything because of my youth and stupidity? More likely, not very lucky, and knowing the above, it's just too late :o(