What do you think of intuitive trading? - page 8

Trance immersion is forced access to unconscious mental processes - fits the concept. Receiving information from outside such as contacting is unhealthy.

And what are unconscious mental processes? Is it when a person thinks unconsciously? :-))

And who directs these processes if consciousness is resting at that moment? And why is this impossible in a conscious state? How does consciousness interfere with these processes?

If information received from outside corresponds to reality, what is unhealthy about it? Does not man get information for his mental activity from outside? Maybe from within?

If you admit the existence of the phenomenon of contact, with whom is this contact? Who is on the other side of the wire ? :-) Why is a weightlifter's or runner's talent, absolute hearing or super sharp sight considered rare but normal and a talent to get information from other sources or to cure without a knife or medicines considered abnormal and forbidden ? Just because you can't see a barbell, a piano or a table of letters? Or because you can't check the validity yourself? Or maybe you are just scared ? :-)

A psychiatrist said "the norm is relative". This is to say that many people "connect, meditate, catch unknown waves" etc., etc., while easily ripping off gullible suckers. This is what many "contact, meditate, catch waves, etc." are doing, while at the same time they are at ease stealing from gullible suckers.
Trance immersion is forced access to unconscious psychic processes - fits the concept. Receiving information from outside such as contacting is unhealthy.

1. What are unconscious mental processes? It is when a person thinks unconsciously ? :-))

And who directs these processes if consciousness is at rest at this moment? 3. And why is this impossible in a conscious state? How does consciousness interfere with these processes?

4. If information received from outside corresponds to reality, what is unhealthy about it? Does not man draw information for his mental activity from outside? Maybe from within?

5. If you admit the existence of such a phenomenon as contacting, with whom is this contacting ? Who is on the other side of the wire ? :-) Why is a weightlifter's or runner's talent, absolute hearing or super sharp sight considered rare but normal and a talent to take information from other sources or to treat without a knife or medicine something abnormal and forbidden ? Just because you cannot see a barbell, a grand piano or a letter chart? Or because you can't check the validity yourself? Or maybe you are just scared ? :-)

1. All processes that take place in the mind, but the person is not aware that they are taking place.

2. they work according to a programme formed at the moment of its inception.

3. Perhaps. Consciousness does not interfere with them, it is they who are not available to consciousness.

4 It is like flying a plane, holding a steering wheel with one hand and a "Pilot's Guide" with the other. It is one thing to perceive the environment (unambiguously from the outside) and to transform this perception on the basis of one's own experience in order to make a decision. It is another thing to receive information from the outside (contact) which is like reading a book by an unknown author.

5. Anybody. Show credible information provided by the contactors, a deep analysis will find at least one fly in the ointment on a barrel of honey. I prefer the biblical concept - "man was created in the image and likeness of God" - that is, there is nothing external. Sundakov did a good job exposing Filipino hit men. There was a programme on television. He paid a lot of money and was operated on by a chiller, swiped a swab of his own blood, analysed it and found out that it was swine blood. I have been treated without medication, it's a different story - you can check the results objectively. It's okay, but experience has shown that most magicians are charlatans, they sing about humanity and exist on the alms of their followers... If they are so capable - they would go to forex - 2-4 times the deposit per day, so they would take a month away from preaching and provide a comfortable existence for themselves and their followers. But no - they want to get a grant from some fund, like Soros ... and teach people about life.

So I began to write a treatise :-)


I have an acquaintance who is about to turn fifty but has no luck with women - he's a confirmed bachelor. Maybe it's because as soon as he sees any woman his behaviour changes drastically, he tries to "put down" all the guys around him and present himself in the best possible light, all the while trying to please women and just about flatter himself in front of them.

When women appear on the forum, I have noticed similar symptoms in your behaviour.

My dear friend, Jurix, let me ask you, do you have a woman? No offence, just curious. :)

My dear friend, you don't need to work as a psychologist, EVERYTHING! :) You'll never make it...

NYROBA, no offense, I'm just saying...

Jurix, you keep evading answers. So is that a yes or a no?! I'm waiting for your answer. :)

On the contrary, Alex, I am very frank with you. Can you guess why?

And my answer is totally clear and simple: you are hopelessly wrong in your (of course, made up with a known purpose) assumptions. But if you are so interested in my personal life, I can add to it. My relationship with women is one of the brightest aspects of my life. I love women and they pay me back in kind. That being said, I don't humiliate myself in front of them, much less humiliate them. If that's hard for you to understand, you're missing out on something important in life, or you're just behind your age. Of all the women I have known in my life, there is not one that I have not been able to look into the eyes of with a clear conscience. And there is hardly a single woman who is not happy to meet or holds a grudge. Although, like every man, I have made many mistakes in my life, including in my relationships with women.

Now, after you have forced me to spread about my personal life (which is not very nice, and I am quite aware of it) I want to tell you something about you. In the way of psychological help, so to speak. You won't accept it, of course. Your pride, your thirst for self-assertion will not allow you to do so. But maybe later, when your ego is asleep and your conscience is not, you will be able to look at yourself from this side and understand something.

On page 3 of this thread, responding to that big, seminal ballistiki post, I wrote about youth: "Her job so far is to assert herself. And then, right after me and two posts after ballistiki, you completely quote her entire post just to write your worthless, meaningless, but at the same time pompous to outrageous phrase. That's a prime example of a person trying to assert himself at someone else's expense. There were no thoughts in your phrase, but the attempt to put yourself above the person who said so much, and so vividly, it hurts right in the eyes.

There's more. You responded to me with a tearful story about someone you know. Alex, don't you realise that your problems are much bigger than this guy's? He's trying to "put down" men (ugly, of course, but it's simple male competition on an animal level), and you've tried to "put down" a woman. Who you, meanwhile, have never seen and will never see. Who never touched you, never touched you, never touched you, never even knew you existed. Alex, it's kindergarten boys pulling girls' braids to please them. What about you? Don't you know any other ways to draw a woman's attention besides pulling it roughly? If you have nothing else to show her, then show her at least your stature.

One more thing. A little enlightenment. In order to write a post on the forum is not necessary to press the link to respond. You can simply write your own in the editor window and add a comment. Using a quote makes sense if the post you want to reply to is on other pages, far away, and its content needs to be retrieved in memory for a related reading of your reply. Or when you are replying to a specific location. Then when quoting, everything but that place is removed from the post. Not only does this improve comprehension, but it also saves screen space - which also helps comfort reading.

You quoted a 10-page post next to it just to write one line that has nothing to do with what ballistika wrote. Are you sane? If yes, then you just don't give a damn about those who will read your post. That is, it was such an original way to express their immense self.

That's what I'm writing to you about.


1. With whom. Show reliable information given by contactors, at deep analysis on a barrel of honey at least one spoon of tar will be found.

2. It's okay, it's just that experience shows that most magicians are charlatans, singing about humanity, existing on the handouts of their followers...

Well, here I am beginning to write a treatise:-)

Well, that's good. It's off to a decent start. :-)

1. If you acknowledge the presence of a barrel of honey, the spoon of tar no longer matters. It's like with swans. To prove the claim "all swans are white" false, it is enough to find at least one non-white one. That is why the opponents of all such phenomena are in a difficult position. If there is at least one case when charlatanism, fraud, etc. are absent, i.e. the phenomenon is real and not a trick, it is already a reason for any sane person to think and admit that there is something that does not fit in the modern scientific knowledge. And this is a topic for research, not necessarily in a laboratory. Everyone is able to conduct such research and come to relevant conclusions. One has only to be an honest, interested in discovering the truth researcher. Not to defend the comfort of one's own rigid, ossified worldview.

2. there have always been charlatans and there will always be charlatans. There is always someone who wants to get their hands on someone else's ignorance. If there were no carnivores, who would take care of the herbivores ? :-)) The most interesting thing is that the number of quacks in all spheres of material activities as a percentage is no less than the number of quacks in esoterics. 30% of medicines sold in legitimate pharmacies are fake. Yet everyone goes to pharmacies for medicines. Doesn't it bother you?

In order not to be a victim of a fraud or charlatan, it is not enough to trust no one and be against it in principle. It has never saved anyone. You have to know or know how to do it yourself. As far as medicines are concerned - it is practically impossible. As for a person's abilities - everything is in his hands (or rather - in his mind). It is not so difficult to reach a level at which it is easy to distinguish a charlatan from a non charlatan.

If the biblical concept "a man is created in God's image and likeness" is appealing to you, so you acknowledge the fractal nature of the world, and together with it - inseparable links of small fractals with bigger ones, and of bigger ones - with the Big one. :-)


I've got a friend who's about to turn fifty but has no luck with women - he's a confirmed bachelor. Maybe it's because as soon as he sees a woman his behaviour changes radically and he tries to put all the guys around him down and present himself in the best possible light, all the while trying to please a woman and try to put up a good front.

When women appear on the forum, I have noticed similar symptoms in your behaviour.

My dear friend, Jurix, let me ask you, do you have a woman? No offence, just curious. :)

My dear friend, you don't need to work as a psychologist, EVERYTHING! :) You'll never make it...

NYROBA, no offense, I'm just saying...

Jurix, you keep evading answers. So is that a yes or a no?! I'm waiting for your answer. :)

On the contrary, Alex, I'm being very frank with you. Can you guess why?

I love women and they pay me.

Honestly, I never would have guessed that. :)

Jurix, by your logic, since you don't have a state, you must have something to show for it! You must be a GIANT!? :0)


Yes, Alex, I understand that's all you can do.

You want to answer, but you can't. Well, then all's fair. What conscience...

It was a moment of choice, which every man faces every day many times. Your choice is clear. You've lost in a small way. You'll lose in a big way.

Sergei, you're lucky.

Lucky in what way? That I abandoned everything because of my youth and stupidity? More likely, not very lucky, and knowing the above, it's just too late :o(

Lucky in that you had a Teacher. It is very rare to meet a Teacher these days.
A little bit about the unconscious:<br / translate="no"> All processes and phenomena occurring on our planet have a hidden rhythm. Rhythm of light manifests itself in its wave structure, the same can be said about the sound. Each colour of the spectrum has its own rhythm. Even your heart beats to a certain rhythm. In the last few decades, scientists have discovered that during brain activity you have waves that you can measure. These waves are closely related to whether you are sleeping or awake, relaxed or tense. They also depend on whether you are healthy or sick. All desires, anxieties, stresses and worries you are experiencing are reflected in brain rhythms, so don't get too excited, my dear friend Jurix. In short, brain rhythms are a product of the state you are in.
In research, scientists have determined that there are four main types of brain waves: beta, alpha, theta and delta, with each of these wave types corresponding to one of four levels of brain activity. The frequency of each wave type is measured in cycles per second. The waves can be visually observed in a graphical representation that shows the electroencephalogram.
When you are in a delta state, your brain produces waves that range in frequency from 1 cycle per two seconds to 4 cycles per second. The delta is the area of deep sleep and the so-called unconscious state.
When you are in the theta state, your brain produces waves with a frequency of 5 to 7 cycles per second. Theta is also a sleep state.
When you are in the alpha state, your brain produces waves with a frequency of 8 to 13 cycles per second. Alpha is a state of deep sleep accompanied by dreams. This state is often referred to as the REM (rapid eye movement) state. When a person is dreaming their eyeballs move quickly.
In the Beta state the frequency of brain wave activity ranges from 14 to 40 cycles per second. This is the condition of the average person while awake. The average person's brain produces beta waves with a frequency of 21 cycles per second while performing normal functions. When a person is excited, fearful, jealous or angry, the frequency of their beta waves increases. Poor health, hyper-excitability, inability to concentrate, and many other unpleasant phenomena are partially a product of increased beta frequency. Yurix, are you getting this through your head? :)
The rhythm of good health, high intelligence, a high degree of concentration - the rhythm of a genius - is below 19 cycles per second. Stress and anxiety are associated with a brain wave frequency greater than 21 cycles per second. With a frequency greater than 21 cycles per second, immunity is reduced, and stress causes many diseases.
The maximum frequency of brain activity waves does not exceed 85 cycles per second - this extreme frequency corresponds to an epileptic seizure, when the brain is at its most agitated.
did you steal this from here? http://bookap.org/popular/silva3/gl2.shtm:-)