What do you think of intuitive trading? - page 6


The secret lies in the special state he enters. As a master of NLP, I received information from him allowing me to enter such a trance state, but I have not yet found the time to repeat this state for myself (you need to extract the description of the state from the artistic description, or more precisely, the most important points).

There is one peculiarity in this state, SK wrote about it here - in this state you do not need anything. How does your comrade solve this issue, how does he motivate himself to work in this state?

The secret lies in the special state he enters. As a master of NLP, I received information from him allowing me to enter a similar trance state, but I have not yet found time to repeat this state for myself (here we need to extract the description of the state from the artistic description, or rather, the most important points).

There is one peculiarity about this state, SK wrote about it here - you don't need anything in this state. How does your comrade solve this issue, how does he motivate himself to work in this state?

All right ... so it is - it is I about a state in which NOTHING needs to be done ... I also work only on minute charts and occasionally look at five-minute charts to see the current trend... But mostly I feel the "Pulse of the market" through a chart in the "Order Window" (when it's called to Open or Close - on the screen). I never know, with what figure in the plus I close (with "minuses" - clearly. There is a "stop-loss") I leave the market, when I just see that it's time (and do not look at the "profit" and think - well, one more point - and close) ...I just look at the chart and feel the dynamics of the market, I determine its confidence or uncertainty - the rapidity of candle formation, the frequency and depth of drawdowns, the duration of sideways, and just at the formation of the current candle can with some accuracy predict what candle will be - the next (but it is - just a habit, more precisely - the result of long and careful study of the market ...If I'm not in the market, I won't get into the market... I'm afraid of abrupt moves - a bounce and reversal can happen at any time... Ftbonacci numbers disappoint me - when they work, and when they don't... And their authenticity statistics is not interesting for me.

Here, besides the intuitive way - there is a COMPLETELY EARTHLY and really understandable ... I decided for myself this way - madam developers, based on understandable principles (and maybe not only - I speak for myself now), assigned SPEEDs (their size in pips) to all currency pairs - depending on the market. Without going into the basis of their bindings, I decided for myself the following - if a pair (any) is running a minute candle size of TWO SPREDS - then on such days and the movements occurring by such SPREDS (on minute charts), I do not trade ... All the CHANGES - I skip them without regret... So - during last week I earned $20 (twenty) dollars... And I don't regret it... The news on "Job Creation" on Friday - I just watched it visually... I NEEDED it... So I didn't get it in...

Working manually by the minute is exhausting, especially if you are always staring at the monitor and looking for entry points. I'm not talking about a few charts. This is what made me think hard about MTS a couple of years ago, so as not to turn into a half-blind impotent person.

And second: to work successfully in practically pure noise (and that's exactly what the minutes are, especially taking into account that news and movements with candlesticks greater than 2 spreads are skipped), you need a really powerful intuition, i.e. abilities that are much higher than what can be done by ordinary analytical mind. I have not noticed such intuition in application to Forex - that is why I am looking for my MTS. Suum cuiqite.

Suppose my MTS will not make me 180 pips a day (1800 U.S. dollars on 1 lot), but only 30 (hehe, the dream of many, right?), but - as rightly noted ballistika- I can save more time for myself and my loved ones ...

I have an acquaintance from the Fidonet computer network. The man has increased his deposit about 30 times in the last year (from a thousand to about $30,000, and has withdrawn money several times, so it could actually be much more). No indicators - just a 1 or 5 minute chart with volumes in front of him, history for the last few hours.

The whole secret is in the special state it goes into. As a master of NLP, I received information from him, which allows me to enter such a trance state, but I have not found time to repeat this state for myself (here we need to extract the description of the state, or rather, the most important points from the artistic description).

In our heads, we have the most powerful . So, my friend and I have been working on LSTM-networks for about a year (you can find on the Internet what are neural networks based on LSTM technology, but the articles are in English only, none of them is translated into Russian yet) - so far we have an expert giving 1000 points per year on any instrument, even on the ones the network has not been trained on. Our networks have from 200 to 1000 neurons, less than a jellyfish has. The human brain has 10 to 20 billion neurons, and much more information has been accumulated than can be invested in a computer neural network.

Moral - study neural networks, artificial intelligence, etc. I think sooner or later it will be possible to make a model of human "intuition" ;) After all, intuition is an ability to make correct decisions in the absence of formalizable information - a task just for a neural network.

Here, an example. The man clearly knows what he is talking about. But he doesn't have a very good idea of how it might end.

You can use any basis - any belief - neural networks, pattern recognition, numerical methods, whatever. In all of these large sets of information, market patterns are hidden to one degree or another. With the right data processing, this will produce results. Results quite comparable to the numbers mentioned. And even more - we can construct an algorithm that will give 9:1 profitable and losing orders and, considering that the profit is larger than the loss, the ratio of absolute numbers can reach 20:1. This is good.

But please, just hear me again - this special trance state, all this NLP and intuition - it may be fun only at an early stage. On the whole, as a phenomenon in the developed period, it is dangerous, pernicious, and in some cases leads to insanity and even death. Even if, by some miracle, you manage to stay in a rut, you must remain in that state for years in order to get results. That in itself is physically very hard. It is not good.

Do MTS, ATS, scripts, advisors and indicators. Do it well.

SK. said it very well. I will add: and test very well.
SK. писал (а):

But please, just hear it again - this particular trance state, all this NLP and intuition stuff - it can only be fun at an early stage. On the whole, as a phenomenon in the developed period, it is dangerous, pernicious, and in some cases leads to insanity and even death. Even if, by some miracle, you manage to stay in a rut, you must remain in that state for years in order to get results. That in itself is physically very hard. It is not good.

A man develops, what was previously available to him in the trance state achieved with the help of some techniques, with experience becomes available in the ordinary state of consciousness.

Well, the men have spoken...

And how do they compare with the post of a woman who happened to be knocked up here? Alas, very pale. Apart from Niroba, who found nothing better to do than write this vulgarity, all rushed to talk about intuition. Not just about intuition, but about the subject! How to use it in the Forex market? After ballistiki's post it sounds like a nail on the glass. But come on, it's understandable - in every post you can see the author's blatant materialism.

I know a guy who's about to turn fifty but has no luck with women - he's a confirmed bachelor. Maybe it's because as soon as he sees any woman his behaviour changes dramatically, he tries to "put down" all the men around him and present himself in the best possible light, all the while trying to please a woman and just about flatter himself in front of her.

When women appeared on the forum, I noticed similar symptoms in your behaviour.

My dear friend, Yurix, let me ask you, do you have a woman? No offense, just curious. :)


ballistika: I wrote that in my opinion the world around us is chaos and not a coherent system ... But even in this chaos, periodic recurring events occur which accompany the occurrence ... You just need to pay attention and understand why THIS occurs ... Yes, yes, yes ... This is INTUITION ... And every person should SEE YOUR OWN, INDIVIDUAL EXPRESSION ...

sereganlp: Мораль - изучаем нейросети, искуственный интеллект и т.п. Думаю, рано или поздно удастся сделать модель человеческой "интуиции" ;) В конце концов, интуиция - это способность принимать верные решения при нехватке формализуемой информации - задача как раз для нейросети.

Integer: Intuition is the result of unconscious mental processes. Consequently, if you increase awareness, intuition turns into thinking.

Mathemat: to work successfully in almost pure noise, one needs a really powerful intuition, i.e. an ability far beyond what one can do with an ordinary analytical mind.

Thank you all for articulating your point of view.

Ballistika and Mathemat do not seem to insist on the material nature of intuition, while ballistika writes "periodically recurring events accompanying a SEEKING phenomenon", by SEEKING she means, as I understand it, a premonition which arises in oneself. And events are what happens outside and after the presentiment. Thus, intuition is the ability to foresee the future and to do so not on the basis of some rational information, but from an inner and completely unaccountable feeling. And Mathemat, hopefully, by "vastly exceeding" meant that the analytical mind simply cannot reach this ability. That is, the mind is able to grasp what intuition tells it, on the basis of the data available to it, it cannot get the same conclusions on its own. Ultimately, this leads to the notion that intuition is an intangible, and therefore unformalizable, phenomenon.

Contrary to this, Integer believes that mind is the source of those decisions, which we attribute to intuition. It just does not comprehend from what data and why these decisions arise. So, there are two mental processes: 1. Analysis, logics, synthesis, visible and conscious process of mind activity, and 2. Subconscious thinking process, which is based on known facts, but occurs in unknown way according to unknown laws, resulting in decision which we cannot ground logically and, therefore, we consider it as intuition. The statement made by sereganlp is even more concrete: intuition is the same analysis, logic and synthesis (i.e. a formalisable process), only very complex (just like the human brain). And so it will eventually be formalised.

I will add here my own, obviously non-materialistic IMHO, for collection as well. The mind is an instrument of rational (or, what is the same, scientific) cognition of the world. By investigating the surrounding reality (in the laboratory this is an experiment, in life it is experience) the mind, from the repeatability of these or those cause-and-effect relations, by means of logic, deduces the laws of nature. The trap of this rational approach is that the successes of science over the last hundred years have convinced almost everyone that it is indeed possible to know the world this way. All the way to the end. The truth, however, is that nature is infinite and human knowledge is finite. Therefore it is impossible for man to know the world in this way. It is the same as the fact that a circle will never cover the whole plane. No matter how much you increase its radius, the area of the circle is finite and the area of the plane ...

On the other hand consciousness is an immaterial phenomenon. The processes going on in the human organism and brain and accompanying the work of the consciousness, all this biophysics and biochemistry is not its nature or its essence, but only its reflection on the material plane. But nature has other plans, and man exists in them. Well, though one cannot feel them as well as a computer, which convinces many that they do not exist at all. In reality it is also a question of experience and anyone can touch it who will not close themselves off from reality with the dogma "It can't be because it can never be".

So it is possible to receive information and knowledge from these plans as well as from the material one. And so much more. Intuition is the contact with these plans, due to which one can know the nearest future. Or remote. Or the past. Or that which has not been hitherto known to mankind. Or experience sensations that cannot be known in the material world. It is an infinite source of Knowledge. And it is an irrational way of comprehending the world. Irrational in the sense that it does not require experiments, computers, logic. Knowledge is revealed immediately and in its entirety. Especially impressionable people shout "Eureka!!!"

What does this have to do with forex? That's what it has to do with it.

Joining everything that SK said. I would like to add to its good and bad. The opportunities that subtle plans open up for human beings are immense and the touch to them is a great gift. As it is usual among people, one treats this gift with respect, with care and, most importantly, with full awareness of one's responsibility, while the other (a gift has come as a gift) treats it on the contrary. However, everything that we receive in our life, including life itself, is not given to us by chance, but with a purpose, everything has a meaning. If a man has not understood the meaning of his life, its purpose, if he does not know why he received something, he will not be able to use it in a right way. This means that he will use it for bad, not only and not so much for others, but for himself. This is how one earns negative karma. Therefore, a great wealth is a great trial. One who has not coped with it will lose it in this life. But it is not even a misfortune, the worst will come later, in other lives. Who does not believe you can ask ballistiki how what happens to her, connected to the past incarnations. And at the same time how she changed her view of his life after she learned the past.

Especially zealous in unrighteous use of what they receive from the subtle planes pay the price in this life. Not only are they deprived of their extra-powers, but they also perish very tragically. I have witnessed several such fates and am grateful for the lesson learned by another's example. But again, the premature end of this life is a salvation compared to what may await a person in the next. Dreadful mutilation, a congenital disease, a fate full of suffering, something that takes a man all his life without him even knowing WHY. All this is just an expression of a law incomparably more fundamental than, for instance, the law of gravitation. According to this law EVERYTHING we do will receive its retribution. Inevitably and justly. Though, he, who does not see anything, which cannot be touched with hands, will never know when and for what.

Please do not rush to accuse me of religious fanaticism. It is better to think in quietness of mind and spirit how could exist the world in general, if this law of justice would not work? How could the evolution and development of man and nature take place, if the evil, i.e. destruction of life in broad sense of this word, would not receive inevitable and just retribution? It is not a reckoning at all, but a lesson, a return to man of what he himself has done. Because another formulation of the same law: what you give you will also receive, but tenfold. How else can we teach a person to appreciate Life?

Therefore everyone is free to choose, what is good and what is bad for him. Maybe a person's losses are not so terrible if he is not prepared to manage his money properly. So one should be glad that one has lost a little and has not run into a lot. At least I have interpreted my failures on the exchange market in this way. And for others who have made a lot of money (or fame, or power), it is worth wondering whether they are ready to take on the burden, why they need it all? It also happens that a man is given what he passionately wants, because only having received it and done a lot of nonsense, having gone through great trials and acquired negative experiences, he can reassess values, to debunk his own illusions and abandon them, and as a result open himself up for further development.

Therefore, regardless of one's intuition or not, one should always think over what he/she needs it for and compare how he/she would like to use it and how he/she should do it on conscience. Honesty with oneself in such matters always leads to the right decision.

PS I apologize to anyone who finds this too long, but it doesn't get any shorter. The world is very simple, but it is very hard to understand it.


I'll put in my five cents (cents, shillings, eurocents...)
on the one hand intuition is recycled experience... and I also see intuition as a sense of the market...
and in my opinion, it is acquired only as a result of constant trading practice.
For example, looking at how (exactly how) a particular model is built online, you can say with a high enough probability when (!) and where the price will go.
It is easier to do it on small intervals, because the dynamics are more "fun".
When you try to master any eastern (western etc.) practice of spiritual perfection (I admit that I do it myself), intuition development etc. without a reasonable understanding of what you are doing. it's like cooking food when you read a physiology or chemistry textbook... you know what foods are made of, what you need for normal human nutrition... and you make dumplings with peaches...
so you can read Zeland until you're out of breath, but you can't get money...
Mindfulness is an important trait in any activity.

Well, the men have spoken...

And how do they compare with the post of a woman who happened to be knocked up here? Alas, very pale. Apart from Niroba, who found nothing better to do than write this vulgarity, all rushed to talk about intuition. Not just about intuition, but about the subject! How to use it in the Forex market? After ballistiki's post it sounds like a nail on the glass. But come on, it's understandable - in every post you can see the author's blatant materialism.

I know a guy who's about to turn 50 but has no luck with women - he's a confirmed bachelor. Maybe it's because as soon as he sees a woman his behaviour changes dramatically and he tries to put all the men around him down and present himself in the best possible light, all the while trying to please and almost flatter the woman.

When women appeared on the forum, I noticed similar symptoms in your behaviour.

My dear friend, Yurix, let me ask you, do you have a woman? No offense, just curious. :)

My dear friend, you don't need to work as a psychologist, EVERYTHING! :) You won't make it...

NYROBA, no offence, just saying...