NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 84

Yurixx писал (а) >>

This definition you gave only shows that you have a rather narrow understanding of the meaning of the word. So you substitute its real meaning with your own interpretation. Because everything after the dash in the quote is just your own interpretation, not that of any dictionary.

Cash is money that is available. As opposed to credit funds, securities, real estate, etc. It doesn't matter whether it's in your pocket, or in a bank account, or on your card. So you are right, "CASH means cash". But you're wrong and cash isn't just "currency in the form of notes or coins" at all.

If there are cash and carry shops in your town, you can go there without notes but with a card and make sure you don't get kicked out. :-)

Hmmm... I gave two definitions, one domestic the other financial... For some reason you ( strangely ) saw only one. OK. If the domestic one is clearly tied to what is available here and now and what the other party who gets it can turn into "cash" very quickly and without too much trouble ( liquidity ) By the way find out what "currency" means :)) ... Well, that's what cash is. What's in the cash box :))

:)) That ( :)) makes me fucking laugh at this whole argument ) Well, the fact that I have a debit card (large account balance) or credit card (with a zero account balance ... for example at this moment) write off the money from it when purchasing does not make this payment either cash or not ... :))

Guys. Use your head once in a while. No offense, okay... :)

The second, financial - defines in fact the jargon of financiers, which keeps the essence of the properties of these certain "funds", namely, their accessibility and both the recipient and the owner / payer.

Sometimes it's worth going back to the beginning and just looking in an English-Russian dictionary. The first meaning is simply money.
Yurixx писал (а) >>

The definition you gave only shows that you have a very narrow understanding of the word.

That's just it. Narrow-mindedness just oozes from both forex pioneers. It's like the parable of the elephant and the three blind men. They grabbed a little piece of knowledge and think they know the world.

Whoever has studied foreign languages at a normal level knows that literal translation is a great sin. It's not right to translate words, you have to translate concepts. The same word means different things in different contexts. Cash will mean different things in different situations.

If a friend asks you if you have any cache, he's probably interested in borrowing a tenner for lunch (with a piece of paper).

If a bank asks you if you have cachet when applying for a loan, they are not interested in paper, they care about the money in the account.

If a shop promises to pay cash, pay less - it means that by paying with paper, credit card, cheque, you can get a discount, for the shop everything that is not on credit is cash.

timbo писал (а) >>

That's just it. Narrow-mindedness just oozes from both forex pioneers. It's like the parable of the elephant and the three blind men. They grabbed a little piece of knowledge and believe they know the world.

Whoever has studied foreign languages on a normal level knows that literal translation is a great sin. It is not right to translate words, you have to translate concepts. The same word means different things in different contexts. It will mean different concepts in different situations.

If a friend asks if you have cash, he is probably interested in borrowing a tenner for lunch (a piece of paper).

If a bank asks you if you have any cash when applying for a loan, they are not interested in paper, they care about the money in the account.

If the shop promises pay cash, pay less - it means that by paying with paper, credit card, cheque, you can get a discount, for the shop anything not on credit is cash.

Timbo, you're a stubborn one... Like an asshole...

Here's a Russian Wiktionary for cash,

Here's a wikipedia in English - Cash.

Here's a dictionary search: Dictionaries and encyclopedias at the academy, type in "cash" and search.

Here's an economics dictionary: Cash -- search results.

Here's a dictionary of marketing terms: cash discounts.

And lastly, to make it clearer to you - the term cash in the sense of "NOT on credit"... Refers to the financial sphere... It has nothing to do with payments in the shop... The shop needs cash in the sense of live money... in the sense of quick bills... And cheques are no good there... Believe me... :)) There is such a thing in today's world as "e-cash" just for your development ... :)))

Trust me, the shop doesn't care which card you use to pay with cash-debit or credit card ... It's important for you. And in today's world, the shop doesn't care, that's what electronic payment is now...

It's you who will end up paying less...

Anyway. Okay. You still won't apologize... And you're going to be here till you're blue in the face. And I'm getting bored with it. I've already rewritten... :))

NProgrammer писал (а) >>

If the household is clearly tied to what is available here and now and what the other party who receives it can turn it into "cash" very quickly and without much trouble ( liquidity ) Well, that's what cash is.

Well, dear, you are close to the understanding that the money in the account is also cash (when paying e.g. with a card in a shop). And about credits, you haven't understood that yet. You are talking about credits, which are given to the buyer by the seller. In that case, the seller gets nothing but a deferred payment. When the buyer is credited by a bank (e.g. with a credit card), the seller does not care whose money the buyer has to pay with. He gets his cash immediately.

In general, do not strain yourself to show your literacy. Read what PapaYozh wrote and hopefully you'll understand what this is all about. And if you do, help the man figure it out. He's got a lot of questions for an expert.

Wikipedia is certainly a source of knowledge))))
Yurixx писал (а) >>

Well, dearie, you are now close to realising that the money in your account is also cash (when you pay with a card in a shop, for example). And as for the credits, you haven't caught on yet. You are talking about credits, which are given to the buyer by the seller. In that case, the seller gets nothing but a deferred payment. When the buyer is credited by a bank (e.g. with a credit card), the seller does not care whose money the buyer has to pay with. He gets his cash immediately.

In general, do not strain yourself to show your literacy. Read what PapaYozh wrote and hopefully you'll understand what this is all about. And if you do, help the man figure it out. He has a lot of questions for an expert.

Amazing people... Do you really want to be rubbed nose in your amateurism... :)) Turpila, shops don't give credit! ... :)) I'm gonna die laughing. And wikipedia for them, and dictionaries... And they're still trying to write something against it... Tell me, what would have to happen for you to be wrong and just shut up? Like if old Buffett writes to you... :))

Yurixx shops don't give credit.... :)))

Integer писал (а) >>
Wikipedia is certainly a source of knowledge))))

Yeah, I mean, they're bullshitting over there. And you integer are just a treasure trove of knowledge... Integer, go write a proofreading of the wikipedia article... I'll have a laugh...

Yeah, and dictionaries? Ahh, also a conspiracy. :))

shops, no credit, but people buy in shops both on credit and in instalments - what a paradox