NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 87


No, Erics, intuition is not biochemistry. Pavlovian-style training applies to learning... how shall I put this more simply... the somatic mind, according to Hubbard (i.e. the part of the mind that is responsible for controlling the body - including reflexes). Intuition, on the other hand, is a phenomenon of at least as good as the analytical mind (if not even better) and cannot be trained in this way.

P.S. The somatic mind, "body mind", learns the lessons of pain much quicker, since it acts primarily for the survival of the biological body.

These discharges are not a reinforcing signal according to Pavlov, but a problem causing activation. If Hubbard is to be remembered - "if there are unsolvable problems, add to the problems". Only problems have to be truly added to. For soldiers learning to shoot, these wires are a real problem, it is difficult to create a real problem for yourself.
Integer писал (а) >>
You've tried all that and nothing's worked?

Why are you being so...

I'm trying to keep young minds from doing rash things that can have unpredictable mental and health consequences.

And you want to make fun of me. That's low.


I won't do it again :-)

Erics писал (а) >>

I see what you're up against, and I agree that you shouldn't try to control your intuition. It's all the more futile.

You can probably develop it very well, but you can't make yourself "intuitive" in the future.

It can simply go silent, and it is uncontrollable.

In fact, that's not what I was writing about:

- about the methodology of training one's brain

- that learning is natural - through repetition of situations (learning from history)

- They have invented and tested it on animals and people and surely use the electric shock educational method to its fullest extent.

The most interesting and controversial point is the last one.

Its essence is to involve the body in the process of learning at the level of emotions and feelings.

As in life.

If a person turns out to be right, he feels something (joy, satisfaction, pride...).

made a mistake - he/she also feels something (disappointment, pain, regret...).

At the biochemical level, these emotions reset synapses in the brain and the person changes (is trained).

Using discharge allows the person to 'engage' in the learning process, to feel.

It is like guessing the direction of the price on history, to feel the actual loss of money or gain each time.

The meaning of your reasoning is clear. However, it is wrong.

Approximately the same reasoning was used by mechanics-engineers, who tried to create a perpetual motion machine (from levers, weights and springs).

In reality, you cannot transcend the laws of nature, you can only discover and use them (including forex).

In the matter of intuition, the key concept is "consciousness".

Many people mistakenly perceive consciousness as a certain property of the brain. In reality, this is not the case. On the contrary, brain is a primitive serving mechanism, while consciousness plays a major role. And consciousness itself is based not on neurons of the brain but on the fact that there is life in man.

The process that you want to train. The process you would like to train goes in the opposite direction: our brain registers the "evaluation of consciousness" and reproduces all kinds of processes in the head, which are perceived by the brain as joy, danger, etc.

Intuition is the essence of manifestation of a more developed consciousness (it only indicates its conditional "proximity"). Within the framework of the common physical consciousness, one cannot train intuition and put it under the control of the (physical! consciousness), much less achieve it by irritating the nervous system of the physical body. This is impossible not because we cannot master the secret method, but because intuition does not belong to the physical body and the physical consciousness, it is simply not their competence. Intuition is an external object in relation to physical consciousness, as a programmer is an external object in relation to the program. The programmer can influence the program, but the program cannot influence the programmer. But the program sometimes "feels" the influence of the programmer.

Intuition can only be put under control by reaching a higher level of consciousness (fully with mental awareness). In analogy with the program and the programmer, it is such a super program that has an intellect based on the same circle of concepts on which the programmer's physical consciousness is based. Such a program may already argue with the programmer.

A little about the ways and laws of the development of consciousness has been written earlier in this thread.


It is impossible to develop intuition or raise the level of consciousness with no physical stimuli. It is only possible to slightly raise the level of consciousness, which is always based on experience achieved. But the price for that is a crippled body and a traumatized psyche (unconscious fear, depression, apathy, nervousness, irritability, and so on).

In my opinion, nothing can be achieved by the revolutionary path at all, because along the way one "oversteps" the precious, necessary experience, i.e. one does not have enough quantity to reach the final quality. In this case he can get only a little negative experience.

And development in harmony with nature always follows the evolutionary way, because only on this way one can gather cumulative experience in sufficient quantity to reach qualitative transformations (raising the level of consciousness).


Positive. Widen your range of concepts - read more. Learn, analyse.
As you progress, the answers to some questions will become self-evident.


I understand that the topic of intuition, consciousness, outlook and so on has already been talked about a lot in this thread.

The method I described is not related to intuition, it seems to me.

Intuition: the trader asks his wife or child to look at the chart and guess the direction of movement.

Analytics: the trader applies what he knows to the chart and makes a markup.

Discerning method: assuming that a person trained with this method will "remember" the images memorized by the brain by listening to his or her own sensations. A sense of discomfort, perhaps fear or doubt will prevent him from choosing the wrong option.

Has no one ever had such feelings when trading?

They do not seem to come from intuition, but from experience. I.e. the brain remembers, compares, classifies, etc.

And I understood the topic of the thread as follows: it is possible to train an artificial neural network to recognise images.

And is it possible to assign this task to an apparatus many times superior to the ANN in solving this problem: the human brain.

Erics писал (а) >>

And can this task be entrusted to a machine that is many times superior to the ANN in solving this problem: the human brain.

It is possible.

But in this case the human will behave like a machine and not like a human. There was a little about it in this thread 'Scold :) Interested to hear your opinion regarding...' (see my post of 22.06.2008 15:32 ).

With some probability, more than 50%, e.g. 60-70%, a croupier who has worked in a casino for 20 years can predict one of the 4 sectors on the roulette wheel, where the ball will hit. But 20 years spinning a roulette wheel... that's sad. You yourself will become like the roulette wheel -- just as indifferent to the outside world, just as round, with only a keratinous scar like the one on the wheel.


Don't think that's an overstatement. A man changes in proportion to his environment of immersion. In England, for example, the evidence of teachers who have been in school for 40 years is not admissible in court...


to Erics
Don't take it so personally. This is bleen Nauka >(:=))))
If SK as a student of LC belongs to the Krasnodar school, which the school does not recognise many things, but clearly qualifies enemies like: "immature brains" )))),
and also threatens to touch a finger and change a patient's blood pressure over a long distance (c/f "Scanners 1,2")
- it's just one of the schools of science. Let us say that now the leadership comes from the Krasnodar school and they need to defend their position against outsiders...
Appropriately, outsiders are defined in the same way))))
So what?
What you are writing about is not Krasnodar. It's Msk. In the open press, publications of electro-stimulation of intuition and psychic were as early as the 80s of the last century.
So, in Muscovy, you will not only be better understood, and therefore will not dissuade, (to quote from SK, "your fragile brains",

but also...


Of course you can talk down to a casino croupier and back it up with a whiff of maths.

But in practice, there are young people working in casinos.
A young man with money as a croupier will make his fifth attempt at a given number, and his third attempt at the right sector .... after only 0.5 years of practice.

SK. писал (а) >>

You can.

But in this case, the person will behave like a machine, not a human being. There was a bit about it in this thread 'Scold :) Interested to hear your opinion regarding...' (see my post of 22.06.2008 15:32 ).

With some probability, more than 50%, e.g. 60-70%, a croupier who has worked in a casino for 20 years can predict one of the 4 sectors on the roulette wheel, where the ball will hit. But 20 years spinning a roulette wheel... that's sad. You yourself will become like the roulette wheel -- just as indifferent to the outside world, just as round, with only a keratinous scar like the one on the wheel.


Don't think that's an overstatement. A man changes in proportion to his environment of immersion. In England, for example, the evidence of teachers who have been at school for 40 years is not admissible in court...

At the same time a person learns in proportion to the number of repetitions.

The thinking goes in the direction of how to fit 20 years into a few months. For example, one can trade not in real time but with a visualizer.

The problem is that when learning in a visualizer, one is not immersed emotionally (as much as in real time).

(By the way, there are probably scripts that implement betting in the visualizer, with counting statistics.)

I'm not calling for a taser to be soldered to a mouse (you hear me, immature readers).

I'd like to discuss what the world is doing in the direction of brain learning.

Remember how Neo mastered kung fu in the Matrix? Utopia? Or the ideal?