NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 23


Did madam erase everything?


Knowledge is gained by those who seek it, by those who doubt it, by those who say they don't know and try to find out.

Exactly! And you, Sergei, have all the answers to all your questions. With such an attitude it is difficult, of course, to learn something new. Or rather - impossible.

Yurixx , do not say such things, how can you draw such conclusions from my words? What does it say that I have all the answers to all my questions? And with this position it is impossible to learn anything new? You have one answer for all the unknown (unexplored, incomprehensible. ....) "This is the voice of God". I don't have an answer.

Are you glad that there are young people who advocate taking drugs (mushrooms, etc.), believe that war is a "game" like Counter-Strike?

Sorry to be crude now (if you are retorting), but fuck your faith and those who call for it (drugs, war, etc.) !!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes... Madam has erased everything. I don't want to disturb anyone here "talking about life". This is an answer to one.

It's an answer for others... Judging by the question about the overharvesting of two positions - with my detailed description of the basics and subtleties of my strategy (where overharvesting is not even close), you have not understood anything at all. I think you need to start by studying the basics of trading, namely TOOLS - i.e. types of orders and rules for setting them. You "do not know the letters", and I am (naively) WRITING PROPOSALS WITH THE WORDS... We speak different languages - so why do you need my posts... I'm not going to explain anything to anyone - I have no time for it and no desire to do it either.


Yes ... Madame erased everything. I do not want to disturb anyone THERE "for life". It is the answer - to some.

It's an answer for others... Judging by the question about the overharvesting of two positions - with my detailed description of the basics and subtleties of my strategy (where overharvesting is not even close), you have not understood anything at all. I think you need to start by studying the basics of trading, namely TOOLS - i.e. types of orders and rules for setting them. You "do not know the letters", and I am (naively) WRITING PROPOSALS WITH THE WORDS... We speak different languages - so why do you need my posts... I'm not going to explain anything to anyone - I have no time for it and no desire to do it either.

Like most truly talented people, Ballistica is a very sensitive and nervous person. And one has to put up with it.
Nevertheless, I have a suggestion for you:
Describe the above algorithm in detail, and I'll program it for you.
My e-mail is:

Regards - S.D.
I wonder why some people are so concerned about other people's nerves.

Yes... Madam has erased everything. I don't want to disturb anyone here "talking about life". This is an answer to one.

It's an answer for others... Judging by the question about the overharvesting of two positions - with my detailed description of the basics and subtleties of my strategy (where overharvesting is not even close), you have not understood anything at all. I think you need to start by studying the basics of trading, namely TOOLS - i.e. types of orders and rules for setting them. You "letters" do not know, and I to you (naively) PROPOSALS WITH WORDS... We speak different languages - so why my posts to you. Only more uncertainties will bring. And I am not going to explain anything to anybody - on it there is no time and desire - too - I do not.

Frankly speaking for nothing, at least one sensible idea appeared in this thread. Although everyone needs a rest. Can I ask you to post all this in a separate thread, in yours. You can open a new one or raise an old one. I've just become very interested in this technology. I am trying to do it in indicators and in my Expert Advisor.

My ICQ 213-878-996.

I think madam should finally realise what she didn't realise before: even the most detailed presentation of strategy on the forum, with numerous EXPRESSED Phrases, does not guarantee her understanding. And, frankly, it's strained by the blatantly edifying tone and generalised accusations of ignorance of the basics.

Madam, don't take it too personally, but that tone is not accepted here. Accusations should be specific (identifying individuals and issues they don't understand), and it's not just green newbies who hang out here.

Are you glad that there are young people who call for drugs (taking mushrooms, etc.) and think that war is a "game" like Counter-Strike?

You're a real piece of work, brother. After all I've written here, if you're making such a statement, you don't understand anything. Nothing at all.

Do you like quotes, Sergei? Here's another one. It's Barsky, "Neural Networks".

So, we enter the innermost realm of artificial intelligence.

We are bold and unapologetic. A long and systematically imposed spiritual poverty has made us forget about the prevailing spirituality in man. More and more people are realising

that the brain is just an instrument of the spirit, the soul. And like any tool, it is manufactured, dulled and becomes unusable - it dies. Immortal remains the soul - a product of the subtle world, the world of

of ultra-high frequencies and, according to some philosophers, persistently manifest psychic energy.

And since the brain is an instrument, it must be trained, filled in, perfected. Nature is dominated by the principle of expediency, usefulness in the struggle for the main setting - the setting for development. The necessary exists and is affirmed, the unnecessary dies off, as unused, "superfluous" neurons die off, generating sclerotic tissue and corroding intoxication. And the lazy, idle, inactive person is seized by premature senile dementia. "The soul is obliged to work", said the poet N. Zabolotsky. This truth we rediscover, with another, unexpected side...

And those who "call for drugs right here", as well as those who fuck up, freak out and go nuts from this thread, are a special case. I see no point in talking about them here or polemic with them.

The topic is certainly a very interesting one. It only seems to me that the participants in the thread are too distracted by the moral and ethical and philosophical side of the issue. It seems to me that for a full-fledged methodology of using natural intelligence for stock trading, at the first stage we must move away from these aspects of the problem, although I admit that they are very important, but it seems to me that the question of ethics of using something that does not yet exist is completely senseless.
Now let's move on directly to what this forum thread was created for. I think the author, when he referred to the analogy with artificial neuronets, meant primarily the irrational, intuitive component of our intelligence. I think that forum participants know how much the trading in the office differs from trading "in the pit". Many top traders point to this huge difference exactly in the sense that office trader is deprived of a large number of signals, not perceived rationally and consciously, but with enough trading experience, which helps much more effectively than tehanalysis. For example, the level of noise in the trading room is such an indicator, gestures, traders' facial expressions, even a simple movement of people in the room, can show that the market situation has changed. And let me note that these multiple signals are actually not formalized, because to formalize something, you should at least realize it as a signal, and then you should create an algorithm that allows you to create relation between this signal and the current market situation. But for a trader in the pit it is not necessary, after gaining some trading experience (in fact after the same training as a neuronet is trained on examples) he begins to recognize these signals quite adequately, but almost unconsciously.
And it seems to me that the question asked by the author of this thread can be reformulated as follows: Is it possible to get in an office the same advantages of a trader in the pit? Is it possible to use your subconsciousness and intuition to increase the accuracy of forecasts? Let me note that I am not talking here about expanded states of consciousness such level as described by SK, it is possible (but not reliable) that in such states the person really loses interest to his philistine nature and consequently to the game on the exchange market. I am just talking about human abilities to control his perception, to transfer unconsciousness to conscious level, or to learn as one learns everything with the help of feedback mechanisms.
It seems to me that a particular difficulty in solving this question is the choice of signal sources and their representation. We're too used to the graphical representation
of numerical series. Besides, are other (not quoted) signal sources possible that have the expected dependence on the current market situation? For example, one of my friends told me that analyzing statistical data of some words on news sites you can make rather accurate forecasts of financial and political situation development. Can anyone else suggest something else?
ballistika писал (а):

... I simply wanted to answer the question in the title of this thread, which was never answered by the person who had asked it and who had been lost in the dialogue for a long time. The person put a question specifically and in reply he received (as always) a lot of polemics, and on a topic not directly related to his question...

I am not "lost in dialogue". I am following the conversation very closely. As a psychologist it is very interesting for me to observe these kinds of discussions, even though they have gone beyond the question I posed. I do not want to join in the discussion on either side, although I have my own well-defined and substantiated judgment in this respect. One person in this thread has already stated it. I fully agree with him.