NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 8


Yurixx, your example of a qigong master (alcoholic) really blew my mind. Maybe alcoholism (or drug addiction) is a person's desire to release the energy raging inside him somewhere? I know a few people who are very strong personally, but are also alcoholics.


Yurixx, your example of a qigong master (alcoholic) really blew my mind. Maybe alcoholism (or drug addiction) is a person's desire to release the energy raging inside him somewhere? I know a few people who are immediately recognizable as very strong personally, but are also alcoholics.

Read Castaneda. There's such a thing as stress. Damn, well, what are you breeding here can not go into this branch because it is in sight, and when I go quietly fugeyu. A man should drink or take drugs, at least smoke or fry chicks (only new ones) on an industrial scale for stress must be relieved somehow, if this is not happening - this is most likely an abnormality in the development of the nervous system. This case is classified as a potential schizoid, with an almost hundred percent chance of progressing to a full schizoid diagnosis. The most pronounced traits are withdrawal, non-sociability in real life, unhealthy desire to express oneself, irritability, total abandonment, hyperactive or, on the contrary, impossibly slow mimicry. There's a thing called the law of energy accumulation ... It says that energy goes nowhere and comes out of nowhere, and there's also the Chinese yin-yang (grace lines of life and death), i.e. the balance in our words, in fact Chengis Khan said: "Warrior must once a month get drunk until he faints . ." - come to think of it, he demanded it from his soldiers, and let me tell you, we all know the result, though, to my oooh very big regret: 80% of us know it from the movie. If you are interested, well, read a little it's not a mystery, but to discuss it all would not be enough forum ... :( And while it's described as a broken phone... Everything is turned on its head and back 10 times, in fact you get such magnificent phrases like: "...A man should not use what is given to him! ...", that's what makes you laugh. And someone will probably read it and, worst of all, they'll agree with it.

Gentlemen, I'm off, and I sincerely advise all adventurous people to do the same.

Red.Line писал (а):

Yurixx, your example of a qigong master (alcoholic) really blew my mind. Maybe alcoholism (or drug addiction) is a person's desire to release the energy raging inside him somewhere? I know a few people who are immediately recognizable as very strong personally, but are also alcoholics.

Read Castaneda. There's such a thing as stress. Damn, well, what are you breeding here can not go into this branch because it is in sight, and when I go quietly fugeyu. A man should drink or take drugs, at least smoke or fry chicks (only new ones) on an industrial scale for stress must be relieved somehow, if this is not happening - this is most likely an abnormality in the development of the nervous system. This case is classified as a potential schizoid, with an almost hundred percent chance of progressing to a full schizoid diagnosis. The most pronounced traits are withdrawal, non-sociability in real life, unhealthy desire to express oneself, irritability, total abandonment, hyperactive or, on the contrary, impossibly slow mimicry. There's a thing called the law of energy accumulation ... It says that energy goes nowhere and comes out of nowhere, and there's also the Chinese yin-yang (grace lines of life and death), i.e. the balance in our words, and Chengis Khan: "Warrior must once a month get drunk until he faints . ." - come to think of it, he demanded it from his warriors, and let me tell you, we all know the result, though, to my oooh very big regret: 80% of us know it from the movie. If you are interested, well, read a little it's not a mystery, but to discuss it all would not be enough forum ... :( And while it's described as a broken phone... Everything is turned on its head and back 10 times, in fact you get such magnificent phrases like: "...A man should not use what is given to him! ...", that's what makes you laugh. And someone will probably read it and, worst of all, they'll agree with it.

Gentlemen, I'm getting off and I sincerely advise all adventurous people to do the same.

And why should a man have to satisfy all his urges in the first place.

Isn't always what you want good? Let the nervous system strain - it is normal.


And why should a man have to satisfy all his cravings in the first place.

Isn't always what you want good? Letting your nervous system strain is normal.

Nah. Here it is more a matter of physiology than psychology, though not without the latter. The fact is that any stimulus of the nervous system, be it stress, passion, joy, alcoholic intoxication, drugs, etc. is accompanied in the organism by the release of special hormones. In a way, the immune system helps the organism to identify what is happening to it. Each of these hormones has a specific effect on an area of the brain called "the pleasure centre" - it's responsible for... well, it's clear what it's responsible for in general. The structure of this area is different for men and women and the sensitivity is also different. Further, the pleasure centre releases a response hormone called "happiness," which quenches the aroused areas of the nervous system. But the paradox of the organism is that the pleasure centre gets itself a huge dose of this hormone, and as soon as its concentration decreases, it starts to starve. And that's where habit comes in. You can get addicted to anything: beer, sweets, mobile phones, girlfriends, drugs, etc.

Constant nervous system tension will sooner or later lead to exhaustion - it's like eating to a person. If you don't eat, that's not normal at all. Nevertheless, you have to understand that it's like rocking - you rocked it, but if you don't rock it. . Monks, some might think - Yes! Indeed, but monks have a different drug - their faith and their prayers. Everyone has their own stress and it needs to be relieved.


Yurixx, your example of a qigong master (alcoholic) really blew my mind. Maybe alcoholism (or drug addiction) is a person's desire to release the energy raging inside him somewhere? I know a few people who are very strong personally and yet alcoholics.

You have to understand all these processes in a much broader way. In the language of elementary physics, work is the process of transformation of one kind of energy into another. For a man, an animal, a tree, or any natural phenomenon to function (i.e. live), energy must flow. The consumption of food and oxygen for life is the most basic example of this flux of energy transformation. And there is a whole pyramid of subtle energies. So, when this flow meets obstacles, blocks, then the harmony of the All of them If this flow meets obstacles and blocks, then the harmony of the processes is destroyed, diseases (physiology - the lowest level), psycho-emotional deviations, etc. arise. One option is to reduce the energy in accordance with the limitations of these blocks, and it is clear that this is not good. But if the flow is powerful enough, the reservoir in front of the dam overflows, and God only knows what will happen when at some point water = energy burst over the edge. Although one can say with certainty that the weakest point will burst. But it is different for every man.

I knew another woman who also practiced qigong, but only pursued health goals. Her consciousness did not go higher than that. But she did not do bad things to anybody. From time to time she used to get blisters on the surface of her feet, as if she had been burnt. Excess energy, which she accumulated in her classes but did not transform upwards, flowed out of her into the ground during her classes. And this flow was strong enough that the skin of the foot - coarser and hornier than other tissues - could not withstand it and a burn effect would occur. This is why yogis warn you not to do pranayama without a teacher. In the worst case the energy which you took on over your capacities can make you go crazy, or even lethal.

I can't understand why people, who are far away from this kind of practice, take these warnings with a pinch of salt. I don't know why people far away from the field react to all these warnings with hostility. They understand that special training is required. But here, with a wild shout of "yes!!!" and from a height...

The result is a sentence like this one:

Red.Line wrote:
A man should drink or junkie, at least smoke or fry chicks (only new ones) on an industrial scale for stress should be relieved somehow, if it's not happening - it's most likely an abnormality in the development of the nervous system.

My dear, if that is all you got out of Costaneda, then I sincerely sympathize with you. I personally found a lot more there. And speaking of stresses, they are a deviation from the normal state, not the other way around. If you're going to "relieve" yourself of stress in the ways listed above, I guarantee you that it will soon turn into hyperstress, and then you'll send yourself to the afterlife that way altogether. But that's your.., absolutely free. choice.

By the way, Red Line, your posts on the Forex market give me the impression that your head works. If you could explain how you managed to make my phrase "It turns out that it's not so important what practice a man is engaged in, as why he does it and how he uses what it gives him" turn it into your phrase "A man should not use what he is given!" ? Is there something wrong with your eyes? Or your head?


Why can't we take advantage of what IS!

(meaning other matter)

We (humans) do terrible things in this material world for a lot less money... (I will not go into the personal details of what's around) This world is full of, excuse me, crap... try to argue?

Yurix, you clearly have a sick sense of self. Not your account of it all, but thanks for the guidance in life. )))))
Red.Line писал (а):

Why can't we take advantage of what IS!

(meaning other matter)

We (humans) do terrible things in this material world for a lot less money... (I will not go into the personal details of what's around) This world is complete, I'm sorry, crap... try to argue?

Jurix, you clearly have a sick sense of self. Not your account of it all, but thanks for the guidance in life. )))))

Yeah, mixed up, it happens. :-)
The moral of the fable - do not try to develop while working on Forex, otherwise you may suddenly develop some ability and start using it... You'll have problems. ...

I totally agree!

Why can't you use what IS! (meaning other matter)

We (humans) do terrible things in this material world for a lot less money... (I won't go into the personal details of what's around) This world is complete, I'm sorry, crap... try to argue with that?

From your words(SK) it is easy to understand that the material world is based on the astral and mental world. So why not change THEM! Or use them to change the present one? And if you(SK) say, that knowing other matter I will stop being interested in the perishable nature of this world, then GIVE me the possibility to study it, to understand it... (I don't know how to put it correctly in this context, because these worlds can't be cognized by intellect as you say...). ).

meta-trader2007, what interesting techniques are there? any links to read?

Take them.

If you really want to learn and understand something, that's great. If you (or anyone else) have understood me to mean that I am forbidding something, then you have got it wrong. I have only (maybe in vain) tried to reveal the truth to those interested. Try to hear: in this conversation I am more of a friend than an enemy. But that means for me that I have no right to lie. Unfortunately, however, this truth is not always perceived adequately.

You asked the question: So why not change THEY. Or with their help change this one?
Generally speaking, the question is valid. But we should not go to extremes in our search for an answer. Let's try to answer why.

In previous posts I have tried (perhaps not very successfully) to show that the world has a fractal basis. This means that the world manifests itself in a similar way in both the large and the small. "Similar to similar." This means that the hierarchy of levels of consciousness development is similar to the hierarchy of personality development. In other words, there is the same qualitative difference between physical, astral and mental consciousness approximately (similarly, compared as a reduced model) as there is between childhood, adolescence and maturity.

It is believed that when studying the model (stages of a person's development), we can, at least to a first approximation, draw conclusions about the properties of the object under study (the qualitative characteristics of consciousness at different levels). Let us try to investigate:

- Grandma, are you going to die?
- Yes, grandson.
- And you're going to be buried deep and deep?
- Yes, grandson.
- Then I'll be spinning your sewing machine!)

Who has not dreamt: "When I grow up, I will buy and eat a hundred ice creams! But here we are grown up. And what's stopping us from spinning a sewing machine? What's stopping us from going to the grocery store and buying and eating those same 100 ice cream sundaes? After all, it was such a coveted dream in our childhood! This is not an idle question.

The answer is obvious: simply because we have matured. It means that our world outlook, our perception of the world is based on a different scale of values, namely the scale that constitutes the principal, qualitative basis of maturity itself. In other words, this new scale of values constitutes the "adult set". It is important to note that the very existence of "adult values" presupposes the absence of "childish values".

Let us imagine a big man who buys a hundred ice-cream sodas, sits on a bench and drools, paying no attention to passersby. Let us imagine the same man turning a sewing-machine or passionately playing with a trowel or a toy car in a sandpit. It's not a pretty sight. Why? Because it's obvious: the natural order of things is disrupted, it's not normal, it's against nature, it's the exception rather than the rule.

The same can be said about the ratio of levels of consciousness. With ordinary physical consciousness it is impossible to make any predictions, but there is a child's desire (like 100 ice-creams) to go to the astral, use some technique to see quotes there and use this knowledge to enrich (the needs of physical consciousness based on a natural for FS worldview). And some people try to do it.

And some do succeed. However, as it turns out in the course of events, by the moment they manage to develop their consciousness enough to become aware in atraal, they undergo a very laborious way of development. And on this path (inevitably) their motivation gradually changes. It changes proportionally to their "growing up". Moreover, if it does not happen, no "astral anticipation" is out of the question, while the current level of consciousness development may be assessed as a "period of children's mistakes" on the way of development.

If someone found these words offensive or hurt his/her ego, don't blame me. I only called things by their proper names. There is nothing dishonourable about wanting a hundred ice creams as a child. But it also means not making childhood mistakes from now on.

We evolve one way or another. And everyone has their own Path. Do you want to evolve consciously? I think it is quite natural, normal. Then start by reading the literature, study it. Think, evaluate, master new notions, learn, develop. And one day it will become self-evident that we develop in one way or another, and that, generally speaking, nothing else is happening and has never happened. We just didn't know.


The moral of the fable - do not try to develop yourself while working in Forex,
or you might develop an ability, and you'll...
and you might accidentally start using it... You'll be in trouble. ...

meta-trader2007, what interesting techniques are there? any references to read?

Information about these techniques and the research being carried out by the intelligence services is strictly secret.
There is a recording of a programme on the use of unconventional intelligence (weighs more than a gig). There is also a book on the development of superpowers. There is a lot of rubbish in it, but there is a description of techniques for the development of clairvoyance and similar abilities.
The media (TV and radio) do not get this data (this is monitored by intelligence officers). But the Internet is immune to them, and there is something popping up sometimes.
There is something.


I've heard that somewhere before. That a boy differs from a man in the cost of toys.

Just please do not think that I am standing in opposition to you. There is another point of view and it says that the maximum development of consciousness is reached at the age of 4-5 years. And there are external manifestations of this, at this time the child is most mobile, he learns a lot of different information, different concepts, his character is formed. At this time his intuition is maximal (somewhere here on the forum there is a manifestation of it, a message from the trader, the child came to the monitor and said Daddy lightning struck the ground, Daddy flipped over in his seat and got profit), etc.

Over time we lose these abilities and by old age it may come to marasmus altogether. If we go by this analogy, it turns out that we degrade along with astral, mental, physical state (consciousness, spirit).

It seems to me the division of consciousness into mental and astral .... It is too artificial. Yes it allows us to answer some questions, but it generates new questions that are even more difficult to answer.

It seems to me that the truth is the same. We must survive! And everything is subordinated to this goal. All our moral laws, values and actions are dedicated to this very goal, to survive on this sinful earth (look at all sins and commandments of all religions from this perspective).

But it makes me sad. And I think I am not alone, so people are looking for God's will, kicking their fate, inventing different theories only not to take responsibility, but blame it on someone or something.

The human being makes his/her destiny. He knows what will happen if he comes to school bundled with dynamite and blows up everything (he predicts (sees) the future and does not do that because he has the will and freedom of choice. Except I can't call it a Gift of God (will and free choice). I would rather believe in the devil and call it a curse of the devil.

There is no God or Devil and no one will punish us but ourselves. There is no referee in this ring who is never wrong and no justice that is flawless.

WE HAVE TO SURVIVE !!! And if you manage to use your intuition (astral, epiphany ... whatever you want to call it) to make money in forex. You'll LIVE better and help others to survive, because you can't survive on your own (you can't survive alone). If this is your goal, then flag in your hands, and we will try to take apart the rails of the locomotive that is coming to meet you. If you fail, you will not succeed, another will take your place and try to take it one step further.

That's the way it is.

I think about the development of their abilities, not only can you read, but you can watch and even participate only be careful, do not lose your head and common sense. Always think about what you are doing and what purpose your actions serve.