NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 83


Это не банки, но они могут быть в структуре Центрального Банка

It's hard to call them not banks :) because they are regional branches of the Central Bank, and of course they have the same vaults :) it's not like they have cash in drawers

The examples about the central bank are not correct because its financial toolkit is far from complete, about 40% of that of the USey Fed.
PapaYozh писал (а) >>

These are not banks, but they may be within the structure of the Central Bank.

The Bank of Russia performs the functions of the Central Bank. Can you name 1 other Russian commercial bank with similar functions?

I gave you the link, divide the figure in the "cash" column and the figure in the "non-cash" column
by the figure in the "Total" column in the "Money Supply" section and get those shares. Or shall I do it for you?

Mmmm ...

It turns out that you don't even understand simple questions. None of what you wrote has any relevance to the questions you asked. Except that about vaults I understood that "they are not banks" (although "may be within the Central Bank structure" !?). Interesting organisations, mysterious ones. It is only unclear what they are called. I guess that's what they are called - Vaults. Ridiculous indeed...

All right, let it be as it is. :-)

PapaYozh писал (а) >>

Are you saying that we are the only ones who separate NAL from CASH? Then, what does the American word CASH mean?

Teenage snot about the unknown is omitted as it needs no comment.

Just about cash. Cash is an English word, not an American word. It is used in two contexts:

- >> by normal people as an alternative to borrowing money. I.e. you go to a shop, you want to buy a plasma, there's a price tag "$5000 Pay nothing till 2010". This would be a purchase on credit as the interest is obviously packed into the price of the product. You say you're willing to pay in cash and the price goes down for you by the amount of the interest. Paying in cash means anything - cash, debit or credit card, bank cheque, as long as it is not shop credit. Buying a house with cash means that you bought it without the help of a mortgage loan. But no one is lugging around suitcases of cash notes, there will still be a bank transfer, or more often you just write a cheque.

- By abnormal people, more simply - crooks, as a means of avoiding taxation, in most cases it is cash notes which are not passed through a cash register, i.e. the transaction is as if it never happened, i.e. there is nothing to pay taxes on. It is more difficult to hide bank transfers. Although it can be done.

The division into cash and non-cash does not exist in a civilised society, as one is freely exchangeable for the other, for they are two sides of the same coin.

In short, PapaYozh, settle down, you're talking about something you don't even know. Go and read a book instead.

timbo писал (а) >>

Teenage snivelling about the unknown is omitted as it needs no comment.



In short, PapaYozh, you're talking about something you don't even know. Why don't you go read a book?

Timbo, "cash" has only one meaning... in everyday life... And your opponent is right... CASH means "cash" - currency in the form of notes or coins. And the seller's question "how do you pay? Cash?" means only "cash" no cards, bills or cheques... In finance, cash means the speed of payment or the availability of money and the form of payment... For example, it means that there is money in the account, that the amount of currency has not been budgeted, that there is money in the balance sheet... etc. Or that the payment will be made. Or that the payment will be made in cash and not in shares.... etc. That is, the availability of funds...

But usually Cash means hand to hand cash settlement in freely convertible currency. Not in rupees but in quid... for example...

NProgrammer писал (а) >>

Timbo, "cash" has only one meaning... in everyday life... And the opponent is right... And that is CASH means "cash" - currency in the form of notes or coins. And the seller's question "how do you pay? Cash?" means only "cash" no cards, bills or cheques... In finance, cash means the speed of payment or the availability of money and the form of payment... For example, it means that there is money in the account, that the amount of currency has not been budgeted, that there is money in the balance sheet... and so on. Or that the payment will be made in cash and not in shares.... etc. That is, the availability of funds...

But usually Cash means hand to hand cash settlement in freely convertible currency. Not in rupees but in quid... for example...

I agree with timbo.

Rosh писал (а) >>

I agree with timbo.

:)) Well, that's a bit of a faith thing...

I didn't read the whole argument... But as far as the issue is concerned, I've defined it... :))

But in general, keep in mind that CASH is "cash"... And the question "How do you pay, CASH?" as well as the statement "I pay cash!" implies only one thing ... Cash.


In fact, do a search...

NProgrammer писал (а) >>

:)) Well, that's something of a faith issue...

I didn't read the whole bickering... But as far as the question is concerned, I've defined it... :))

But in general, keep in mind that CASH is "cash"... And the question "How do you pay, CASH?" as well as the statement "I pay cash!" implies only one thing ... Cash.

I'll tell you in Russian: "Don't tell your father to fuck off... ...children."

You've only seen cash in action movies. In real life it's a little different. I've already written how.

If you are interested in the term cash in a banking app, read about cash rates.

timbo писал (а) >>

I'll tell you the answer in Russian: "Don't tell your father to fuck off... ...children."

You've only seen cash in action movies. In real life, it's a little different. I've already written how.

If you're interested in the term cash in a banking application, read about cash rates.

OK, I'll keep the style too... Don't... f....fuck. lie...


Real life in your fantasy land... Not what it really is...

I'm not interested in anything in this section of knowledge anymore.... I'm already interested. I gave you a precise definition, essentially from textbooks from dictionaries and reference books. You can bang your head about it all you want, but that won't change the reality. Cash, it's cash. :))

NProgrammer писал (а) >>

CASH means "cash" - currency in the form of notes or coins.

This definition you have given only shows that you have a rather narrow understanding of the meaning of the word. That is why you are substituting your own interpretation for its real meaning. Because everything after the dash in the quote is just your own interpretation, not that of any dictionary.

Cash is money that is available. As opposed to credit funds, securities, real estate, etc. It doesn't matter whether it's in your pocket, or in a bank account, or on your card. So you are right, "CASH means cash". But you're wrong and cash isn't just "currency in the form of notes or coins" at all.

If there are cash and carry shops in your town, you can go there without notes but with a card and make sure you don't get kicked out. :-)