NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 44

Calm down, Sart. We have our own moustaches, don't we? Yes, the explanation of the CB phenomenon at the level of brain activity seems suspicious to me myself, but the symptoms of a distressed trader-coholic are very good... The situation on this forum is no better and no worse than on other traders' forums in this context: holy simplicity reigns in all its glory.
Calm down, Sart. We have our own moustaches, don't we? Yes, the explanation of the CB phenomenon at the level of brain activity seems suspicious to me myself, but the symptoms of a distressed trader alcoholic are very good... The situation on this forum is no better and no worse than on other trading forums: holy simplicity reigns in all its glory.
Mathematician, hello ! Always good to hear from you.
Hi Sart. How are you getting on with mastering the Wave Principle?
Hi Sart. How's the wave principle coming along?
In short, the EURUSD is in a deep correction. The basic trend has changed. The Euro will persistently and steadily go down.
The maximum that was reached was -1.4960. I remember talking about the level of 1.5050.
Get in the room now!

By the way, I myself am not the author of the "onion" model of the brain, but merely a humble consumer. This model prevails in state research. I do not quite like it either, but I am ashamed to explain it to those Amerians.

But for a consumer of the onion model, the following is important:

1. during the fateful transition the brain needs an endless calendar time for "growing/growing".

2. the speed of learning depends on how much and how deep layers of the brain are involved, i.e. the speed of learning depends on the experience. (This model can easily explain the difference in learning to trade with live or blank cartridges).

If the deep layers of the brain necessary for work are activated by experience, then professionalism can be considered as... professional emotions.

For example, if a trader experiences that he "will buy" or "will not buy any more" with this money, then he is a non-professional, and if he does not experience anything - he is a non-professional.

4. "Onion" can be trained by intensive reading of something (as well as writing: something useful 0:-))). Clearly, reading makes the Layers tie up better.

5. Since people are shown the Diamond Sutra in which Inner corresponds to outer and External corresponds to inner (though the sutra does not say anything about the completeness of correspondence) - then any versions about the nature of Inner, even bulbous ones, are appropriate, since they give us the Method of development.

(cf. Akhmatova about poems - "when would you know from what dirt.... ")


While we were waiting for America to come to ruin, a modest Tower of Babel grew up in Europe.)

granit77: Get in the room now!
There's Rosh kicking it... respect...
Safe profit levels in percentages per initial deposit in

сутки, неделя, месяц, год

First stage trader 6 8 9 10%

Second stage trader 8 10 15 20

Third stage trader 15 17 20 29

Fourth stage trader 21 29 35 57

Fifth step trader 52 70 95 120

Sixth step trader 55 99 250 360

Seventh step trader 55 190 800 900%

Are there traders outside the categories ?


Are there traders outside the categories, Korey?

There are... They are : very smart, patient, secretive, Nordic in character. ...