NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 22


You know Sergey, as long as I read your conclusions I am still amazed, though probably not because it comes from you, but because of how wide you look at everything:)

Once I had a dream where I was controlling space, from that moment I started to wonder how to implement it in reality, it can be expressed as psychosynthesis, but sometimes it is so difficult to move from theory to practice that you start to ask a lot of questions, in what way:)

Here again there are some examples in life, which can be associated with the same situational telekinesis, but again the most difficult thing is not that to implement this approach, but to realize it and learn to apply it more effectively:).

In this regard, again, it can be argued that a person is pushing himself or herself into a frame and society is contributing to this...


Not as wide as I would have liked. There are a lot of things that we all still have a long way to go...

But there is also something that can be known and used. Here, for example, is a timeline of the development of an ordinary person in an ordinary society:

In childhood, adolescence, a person develops very rapidly, especially in childhood. This period is characterised by a large number of new concepts being mastered. One learns to perceive and distinguish light, sound, tactile sensations during infancy, which one cannot learn at all later in life. This is simply unfathomable. Certainly, it cannot be taught by any logic. (And people who are blind from birth, after their sight is restored, cannot learn to use it fully).

In early childhood a normal person easily learns language (without any logic), learns in school. During this period he still has a high rate of development. This high rate is dictated by the so-called immersion environment, namely the set of concepts that society as a whole has mastered to the level of sobriety. The closer to the boundary of (largely blurred) development of society, the fewer concepts are left, and consequently, the less favourable is the environment, and therefore the lower is the rate of development of the person.

At the age of 20-30 years old, man learns all the basic ideas of modern society (he absorbs all the good and bad, right and wrong from society). At the age of 25, a person becomes a full-fledged member of society. The speed of development decreases considerably and in most cases, after a while, the person stops developing. The rest of his life is rather grey and monotonous. The lack of novelty, which is the basis of happiness, makes life boring and uninteresting.

A man is so constructed that to be happy, he urgently needs something new, something interesting. No material wealth, especially that acquired at a young age (mastered and discarded) is of any help in that case. The only possibility for a meaningful existence is to continue developing, but from this point on do it consciously, i.e. do something that is not based on the achievements of society.

Interest plays a huge role in the wonderful process of development. It doesn't matter what causes it initially. For some people it is a dream, after which they want to learn methods of space management, for other people it is reading fiction in their youth, for others it is a discrepancy of scientific knowledge with the realities of life. It is important to nurture this interest by all available means, and not to spill it out on the Path in any case.

The most accessible way is to read special literature. There are a lot of answers and even more questions (which fuel the interest:). In my opinion, the best way is in this sequence: RM, LC, SM, KK, SL, CL. Once all the concepts from these sources have been mastered, there will be very little left to take from modern society and very few barriers to free choice (be it telekinesis or fusion of physical objects). The only thing left to do is to do it. One only has to remember that time is always short. And whoever has time will be happy in the lifetime of their FT:)



I wanted to help you and gave you a better example of what you're talking about. It seems to have worked. I just wanted to drive you into a corner by this logical construction. I want you to come to a conclusion that a man can't get knowledge in this way and there is no universal mind that knows all the answers.

From my point of view, a man gets knowledge in another way. Amonk, no matter how much he gets enlightened and meditates, cannot get knowledge how to create a microprocessor (to build a computer, etc.). This knowledge does not exist there, this knowledge is obtained by a man, but in a completely different way.

Well, you (since we switched to you), Sergey, tried to corner me and gave your logical construction. As a result, it turned out that your hypothetical conclusions, which you consider absurd, are in fact very close to the truth, which I tried to explain to you. To be convinced of this there is only one small step to take: move from theory to practice, learn everything on your own experience. Instead of that you make statements such as the one underlined. I can assure you that a person can acquire knowledge in that way. And I say this based not only on someone else's experience, but on my own as well. I have my own experience as proof that I am right and you have only the belief that it cannot be. So which one of us is a faith zealot ? :-) Which of us has a more constructive approach to comprehending the world?

Regarding the monk, you again appear to be a victim of your ignorance, just one example. The Taoist philosophy has its own cosmogony. In accordance with it, the matter arises from nothing (i.e. from vacuum) and at the same time this nothing (arising matter) is divided into two opposites - yin and yang. In physics, not so long ago, a process called vacuum polarization was realized, justified and actually accepted as really possible (or maybe even experimentally verified. alas, I do not know). It consists in the emergence, under certain conditions, of a particle-antiparticle pair from the vacuum. In science, they say about it: "the theoretically predicted phenomenon has found its experimental confirmation". It is unlikely that the Taoist monks knew anything about elementary particles. Why? It is enough that they gained knowledge about the essence of a process that actually exists and which (perhaps) constitutes the content of what is called the creation of the world. Or the initial explosion - whichever you prefer.


A thinking person doesn't need a lot of facts; one meaningful fact is enough. I have given him one. If you don't have the heart to look on the internet and find the relevant evidence, that's your problem. If you need more evidence, that's your problem too. And if you don't need anything at all, that's your problem.

Meaningful facts I have been asking for a long time, for only these can be verified and attempted to explain. But so far only abstract talk about the 'source' of information and the life that is.
Do you consider the myrrh of the world a miracle? Sent me to the internet? You're welcome:

And what did you, dear one, want to show me with these (and any other) references? That there are still sceptics on earth? Or that there are still crooks? You don't have to try, it's a platitude.

There has always been, is and will continue to be much folly, naivety, fraud, deceit and (!) laziness of mind on earth for a long time to come. And while many are still attracted to fame, power and money, there will always be those willing, unscrupulous enough to play on these qualities. That is why man is given what he bears on his shoulders, so that he can distinguish the truth from the lie. But not everyone knows how to use it. The "especially gifted" believe everything. The "not less gifted" believe nothing. These pathologies are not much different from each other.

So what were you trying to prove with your references? That there is no such thing as myotonia as a phenomenon? That all phenomena that are called "miraculous" are fictions, hoaxes? That all witnesses are liars and all priests are hypocrites? That the enlightened are lunatics and the saints are ... ? ? Who? I guess you decided to prove that all swans are white.

Brother, wouldn't it be easier to look for a swan of a different colour? Just search honestly, without fear for the sanctity of your perceptions and without prejudice. Just find the nearest place where myrrh is observed and go and observe it for yourself, look for those tubes, taste the myrrh. Google gives 3500 references to the word, why are you hanging on to this bearded tale of Peter the Great? Or is your authoritative source?

You can just browse around and find people who have this ability. There are a lot of them, but not all of them will suit you. You don't just need facts, you need facts that don't fit into your materialistic worldview. It is harder to find people who can demonstrate this to you. But they exist, I know them myself.

If you're too lazy, you can watch the descent of the Holy Fire with your own eyes on Easter. They're showing it live on TV now. You can read about the apparition of the Virgin Mary near Fatima - 70,000 witnesses (search word - Fatima). You can read about the apparition of the Virgin Mary in Cairo in 1968, which lasted about three years and was witnessed by over a million people, including the then President of Egypt (search word: Zeitoun and And keep that in mind - I don't belong to any religion, the facts offered to you are just that, off the top of my head.

In short, there are plenty of options. All you need is a will.

Prival писал (а): And consciousness is a product of the human brain. Maybe crude, but I think it's illustrative.
Yeah, very illustrative, but also too crude. The brain secretes thought like the liver secretes bile. Well, we've already heard that in philosophy class: vulgar materialism, Focht and Büchner.

Sorry, but after reading 22 pages of this thread, I realised that the rest of the participants are imposing their own IMHY of individual authors, nothing more.

Each of us has his own philosophy, if not of life, then of the market.

So I add another post to this meaningless flood, which has nothing to do with earnings (well, or getting paid what we were not afraid of), and call for involvement in a universal function of the market - the REPUBLICATION OF CAPITAL.

If the money you have cannot be handled more efficiently than the market, you will give it to the market.

If you can actually redistribute the money so that you can invest it in some good, then the market will give it to you.

... Not to be unsubstantiated...

Special kudos to the women here!

More profits for you!!!



- is not a product of the human brain.

Если уж грубо, то мозг - это техническое средство, обслуживающее сознание. Похожую роль выполняет принтер по отношению к процессору. Принтер, напечатав некоторый документ, может подумать, что это он сам придумал текст документа. Но это не так. Ему только дали подержаться.


A monk, no matter how much he enlightens and meditates, cannot get knowledge... "

...Instead you cite statements like the highlighted one. I assure you a person can get knowledge in this way.... In order to be convinced of this, one small step remains: to move from theory to practice, to learn everything by experience.

05.01.2008 16:20

Let's begin in order. Yurixx, the transition to you are not connected to a change in attitude, you are as a plural, when I address all opponents at once, in this case you and SK. I wrote somewhere that you can call me a pot, but do not put me in the oven :-).

Now I will try to make a chain of logical reasoning again to show some of your fallacies.

Let us begin with the printer (receiver), with the statement that it is not the brain that generates knowledge, but we have been given it to hold :-)

Let's take SK. wrote a book (again I want to thank him for it), let's say I am a beginning trader, started to read it (study it) and as a result I have new knowledge. I am right, I guess. Who gave me this knowledge the Universal mind ? Or is it the result of SK. and mine ? Where in this process is what you are talking about ? Where is the machinations of that "universal intelligence"? Or is SK. in this particular case, he is that universal mind, and I am a fool who wanted to shake hands and hug him, but now he is lying down :-), he is "God" and it is scary to touch him now :-). I think Mathemat-ik is coming, and he will say, that the breakdown is "I am God". But I have one objection - no matter how much you call an orange, an elephant, it has always been an orange, and still is. No matter what you call a man (orange, elephant, God, etc.) he is still a MAN. I make one more check of the statement "I am God", I have about two dozen patents (inventions), which were checked by specialists; they even gave me papers saying that I invented something that nobody had invented yet. I am going to the mirror, I have two legs, two arms, a bad head, some thoughts (ideas) always appear in it but I have no time and no strength to check them (all my ideas). I do not have the main thing, the halo, no matter how I look at it, it's not there. Maybe the mirror is wrong ? :-)

Well you will try to avoid a logical answer (from my point of view) and say that yes this process of knowledge is known to us and we know it, that's why we write books and give knowledge to other people and there is nothing divine, but new knowledge, which nobody knows yet, but it appears in our brains, here is a display of that "universal mind", like a man cannot generate knowledge, but he was given to hold on so. Ok, let's move on.

They are creating a new programming language, MQL5, which no one has invented yet and Renat, Rosh and Company are working hard on it. And every post in this forum is filled with wishes for this language. And you want to convince me that the emergence of MQL5 is the work of the "universal mind" and not the work of those who have been working day and night, without weekends and holidays, trying to give us a new and better market research tool.Yurixx, you suggest to go into practice and check if the knowledge can be obtained through meditation and enlightenment. Let's suggest Renat to kick out all programmers and invite the most enlightened one, who is the Dalai Lama or maybe you can give some other recommendations. Let them create MQL5, but I doubt that we will never see MQL5 with this approach.

It is nonsense to think that this way one can gain new knowledge.

I still hold to the position that consciousness is a product of the human brain and is not a printer (receiver) in which someone puts something, but rather a generator, what creates. About this below.

Now, let's go to those yet unexplained phenomena that are used to prove the existence of "God = Universal Mind, etc.". Take the apparitions of the Virgin Mary(

Yes a unique, rare phenomenon. Read that page on the link, there is one church (religion) that recognizes these apparitions as true, the other does not. Just compare the dates (read it). And I argue that these are not manifestations of God, but a phenomenon of nature, yes rare, and not yet fully understood. I remember one of my lessons when I was studying lasers and optics long time ago. And for the first time I saw a hologram, fantastic show, fascinating with its beauty. But there was a teacher standing next to me, who was telling us about it and teaching us, we were doing laboratory work. There's no God in that image, IHMO. And let's say, I have decided to play a joke with a group of comrades, we can put up such a picture over the church, that people will not just look at it, but will faint, or not over the church :-).

OK, I think there was no cheating and this really happened, but it is a natural phenomenon. In fact, 200 years ago people thought that thunder was the voice of God (and considered it as God's phenomenon). I hope that nobody will prove now (physicists at least :-)) that there is somebody riding a chariot in the sky and raising thunder forks in the ground :-). Presently, time will pass and our children, grandchildren will laugh at our views on these phenomena.

In conclusion I want to quote some sayings of a very famous philosopher Emanuel Kant (1724-1804). He, without much fear of being labelled as a godless man, and often said to his students:

"In the realm of reason there was no proof of His existence and there cannot be."

"enlightenment is the courage to use one's mind."

"There are some delusions which cannot be refuted. It is necessary to impart to the deluded mind such knowledge as will enlighten it. Then the delusions will disappear by themselves."

Yurixx if you and I decide to go explore the "holy fire = Graceful Fire" what will happen. There's a crowd there, "bread and circuses", ok some enlightened people will understand that they can do without that spectacle and they will earn their bread too. But believers, they will tear us to pieces, because a fool has not smashed his forehead before an icon, does not perform namaz, does not go to synagogue, has not reached level 9 of enlightenment :-)), and is trying to trample on our "true" faith with his muddy boots. Hurt him, stake him, quarter him, ...., etc.

And that belief in God leads to enlightenment ?

Knowledge is gained by the one who seeks, the one who doubts, the one who answers don't know and tries to find out.

yes SK. this is the second time you have tried to exploit STO, the second time I send you to read( space is multidimensional, and this example speaks not about god, but about how little we still know about space.


I just want to say that the wave does not always go the ideal way, sometimes the impulses go "behind the neck" and go in one direction.

If you look at different pairs on different timeframes, you can "split" the Euro-Dollar only on М5. But everything "merges" into one point on M15 and the periods for viewing of pairs with higher volatility are M15 and M30.

That's all for now.

Ballistika, come back! :)

On the chart you can clearly see that there are two drawdowns of 80 points. Is this part of the strategy?


Knowledge is gained by those who seek it, by those who doubt it, by those who say they don't know and try to find out.

Exactly! And you, Sergei, have all the answers to all questions. With such an attitude it is difficult, of course, to learn something new. Or rather - impossible. I'm not talking about MQL's and the like. This is not Knowledge, or even knowledge. It's just a cipher agreement. About the rest I will say even shorter: you are looking through a microscope where you should be looking through a telescope. In a situation like this, it's hard to find common ground.

I am not trying to prove anything to you or anyone else. I only called to look at the world from a different angle. By yourself, with your eyes, with your mind, not through the prism of second-rate information from Wikipedia, for example. There are more than good reasons for that ! Whoever is ready for that will see it.

Otherwise I would like to say that this discussion gives me a spirit of hope. It turns out that there are many (and perhaps most) of those present who adhere to the view of the world that I do. And to a large extent these are young people. This means that in the post-Soviet space, where materialism (alas, vulgar) seemed to reign supreme, a return to spirituality is underway, and the scale of the process is truly great. If our society manages to recover the lost values and maintain them for some time, then the transition of quantitative changes to qualitative will happen inevitably and one day we will wake up in another world. In fact, a different world, not the one painted by Western advertising.

ballistika, we're really talking "pro-life" here.
There are many threads discussing trading strategies and this is the only one.

Don't turn it into a "business as usual" thread. Please.

Andriy, thank you for this post. I could hardly have expressed my state of mind more clearly in three short lines.