Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 54

And apart from the blah-blah, can't you CONSTANTLY refute (with evidence) specific statements? It reminds me of an old joke: two dogs meet, one big and one small. The big one asks the little one: "Who are you? The little one says: "I'm a French Bologna, who are you?" The big one says: "I'm nothing, I'd like *****..."
This is not the place.

Free VPN, north wind...
Pinging from Tver - mad as hell...
VPN's down like a heavy load...
Free VPN, north wind
I'm not the one who's stupid,

Not the DPI* that usually blows, but by eleven o'clock - knock...


DPI = Deep Package Inspection

Free VPN, north wind...
Pinging from Tver - mad as hell...
VPN's down like a heavy load...
Free VPN, north wind
I'm not the one who's stupid,

Not the DPI* that usually blows, but by eleven o'clock - knock...


DPI = Deep Package Inspection

did you make that up yourself?))

some clarification on the provisions of the law

It probably won't affect privacy.

why couldn't it have been explained in human language in the first place?

In the meantime, the repeal vote is still not in.

Как ФСБ собирается исполнять требования «пакета Яровой» (спойлер: до сих пор непонятно) — Meduza
Как ФСБ собирается исполнять требования «пакета Яровой» (спойлер: до сих пор непонятно) — Meduza
Президент России Владимир Путин подписал так называемый «пакет Яровой» 7 июля. Этот документ сильно поменял росссийское законодательство, в том числе в части регулирования интернета. В числе прочего «пакет» ввел административную ответственность за два новых правонарушения: — За использование несертифицированных средств шифрования при передаче...

some clarification on the provisions of the law

It probably won't affect privacy.

why couldn't it have been explained in human language in the first place?

In the meantime, the repeal vote is still not in.

How the hell do I know what encryption tools are out there and how certified they are? Am I supposed to do that as well?
Yuriy Asaulenko:
How the hell do I know what encryption tools are there and how certified they are? Do I have to do that too?

mandatory certification only for encryption of state secrets


Mandatory certification is only foreseen for encryption of state secrets

It's strange and confusing. What if I write a software program for encryption and correspond with a friend? Can I do it, or will I be charged 300 thousand dollars at once?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
It is strange and unclear. What if I write a software program for encryption and correspond with a friend? Can I do it, or am I immediately liable for 300 thousand dollars?

this act is not prohibited (at least as long as there are no restrictions on the private use of encryption tools)

Fear not, there are 54 pages