Algorithm Optimisation Championship. - page 96

Реter Konow:
Don't worry. ))
There's enough popcorn and even more -- don't get your hopes up.
Andrey Dik:

Of course, the functions have to be submitted by the participants, the thread says so. I announced a collection of functions from participants, but no one provided any.

I will choose 3-4 different functions of the form f(x1, x2), from them will be compiled FF for the competition. The referee has to generate a sequence of parameters and a sequence of calls to these functions, obtain unique sequences. Even though I know the functions, and the contestants will know them, no one will know the final total function. This was discussed earlier in this thread.

There is now a last opportunity for you to add one or more of your own functions to those I have compiled. If you don't remember what we are talking about, search for the keyword "f(x1, x2)" in this thread.

Please note, that I am going to solve the problem for the first time, so no matter how much I read about it, it will become clear only in the process of solving it.

I will accept your version of FF functions, because without seeing any example, it is difficult for me to come up with something adequate, and doing it randomly makes no sense.

I will study your example of FF functions, and prepare for it. Then the referee will generate a unique sequence of parameters and calls, and we'll try out our algorithms.

That's how I see it...

Реter Konow:

Take into account that this is the first time I am going to solve the problem, so no matter how much I read about it, it will become clear only in the process of solving it.

I will accept your version of FF functions, because without seeing any example, it is difficult for me to come up with something adequate, and doing it randomly makes no sense.

I will study your example of FF functions, and prepare for it. Then the referee will generate a unique sequence of parameters and calls, and we'll try out our algorithms.

This is how I see it...

You're not imagining the task correctly. The source of the FF will only be shown so that it can be seen that there is no cheating, everything is fair.

Don't get attached to specific formulas - it doesn't help. FF is a black box which gives out answers to questions, what is in it is unknown (this will be provided by a unique combination made up by the referee).

And we won't try anything anymore - we already have, now we will compete.

Andrey Dik:

You have the wrong idea of the task.


And we are not going to try anything anymore - we already have, now we are going to compete.

Decent. There's even a film called See Nothing, Hear Nothing (1989). The plot goes like this:"There's a murder happening in front of Dave's eyes, but he's deaf. Wally hears everything, but he's blind. ..."
Andrey F. Zelinsky:
Worthy. There's even a film called Nothing to See, Nothing to Hear (1989). The plot goes like this:"There's a murder in front of Dave's eyes, but he's deaf. Wally hears everything, but he's blind. ..."
What's wrong again?
Andrey Dik:
What's wrong again?

That's all right. I don't care. But as a consistent spectator, I don't understand how you can compete if one of the contestants doesn't understand the problem.

I don't understand why you can't write out all the conditions, give an example -- and when there are no more questions, only then compete.

They keep telling you the same thing -- "conditions, rules, example" -- but you're on your own.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

That's all right. I don't care. But as a consistent spectator, I don't understand how you can compete if one of the contestants doesn't understand the problem.

I don't understand why you can't write out all the conditions, give an example -- and when there are no more questions, only then compete.

They keep telling you the same thing -- "conditions, rules, example" -- but you're on your own.

Do I have to repost every new page of what was previously agreed upon? I do not have the ability to collect posts into one, I am not a moderator - otherwise your posts would not be here. Who forgot something - not my fault, search rules, I even told you what to look for and how to look for it.
Andrey Dik:

You are not imagining the task correctly. The source of the FF will only be shown to make it clear that there is no cheating, everything is fair.

Don't get attached to specific formulas - it doesn't help. FF is a black box which gives out answers to questions, what is in it is unknown (this will be provided by a unique combination made up by the referee).

And we won't try anything anymore - we already have, now we will compete.

Your task, as the organizer of the championship, is to provide the library of exportable functions that return values of parameters needed to create the algorithm.

The FF is part of that library. The FF formula is part of the FF function.

When you access the FF and pass an array of numbers, my algorithm will get a "more is less" style answer.

All I need to know is the number of parameters. The range and pitch, as you said, can be anything.

The method for calculating the values passed to the FF, controlling the number of hits and developing an efficient algorithm are my tasks.

The fact that the FF formula (a specific analytical function) can be any - does not scare me, as all analytical functions have the same mathematical laws.

So I'm just waiting for you to post the FF library with a sample connection interface (what you were going to post).


Andrey Dik:

... I am not a moderator - otherwise your posts wouldn't be here. It's not my fault if you forget something; I even told you what to look for and how to look for it.

helpful -- you're not being facetious -- I don't give a shit what's wrong with you -- you asked me "what's wrong" -- I told you -- if you're not sane and smart enough to have a decent conversation, that's your own business.

If you don't like my posts -- talk amongst yourselves in private or via contacts -- because the forum format isn't meant to be a peer-to-peer discussion.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

helpful -- you're not being facetious -- I don't give a shit what's wrong with you -- you asked "what's wrong" -- I told you -- if you're not sane and smart enough to have a normal conversation -- that's your own business.

If you don't like my posts -- talk amongst yourselves in private or via contacts -- because the forum format isn't meant to be a peer-to-peer discussion.

No one is asking for your opinion in this thread. In fact, I have been asked not to express it.