Algorithm Optimisation Championship. - page 93


Are you going to discuss it with him through me? Or are you going to look for someone with less pride to directly ask the third party whether it will or not?

It really is a circus. And then there's Peter's post about someone.

Are you trying to get me emotionally involved to derail the championship? What are you trying to do? I have not offered anyone, I have not given any instructions or asked anyone to be a referee. Why are we pushing people for nothing, like/dislike?

(chuckles): Okay. Peter, do you have anyone you can recommend as a referee? Anatoly, I'm sorry, I have no choice but to ask Peter.

Andrey Dik:

Are you trying to get me emotional in order to derail the championship? What are you trying to do? I have not offered anyone, I have not given any instructions or made any suggestions in favour of anyone to be a referee. Why are we pushing people for nothing, like/dislike?

Okay. (clears throat) Peter, do you have anyone you can recommend as a referee? Anatoly, I'm sorry, I have no choice but to ask Peter.

And you just need to find someone to reproach that he arouses your pride in emotions to disrupt the championship, so that you yourself finally strangle this championship and not become the culprit for his own disruption.

Do what you want with your championship, I want to help, but I see that they both do not need it, so why did you call for it?

Peter over there has already learned to see undemonstrated talent, a little more and in the championships that have not been held will figure out how.

Good luck in his endeavours.


I'd like to help, but I see that both of them don't need it for shit, so why did you call on people?

Peter over there has already learned to see undemonstrated talent, a little more and in the championships not held will know how to participate.

Good luck in his endeavors.

He has already learned to see the undemonstrated talent and will be able to hold his own in the championships. Don`t worry, the advice is not only for you.

I wish you success in your undertakings. I hope that you will not meet on your way people like you and everything will work with less effort than it was with me.

Andrey Dik:

Be jealous in silence. Don't worry, this advice doesn't apply to you alone.

Good luck in your endeavours as well. I hope that you will not meet people like you on your way and everything will work out with less effort than I did.

There is no need to cover up insults. Be honest, decide to be insulting, do it directly.

Just please don't think of the post as telling you what to do or how to do it, which you may have already done. It is only a call for honesty.

Don't cover up insults. Be honest, decide to insult, do it directly.


Andrey Dik:

OK, I'll comply with your request, you lop-eared monopoly son of a stump.

One must listen to his neighbour's insistent requests, so do as I ask - get out.

Are there moderators on the forum?
Andrey F. Zelinsky:
Are there any moderators on the forum?
What's wrong with you?! You've got something to hold on to! And you, get out!
Andrey F. Zelinsky:
Are there moderators on the forum?
No moderators. They will erase everything and another rudeness will remain erased. This way you can clearly see what comes from where and how.
No need for moderators. They will erase everything, and another rudeness will remain erased. This way, you can see where it's coming from and how it's coming.
Oh, my God! I'm amazed that I could ever be in agreement with you - nothing in the thread needs to be deleted.

He just hasn't decided whether he wants the championship or not, after it didn't work out the way he wants it.

So he's floundering between - Invite everyone to the championship, and -Get out,And you get out!