The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 71



Give people a percentage of our "common" to live as human beings.

While the earth is still turning,
While the light is still bright,
Lord, give every man
What he has not:
Give to the clever a head,
Give the cowardly a horse,
Give the happy man money
And don't forget me.

(B. Okudzhava)

A touching song, one thing I don't understand: why should a smart man get a head if he's already smart, and why should a happy man get money if he's already happy).

While the earth is still turning,
While the light is still bright,
Lord, give everyone
What he has not:
Give to the clever a head,
Give the cowardly a horse,
Give the happy man money
And don't forget me.

(B. Okudzhava)

It's good for you, you're not afraid at 75, you've written it yourself. But you can't think only about yourself.


(B. Okudzhava)

Touching song, one thing I don't understand: why the smart man needs a head if he's already smart, and why the happy man needs money, he's happy without it).

Yeah, and why should the blessed have a mind, let him be a fool.


Touching song, one thing I don't understand: why should the clever man be given a head if he is clever, and why should the happy man need money if he is happy without it).

Yeah, and why would a blessed man need a mind to be a fool - right?


Yeah, and the blessed one doesn't need a mind, let him walk around like a fool, right?

That's not in the song. But in the song it would be more correct: Give the fool his head. And to the poor give money. That would be logical. But in poetry, unfortunately, there is not always logic.
This is not in the song. But in the song it would be more correct: give a fool a head. And to the poor give money. That would be logical. But in poetry, unfortunately, there is not always logic.

Why, love comes and goes, but you always want to eat. And happy people want to eat, but happy people don't take much. And there are different kinds of clever ones, both tyrants and do-gooders.

To have a good mind it is not enough to have a mind, one must have a head for applying it to this or that, otherwise the mind can make a mess.

khorosh: It's a touching song, one thing I don't understand: why would a smart man give his head if he's already smart, and why would a happy man need money if he's happy without it).

Hilarious))) That's why we have everything in one place.
We jumped into the market economy and started to understand...
It's not exactly a market economy.)

It will probably be tougher in a couple of years. We will see...


Why, love comes and goes, but you always want to eat. And happy people want to eat, but happy people don't take much. And there are different kinds of clever ones, both tyrants and do-gooders.

To have a good mind, it is not enough to have a mind, one must have a head for applying it to this or that.

If a man is happy, we may assume that he has money. Without money, how can one be happy, one must have something to eat and support a family.

It's good for you, you're not afraid at 75, you wrote yourself. But you can't just think of yourself.

It will be good when the wooden suit comes on. Until then, you'll have to suffer from various diseases).

cancer is ahead of the rest of the world + retinas or something like that were the first in the world to be transplanted recently...

The uninformed might think that we are ahead of the world in cancer). My tongue is my enemy).