The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 45

Dmitry Fedoseev:

1. Amazing logic.

2. Are you defending North Korea's identity as, like, a sovereign independent state with full respect for human rights?

1 You desperately need maximum simplification.

2 Why does nothing prevent China from maintaining economic ties with the DPRK and thus at least indirectly influencing their domestic politics? Is the US the navel of the earth, to pick and choose strategy options?

Revolutions always lead to the destruction of a country. And the DPRK will be no exception. But they still have a choice.


1. First video - instructed the Central Bank to develop a mechanism to reduce interest for industrial companies, including through the project office mechanism.

2. Second - "I support the actions of the Central Bank to ensure macroeconomic stability" (c), "With all the desire to lower the rate it cannot be done by administrative means" (c), "We have a threat of inflation..." (с).

So what? Where is the criticism of Nabiulina and the demand to lower the refinancing rate that she ignores?

Andrew Petras:

On Nabiulina yourself. Or look at the rates over the last three years.

Andrew Petras:

I know the dynamics of interest rates - I don't see any disagreement between Putin and Nabiulina.

That's what I was wondering -I remember when the Central Bank slammed the interest rates, Putin openly insisted that they should be lowered. Nabiulina replied that she had IMF recommendations and rates would not be lowered. (с)


After the war. When the ravaged Afghanistan became a haven for the narco-mafia - there was simply nothing to eat there, devastation.

Before the war it was a peaceful, quiet country - they treated the USSR very well and our ambassadors were always just resting there.

By the way, Afghanistan was the first country in the world to officially recognize the Soviet Union.

"One of the reasons for the war was the desire to support supporters of the concept of socialism in Afghanistan, which came to power as a result of the April Revolution, faced with strong opposition to its social, economic and political strategy. American military and economic activities in the region posed a threat to Afghanistan's withdrawal from the Soviet sphere of influence. Also, the introduction of Soviet troops followed to prevent the possible strengthening of Islamic fundamentalism in the region caused by the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran."

Here I was sitting the other day, listening to a programme about Afghan drug trafficking.

A Middle East expert was talking, among other things, about the fact that heroin production requires some kind of chemicals, the peculiarity of which is high sensitivity to mechanical influences, and that it requires special conditions for its transportation. Well, there are some roads in Afghanistan that are ideal for such transportation.

But they do not produce anything there except poppies.

Who's keeping order there now? And should I have saved you a prouf on his report?

ps After the war the borders were still closed, and in the ussR it was as a rule no further than hemp. That is why after the USSR collapsed.

ps2 *Rostovkaia

Афганская война и ее последствия
Афганская война и ее последствия
Лицея № 1550 г. Москвы II. Основная часть: Афганская проблема до сих пор остается одной из наиболее острых во всем мире. Конфликты на территории бывшей Югославии, Ирака, столкновения на национальной почве в бывшем СССР, по сравнению с которыми война в Афганистане вызывает меньший интерес. Однако, при более глубоком рассмотрении, афганская...
Andrew Petras:

1 You badly need maximum simplification.

2 Why does nothing prevent China from maintaining economic ties with the DPRK, and thus at least indirectly influencing their domestic policies? Is the US the navel of the earth, to pick and choose strategy options?

Revolutions always lead to the destruction of a country. And the DPRK will be no exception. But they still have a choice.

1. a good way to blame everything on someone.

2. Beneficial to China, so they maintain relations. I take it you see North Korea as a normal, natural phenomenon?


I know the dynamics of interest rates - I don't see any disagreement between Putin and Nabiulina.

That's what I was wondering -I remember when the Central Bank slammed the interest rates, Putin openly insisted that they should be lowered. Nabiulina replied that she had IMF recommendations and rates would not be lowered. (с)

Vladimir Vladimirovich is only President. President is a position in the territory of colonial occupation, all the functions of the real head of government are cut off from this position. It's a notary who simply approves laws and doesn't ask stupid questions about where these rotten universally accepted laws came from. What matters is the very fact that according to the Russian constitution these universally accepted laws, spelt out by the IMF, are binding. And this president cannot force any official to do anything, because that would be usurpation of power, and the scum of the constitutional court would immediately take him to the tribunal in The Hague, like Milosevic or Hussein.

In this situation there is only one way out - a million protesters in Moscow demanding a Referendum to abolish the colonial, occupational articles of the constitution, nationalize the Central Bank, nationalize the country's mineral resource base.

Andrew Petras:

'One of the reasons for the war was to support the proponents of the concept of socialism in Afghanistan, who had come to power as a result of the April Revolution, faced strong opposition to their social, economic and political strategy. American military and economic activities in the region posed a threat to Afghanistan's withdrawal from the Soviet sphere of influence. Also, the introduction of Soviet troops followed to prevent the possible strengthening of Islamic fundamentalism in the region caused by the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran."

Here I was sitting the other day, listening to a programme about Afghan drug trafficking.

A Middle East expert was talking, among other things, about the fact that heroin production requires some kind of chemical, whose peculiarity is high sensitivity to mechanical influences, and that it requires special conditions for its transportation. Well, there are some roads in Afghanistan that are ideal for such transportation.

They produce nothing but poppies there.

Who's keeping order there now? Should I have saved you an apb on his report?

ps After the war the borders were still closed, and in the ussR it was as a rule no further than hemp. So after the USSR collapsed.


So what next? The Americans had their own "aspirations" in the Vietnam War. And the result is the same.

Some mysterious sensitive chemistry is a myth.

And about the heroin: it was after the withdrawal of Soviet troops that the heroin production began, because the country was totally destroyed and there was simply nothing to eat. All the Soviet Union could give Najibullah by withdrawing troops was some food and fuel.

That is why the Taliban and later, drug lords came to power.

Nikolay Kositsin:

Vladimir Vladimirovich is only President. The president is a position in colonial occupation territory, all the functions of the real head of government are cut off from this position. It is a notary who simply approves laws and does not ask stupid questions about where these rotten universally accepted laws came from. What matters is the very fact that according to the Russian constitution these universally accepted laws, spelt out by the IMF, are binding. And this president cannot force any official to do anything, because that would be usurpation of power, and the scum of the constitutional court would immediately take him to the tribunal in The Hague, like Milosevic or Hussein.

In this situation there is only one way out - a million protesters in Moscow demanding a Referendum to abolish the colonial, occupational articles of the constitution, nationalize the Central Bank, nationalize the country's mineral resource base.

What exactly do the articles in the constitution say that the IMF demands must be fulfilled?
Dmitry Fedoseev:

1. a good way of blaming everything on someone.

2. It benefits China, so they maintain relations. I take it you see North Korea as a normal, natural phenomenon?

1 That's why you're doing it.

2 No. I'm not happy with the methods. Are you relieved?


So what next? The Americans also have their "aspirations" in the Vietnam War. And the result is the same.

Some mysterious sensitive chemistry is a myth.

And as for the heroin, its production began after the withdrawal of Soviet troops, because the country was completely destroyed and there was simply nothing to eat. All the Soviet Union could give Najibullah by withdrawing troops was some food and fuel.

That is why the Taliban and later the drug lords came to power.

That's it for me. You are unconvincing.