The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 4

Sergey Golubev:
Why gold? What's plentiful is what to peg it to.
Seeds, the most convenient currency.
Sergey Golubev:
Why gold? What's plentiful is pegged to that.
The Chinese Yuan is morally tied to the number of population.
Seeds, the most convenient currency.

It wouldn't be bad)

Sergey Golubev:
Why gold? There is plenty to peg it to.
For example, in the long term, there is nothing wrong with the Ruble being tied to oil and gas. Energy resources are depleting on the continents and will be exhausted one day. They are not infinite, after all. It is naive to assume that things will continue like this. No, no. Not at all. They will run out. And the world's oceans, particularly the Arctic shelf, contain untold reserves. And we will find more. As soon as it becomes unprofitable for the cartel member-countries to keep artificially lowering prices in order to repeat with Russia what they did with the Soviet Union, the price of oil will find its fair value and the balance of supply and demand will normalize. There will be resources for exploration and development. Then when the continents are empty, everyone will come crawling back to us. Or rather, they will want to take it away. But they won't be able to. And they will buy it for rubles. This is not a prospect for the next few years, and not for our generation. And not even our children's generation. Rather our grandchildren, or great-grandchildren. By then the strategy will already be unfolding in space.
Maksim Dlugoborskiy:
For example, in the long term, there is nothing wrong with the Ruble being tied to oil and gas. Energy resources are being depleted on the continents and will be exhausted at some point. They are not infinite, after all. It is naive to assume that things will continue like this. No, no. Not at all. They will run out. And the world's oceans, particularly the Arctic shelf, contain untold reserves. And we will find more. As soon as it becomes unprofitable for the cartel member-countries to keep artificially lowering prices in order to repeat with Russia what they did with the Union, the price of oil will find its fair value and the balance of supply and demand will normalize at once. There will be resources for exploration and development. Then when the continents are empty, they will all come crawling back to us. Or rather, they will want to take it away. But they won't be able to. And they will buy it for rubles. This is not a prospect for the next few years, and not for our generation. And not even our children's generation. Rather our grandchildren, or great-grandchildren. By then, the strategy will already be unfolding in space.
I believe that if the best minds of humanity manage to focus on the problem of thermonuclear fusion, then in the near foreseeable future civilisation will be able to extract energy from a thermonuclear reactor, and hydrocarbons will be needed for the chemical industry. But, unfortunately, at the moment science is puppeteered by the new Inquisition and with all the will it will not discover anything new.
Joo Zepper:

I read that the US dollar has two categories of banknote series: for domestic use and for the rest of the world, that the US could overnight recognize "non-his" banknotes as mere paper notes...

All the quid are the same, i.e. there is no division between them for internal or external use.

For the US economy, a drop in the dollar poses no threat. The banknotes are the property of the Fed. And it is a private shop, for which the government is not responsible.

The point is that the depreciation of the quid, saves the US from a debt hole. That is, when a trillion quid can be bought for 1 ruble, then American debtors, including the government, will simply scrape together a few rubles and easily settle all their debts.

As for the other currencies, that is the problem of the states that issue them. But from the looks of it, almost everywhere we will have to change the banking system completely to a more adequate one and abandon fiat money.

Yury Reshetov:

All quid are the same, i.e. they are not divided into bucks for internal or external use.

There is no threat to the US economy from the fall of the dollar. The banknotes are the property of the Fed. And this is a private shop, for which the government is not responsible.

The point is that devaluing the dollar saves the U.S. from a debt pit. That is, when a trillion quid can be bought for 1 ruble, the American debtors, including the government, will simply scrape together a few rubles and easily settle all their debts.

Of course it is, to get rid of the debt you have to devalue the debt, i.e. cancel it. This means that the entire multi trillion dollar state of debt the USA owes to countries will simply go to zero. it does not matter who owns the private shop, what is important is that it is possible to nullify the debt.

Not only will the U.S. no longer owe anyone anything, but no one will owe anyone anything at all. For example, Russia sold 15 aeroplanes to Brazil, worth up to 19 million dollars, and then the exchange rate depreciated, which means that we gave Brazil 15 aeroplanes as a gift... It's the simplest example, but the rest of the world will face problems not because of the dollar's decline, but because the debt limit will disappear. Unless, of course, countries come to their senses and introduce a standard that cannot be devalued.

Joo Zepper:

I read that the U.S. dollar has two categories of banknote series: for domestic use and for the rest of the world, that the U.S. could overnight recognize "non-U.S." banknotes as mere bills... The Yellowstone volcano is about to go on the rampage, so let's just say the world 's currency is about to go belly-up, how will the rest of the world's currencies feel?

Please speak up gentlemen.

I was recently reading an analytical article on the way out of the current crisis. Well, it argued that there are two possible ways out of the current crisis:

1. Save the U.S. economy and sacrifice the global economy (the economy of the rest of the world);

2. Save the world economy and sacrifice the U.S. economy.

The financial elite of the world are divided into two camps, each adhering to either point 1 or 2.

I think without war this problem will not be solved, as very powerful groups and too contradictory positions. Perhaps the resolution of the situation in Syria will show which option we will follow.

By the way, Russia and China are the biggest world powers in buying REAL gold. I think that answers your question.

Joo Zepper:

Of course it is, to get rid of the debt you have to devalue the debt, i.e. cancel it. That means the entire multi-trillion dollar state of debt the US owes to countries would simply go to zero.

Yeah. There's no way to do that without it. There are no miracles, after all.

That is why China is dumping its dollar foreign exchange reserves by investing them in highly questionable international projects. That way at least a share of profits from such projects will remain. Otherwise there will be nothing left at all.

Seeds, the most convenient currency.
That's fine. At least you can chew the sunflower seeds, but what about gold?