FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 301


I don't know...

Ilya, comment on the sticks on H4 in my picture above.

Can these be considered sticks?

Thank you!


Ilya, comment on the sticks on the H4 in my picture above.

Can these be considered sticks?

Thank you!

what is the pair? you can't see through the Malevich...

=))))=??? the little square below=) (breakdown, return)

Roman Busarov:
=)))) didn't pop =)
He's on your prediction, isn't he?
Roman Busarov:
=))))=??? the little square below=) (breakout, comeback)
there are no squares in the market. squares are in your head....
It's coming according to your forecast.
Well, you need to understand where to buy from and where to refill =) and not out of the blue from the air
there are no squares in the market squares in your head....
they are squares built on data and not from "the Evil One".
Good people please tell me what this indicator is and where to find it

An Audi seems fine to me to buy.

I also bought the audusd and nzdusd a bit yesterday. On audusd 0,7750 I think so far. On nzdusd I don't know yet.