FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 1176


Saudi Arabia's currency bond offering could exceed $17bn and become the largest among developing countries, Bloomberg's sources said. According to preliminary data, demand for the securities exceeded $50 billion

Read more on RBC:

Саудовская Аравия разместила рекордный объем долларовых бондов
Саудовская Аравия разместила рекордный объем долларовых бондов
Объем размещения валютных облигаций Саудовской Аравии может превысить $17 млрд и стать крупнейшим среди развивающихся стран, утверждают источники Bloomberg. По предварительным данным, спрос на бумаги превысил $50 млрд
Movlat Baghiyev:
The upshot is you're not doing anything at all.

everything it takes to get the point across, I've already done, understood and explained.

no argument - almost everything is flaky, except for the last few posts.

move the quote against your orders people.

as i said, it's not the chart analysis that helps, like Strange said.

look for markets on the computer program that works against them, also correctly said Strange (you need to keep your thoughts in your head or somewhere else, not on a computer)

if none of this works, it's better to use your hands and your head.

One thing Strange was wrong about - he said that marques always pick up their orders...... No way! - They can't take a fraction of a cent from me.

The last brexit on the pound was a drunken market freak out that I just pissed off overnight, no more. Profit again.

V I wonder if anyone understood what your trading is based on.
Movlat Baghiyev:
I wonder if anyone understood what your trading is based on.

The right strategy - versus the marquee strategy. Get to work.

You have to fight the markets, not the quote indicators.

The right strategy - versus the marquee strategy. Work.
))))Who knows, only if you look at the chart.
Movlat Baghiyev:
)))) Who knows, only if you look at the chart.

The graph is history and there is nothing to catch. Only to prove it, if necessary.

Isn't that enough for you?

I wrote it:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences 2016

new-rena, 2016.10.19 15:10

What are you predicting and scratching here? What does this have to do with the quid?

Look reality in the eye.

The quote goes against your own dough and nothing else.

If money goes up on one pair, it goes down on the other.

If money goes up in one real account, it goes down in another.

There is no other pattern.

And if there is, it is this:

If none of the conditions I've mentioned is fulfilled (like mine, for example), then the quote will be the way I need it to earn money.


Isn't that enough for you?

I wrote:

Probably very dumb)))
Yoksel-Moksel😕 It's so complicated and confusing. It's like walking into the woods...
The teacher has retired. I suggest Wrena be put in his place.
A worthy change.
The teacher has retired. I suggest Wrena be put in his place.
A worthy change.
Fuck you.