FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 1183

Мировые ЦБ устроили рекордную распродажу госдолга США
Мировые ЦБ устроили рекордную распродажу госдолга США
  • Анна Королева
Ряд мировых ЦБ в августе существенно снизили вложения в американские государственные облигации. По данным министерства финансов США, общая сумма вложений стран мира в госдолг США упала до минимальной отметки с июля 2012 года и составила 3,948 трлн долларов. Фактически крупнейшие мировые инвесторы – ЦБ – избавляются от госдолга Штатов, причем...

Strong, just super).

No need to answer anything.

Kindergarten first let it run its course...........)

Come on...., 3360 target with two warrants... I don't have a computer around...
Kids, tell us how buckskad was sold instead of bought, let's have a laugh)
Rewind the forum on Evra, the goals and movement are outlined like the palm of your hand... Only the koloputniks are drooling...
Rewind the forum on Evra, the goals and movement are outlined like the palm of your hand... Just the koloputniks drooling...
Yeah you, you drew, only I was selling)
Blindfolds are and will be... Trouble with them...

Kids, tell us how you sold the buckscade instead of buying it.)

Old man, are you driving people crazy?

You better tell us how much money you left under the moon)))

What do you call yourself, a woodpecker?

That's right!

FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2016
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2016
Скриншоты торговой платформы MetaTrader.
Not always, sometimes individually))) Gurenko's "TC ok" selling and "fighting for a place under the sun" confirms this once again...
I don't know why I tried to buy it, but the real problem is that I don't know what to do with it and I don't know how to react to it.

values = buyers up, sellers down = sellers))

Preparing a new depo))))

Euro is further down))))

You and the old one are all fucked up

Anyway, scribblers, I closed the entire USDCAD before the weekend...
There is an order on EUR, there is still a lot of sawing to do....
EURJPY about 1000 p...
Good luck to the pushers, I'm offshore for the weekend...

Blind men are and always will be... Trouble with them...

Ilya, it's just that while they are reading the reports, we are not standing still, we are learning how to trade.

sxww, for example, one forecast gives the right one and the other does not (statistics). I do not know where he is now. He was a normal guy, never swore. But this one is just like him, but he does not succeed, though.
