FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 1182

There's charisma from the heart, from the soul!
This one's just a paltry semblance... Well, that's it.)))
It amuses me how they all run together and start discussing what goes where, in pictures, the circus is smoking.
My thoughts. It made no difference buying or selling the Euro today. A short-term pullback upwards will do it anyway. As soon as the usdchf touches 0,9990, the pullback to 0,98 will start and the Euro will drag with it.
It's all right to dream.) As long as the cuckoo doesn't get carried away.)
Look at that one, he's so high)))))))))))))
Nah, gura sucks, we should call him.)

М aks, this is your thread! Write, prognosticate!

From now on, all insults from strenge will be redirected to wizard.

These assholes got it coming to them.

What's there to prognosticate about. It's already happened. Now just wait for the results. And the little kickbacks to sandbag them.
What's there to miss? It's already happened. Now all we have to do is wait for the results. And small reversals to sandbag it.

Fine with me.

Everyone has his own point of view, his own forecast and his own strategy. This is the main thing and is respected.

Talking. Mo-fo-fo-face!

Fine with me.

Everyone has their own point of view, their own prognosis and their own strategy. That's what counts and is respected.

That is why woodpeckers have their own point of view, but you all get spanked together.

Eurodollar 21.10.2016 0790 area - possible correction

Why? The sticks don't lie. Profit will be taken!!!

Strong, just super).

No need to answer anything.

Kindergarten first let it run its course...........)