FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 779





Was it 1.2000?

Bicus, you have to be very careful to understand what's written here). You have to keep in mind that not everyone understands you either. Look at what you wrote yourself. Where was it? It was 1.2 or 1.12 or 12000 what currency, or not currency.

That's the way it is.)) EUR/USD now =1. 1200.


Bicus, you have to be very careful to understand what is written here.) You have to take into account that not everyone understands you either. See for yourself what you have written. Where was it? Is it 1.2 or 1.12 or 12000 what currency, or not currency.

That's how it is.)))

I asked yesterday - was it on the pound?

The prediction was given the right one, wasn't it?

What can I say.)) Very beautiful... Let them say what they want now (LUCKY, LUCKY, LUCKY)....)))
Yes luck)))) as always)))) tonight again in the evening, I will play cards, try to guess on a coffee grounds, maybe I'll be lucky again;-)))))) it is better not to stand out from the crowd ... and then the crowd will jam)))))) sh sure, just a good mood

Strange, hi)!!!!

Good afternoon...

I am looking at the pound and I see that it is not as easy as it seems...

If everything remains as it is, next week the pound may go up again. Does everyone look down in particular?))


I asked yesterday - is it on the pound?

The prediction was correct, wasn't it?

Your grid on the pound is super. The moves I was writing about----------------

-------------------------There is no interest for you(in the sense that they are small).

In your network with large lots you can catch (eventually) much more.

I'm thinking of concocting something like that myself.)

British Prime Minister Theresa May plans to launch the Brexit procedure without the approval of the country's parliament, The Telegraph has reported. The publication calls it a "blow" to those who hoped to drag out the country's exit from the EU in parliament

Read more on RBC:
СМИ узнали о планах Терезы Мэй запустить Brexit без одобрения парламента
СМИ узнали о планах Терезы Мэй запустить Brexit без одобрения парламента
Премьер Британии Тереза Мэй планирует запустить процедуру Brexit без согласования в парламенте страны, сообщает The Telegraph. Издание называет это «ударом» по тем, кто рассчитывал затянуть в парламенте процесс выхода страны из ЕС
British Prime Minister Theresa May plans to launch the Brexit procedure without the approval of the country's parliament, The Telegraph has reported. The publication calls it a "blow" to those who hoped to drag out the country's exit from the EU in parliament

Read more on RBC:
The bottom line is clear. There will be a different mask on Brexit...

That's the way it is.))) EUR/USD now = 1. 1200.

Read your own dialogue with this lady. You were talking specifically about the pound.
Hi, never mind, where are you holding the pound?
Evgeniya Balchin:
1285 (90)-1340...but as of today 1310-1325) if 1270 will be added then 1250, 1200 will do. We need to watch. Where to after the expiry.