FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 774

Please. The Internet is awash with it to say the least.
Well now you're going to be a guiding star for a lot of people (that's no joke) in all seriousness...
Well, now you will be a guiding star for many people (this is not a joke) in all seriousness ...

Don't worry about it. There are a lot of people here who are interested in this topic. Hopefully the discussions will start in the same direction and there will be lots and lots of predictions. And I will pretend to be a gray mouse and watch what happens.

The most interesting thing is the effect of the strategy. Will it be - that is the question?

The answer has already been written recently.

So let us watch.


Don't worry about it. There are a lot of people here who are interested in this topic. Hopefully the discussions will start in the same direction and there will be lots and lots of predictions. And I will pretend to be a grey mouse and watch what happens.

The most interesting thing is the effect of the strategy. Will it have any effect - that is the question?

You mean the effect on the market? Or the effect on profitability? Well, Strange is trading according to reports and we'll see how strong his truth is...
Do you mean the effect on the market? Or the effect on profitability? Well Strange trades according to reports just to see how strong his truth is...
Naturally profit or vice versa. Both will be present.
Do you mean the effect on the market? Or the effect on profitability? Well Strange is trading on reports just to see how strong his truth is...
If you give someone a sports car and a track, he'll set a record, the other one might go off the road...

kindergarten =) let's see... to trade what you want to take, you need at least half a year of practice =)

8 minutes... rocket to start...

If you give someone a sports car and a track, he'll set a record, another may go off the road...
Mistakes cannot be ruled out. Myth has given a timeframe of at least half a year to study. However, this is far less time than we have spent studying all sorts of strategies.
Roman Busarov:

kindergarten =) let's see... to trade what you want to take, you need at least half a year of practice =)

8 minutes... rocket to launch...

the launch is delayed by an hour and a half because a passing bird crashed on the sensor =)

just in time to get to the country house and light a fire for the sauna and .... =)

Thanks everybody, I'll be gone till Sunday=))

Roman Busarov:

kindergarten =) let's see... to trade what you want to take, you need at least half a year of practice =)

8 minutes... rocket to start...

Rocket powder dries out....))
I don't like this pound thing any more.