FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 386

Strange. Kudrin is with you, he's over 30 on oil too. )))
Strange. Kudrin with you, from also over 30 on oil. )))

Kudrin - take the economy up to sunny Anadyr, let him put his advice and knowledge into practice.

Oil - down to shake out the buyers. But there will be no reversal, we won't make it.

GBP - we are going to have another roundabout here and there, then strictly up. Most likely, we will start the move upwards even before the referendum.

Yen - it may go up from the current levels or we may see 101-101.5.

No more thoughts.

ha... The news on the front said that three forex dealers (branches) are being searched in connection with the withdrawal of funds to the left in these offices. which offices were not said.
Roman Busarov:
ha... They said on the news that three forex dealers (branches) are being searched in connection with the withdrawal of funds to the left at these offices.

That's sad. Too bad there are no names. (


Anglo-Saxons stay in the EU=)

The murder of a British MP has halted campaigns ahead of the Brexit referendum

The murder of British Labour Party MP Jo Cox during her meeting with voters has forced both supporters and opponents of the country's exit from the European Union to suspend their campaigns. Both sides cancelled all significant events after the assassination on Thursday and also on Friday. On Thursday night, Prime Minister David Cameron, Finance Minister George Osborne and Bank of England Governor Mark Carney cancelled or significantly scaled back scheduled speeches. BMG has postponed until the weekend the scheduled publication of new polling data on Friday, and the IMF has not yet released a report assessing the economic impact of Britain's exit from the EU (Brexit).

The murder of Cox, 41, who actively campaigned for the country to remain in the EU in support of the poor and refugees from Syria, has also changed the balance of power in the markets. The pound sterling exchange rate reversed losses after the tragic news on Thursday, with the price of gold, which had previously topped $1300 an ounce, falling below that level. On Friday, the pound continued to rise, stock markets began to rise and government bond prices fell.

Cox was shot dead in the town of Birstall in northern England. Clark Rotwell, a witness to the murder, told the BBC that a man shot her and then punched her. "I heard him say 'Britain is more important than everything' or 'Britain should be more important than everything'. He shouted it at least twice." Police cannot now state anything specific about the motive for the murder, acting West Yorkshire Police Chief Constable Dee Collins told a news conference. She said police had arrested the 52-year-old man, found several weapons in his possession and were not looking for anyone else at the moment.

The pound and stock markets have been falling in recent days as polls showed Brexit supporters were starting to outperform opponents by several percentage points. But after the news of Cox's murder, markets turned around. The pound strengthened for a second day, showing the strongest gains among the currencies of the top 10 developed countries, Bloombergnoted, as bookmakers' data showed that the odds of supporters of leaving the EU had declined.

"Markets have been actively playing down risky currencies such as the pound sterling and up safe-haven assets such as bonds and the yen," Mansour Mohi-uddin, a strategist at Royal Bank of Scotland Group, told Bloomberg. However, Cox's tragic death caused traders to "close positions en masse, leading to a marked recovery in the euro and commodity currencies," he explained.

The pound gained back from a 1.3 per cent fall on Thursday night and was up 0.5 per cent on Friday. According to Oddschecker calculations based on bookmakers' data, the probability of Brexit has fallen to 38% after Cox's murder from a record 44% on Thursday morning. "The rally is entirely due to the belief that yesterday's tragedy has raised the likelihood of EU membership supporters winning the referendum" on June 23, says Ray Attrill, head of currency strategy at National Australia Bank (quoted by Bloomberg).


At one time, the Archduke in Sarajevo was assassinated for serious purposes.

And here they've gone completely soft =))

"A convenient assassination."


At one time, the Archduke in Sarajevo was assassinated for serious purposes.

And here they've gone completely soft =))

"A convenient assassination."

Draghi, soon, I reckon, will raise the pro-basket by 100pp

let's take a screenshot

luntik luntik

Teacher, why is YOUR head always turned the wrong way round?))