FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 702

That's really funny))))
I know))) and he said it with a serious look in a slightly shaky voice, already fully aware that he got it)))) and that makes it even funnier, I laughed holding my stomach for ten minutes and could not stop)))))
I have to cry here! When it gets stronger - where will you run to?

You keep it there... pants

I don't trade the ruble. But I am very interested.

Now people are going to be scattered over the hawks and loys.... (not the ruble, the rest of the pairs)


I'm not selling anything. I don't have the hand to do it. Yesterday I spent the whole day racing this zig-zag type (testing). 300% at the most in 3 months.

Here you go:

Алгоритм Рамера — Дугласа — Пекера — Википедия
Алгоритм Рамера — Дугласа — Пекера — Википедия
Алгоритм Дугласа-Пекера — это алгоритм, позволяющий уменьшить число точек кривой, аппроксимированной большей серией точек. Алгоритм был независимо открыт Урсом Рамером в 1972 и Давидом Дугласом и Томасом Пекером в 1973. Также алгоритм известен под следующими именами: алгоритм Рамера-Дугласа-Пекера, алгоритм итеративной ближайшей точки и...
You've got to cry!!! When it strengthens, where will you run to?

You keep it there... Pants
Is the quid going to go to 80?

Catching the moon:

And the quid will go... and the rouble

So the quid will go to 80 rubles and the ruble to 80 quid?
does that mean the quid will be 80rubles and the ruble 80bucks?
in 10 minutes))))
no... It's just 80.
Now I get it, the ruble and the quid are 80 euros each and together they are 160!
it depends on where you are now )))
в ( ! )
Grandpa, come out and tell me how the CiP sales are doing?

don't say, "that doesn't mean i'm wrong."
if you listened to grandpa, you wouldn't be in a dark place right now.))))))