FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 348

Roman Busarov:
Ahh... that reminds me... who's going to do the arrows? =)
A teacher will come and draw them.)

I like the way it falls out of range and the chaps salt it)


I like the way it falls out of range and the chaps salt it)

it would be good to get back to 28 before the weekend=)

I like the way it falls out of range and the chaps salt it)

I don't trade it, I'm just sharing an opinion, nothing more...

If it goes your way, I'd be delighted!

Dmitry Chepik:

I'm not trading it, just sharing an opinion, nothing more...

If it goes according to your scenario, I'll only be glad!

Just kidding)

It'll do, it's not going anywhere, I told you, I'm dreaming of 2550)

Roman Busarov:
It would be good to be back at 28 by the weekend=)
Don't want to go back anywhere, let it fly straight for the limiters)
starting to pick up the chif... debt taken away all the shorts on it are closed.

And the ECB's purchase of a yard of quid

Strange! By your standards is that a lot for this pair? Or is it so average, will there still be a pick up? Draghi at 10:00.
Roman Busarov:
starting to pick up the chif... debt taken all the shorts are closed on it.

yeah, out of the canal, whoopee...

Strange! Is it a lot by your standards for this pair? Or is it so average, will there still be a boost? Draghi's at 10:00.
Not much, very little.