FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 697


And I've got it all by the sheet music, musical notation))))

someone's pipsing is the first sign)
Just for fun:
I think you've embellished it. Tell me, did you move the bars to the left?

Well there, yes, I did, because it was just the beginning)))

I didn't do the synchro first.

You can't take it so personally and that's... you didn't see the elephant in the room)))))))))

I think the oil is not at home, her house is 40 to 45 rather than 47
I'm too much of a heartbreaker.

tell me, what's the elephant in the room? ))

at least he's got some brains ;)
Read above about the doll, put it on the chart as asked Dimmerd
well, he asked for a lot of things - senior timeframes... on the chart... then he was talking about the timing difference...
and then the doll - underneath the picture of the euras...
between the eyes )))
that's it, go make an indicator, make it up to date) not for me, of course. I already have one (I won't show you the latest version)
you can, right? thank you!!!
you will have to)
Rena didn't go down as you said, but on the contrary, now we'll see if it straightens out...
Rena didn't lose the ruble as you said, but on the contrary, now we are seeing if it will straighten out...

How else can I explain it to you?

Didn't I tell you - are you keeping the purchase? If so, I don't envy you...

I told you it would fall.

And look what a nice GEP down.

So we figured out why grandpa is so angry - he sold the rubal...

He's got everyone confused. They don't know what down means, what up means) I said 55. Why can't they understand?

Yes, I've long understood that the old one bought...