FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 9

It looks like the pound will continue to fall. But I don't believe in charity, so I will buy it at 1.4360 and 1.4330.
It looks like the pound will continue to fall. But I don't believe in charity, so I will buy it at 1.4360 and 1.4330.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

I understand that you have a lot of systems and you advertise each one, but what is your prediction?

For history and a bit of statistics))

Artem Sidorov:

I understand that you have a lot of systems and you advertise each one, but what is your prediction?

For history and a bit of statistics))

Online prediction! then a breakdown of why it didn't go and in 10 grand the author will make sure there is a 50/50 ))))))

Shaman, do you seriously believe that there is more logic in the movements of a cart than in the movements of a horse?

Not more, of course, but enough to analyse the movements of a horse, do not forget that we will never see a horse, we only virtually know that it exists.


But then don't say you're analysing a horse when you're analysing what's behind its tail...

The market is shaped by cotiers, and they are the only ones...
We are definitely analysing the cart, hoping that the cart and the horse have a firm grip.
I will put the levels on the current chart today or tomorrow as I would like to see from the indicator. We'll see. Maybe I'll give up the idea myself......... and maybe not.
Artem Sidorov:

I understand that you have a lot of systems and you advertise each one, but what is your prediction?

For history and some statistics))

Yes, I have 3 of them. Two of them are for rise of Euro and one for fall at the moment. But, the thing is, each TS has periods of decline and rise in effective trading and all of them, eventually, show about the same results about 55-60% of profitable trades. Therefore, I do not pay much attention to the problem of the current forecast. This problem is solved by the TS itself. It is allowed to be wrong in 40-45 cases out of 100 based on the results of a run over the last 6 years.
Eh, if I could find a person who would put futures levels on a clean current euR chart and option levels on another one, and I would do the confirmed ones. I think you get the idea.
We are definitely analysing the cart, hoping that the cart and the horse have a firm grip.

Let's forgive Yusufhoja his publicity ploy.

Not forgetting that "young men's hopes are nurtured".