The oil issue ... - page 49

Alexey Volchanskiy:
Again, I read, our production is more expensive because of delivery. Where is it cheaper to bring all the iron, fuel and other stuff, to Texas via a really excellent road network or to Yamal?

They lie, they want to jack up the price, this is what google found:

The critical level of the cost of oil for extractive companies is the cost of production, which is currently between $5 and $15 a barrel. However, this scenario is not even considered by the Energy Ministry, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said.

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I don't read newspapers, what is its focus? And where did such specific data come from? I do not believe journalists at all, I talked to them too much and drank too much in my time. They used to say bluntly when they were drunk: "The highest bidder will get the best coverage and the competitor will be drowned in shit.

In principle you are right. A barrel at $2.8 is a cost price.

Of course you cannot push like that so everybody crawls into the oil industry as if there is no import. If there are imports, there is something else to do but oil. When the price is right, the government will have a headache for the people, for the economy, for cheap petrol, and not for keeping oil prices down.

I totally support this!

Alexey Volchanskiy:
I don't read newspapers, what is her focus? And where did such specific data come from? I do not believe journalists at all, I talked and drank too much with them in my time. They drunkenly said, - The highest bidder will get the best coverage, and the competitor will be drowned in shit.
These are Novak's words, I heard them myself.
British Petroleum is losing $5.2bn a year on the slump in the oil price, its worst result in more than 20 years, which is pushing the company to slash thousands of jobs(article published five hours ago).

They're there in Britain quietly "dying", proudly, while we're here (in the media) "cackling" ... :)
Sergey Golubev:
British Petroleum is losing $5.2bn a year on the oil price, the worst result in more than 20 years, which is pushing the company to slash thousands of jobs on a massive scale(article published five hours ago).

They're there in Britain quietly "dying", proudly, while we're here (in the media) "cackling" ... :)

Yeah, they don't know how to do it like us).

They wrote above that cars will drive on shit too, no problem!

We have plenty of that. Also, everyone has forgotten when they were afraid of what to do if they run out of oil.

But what about boom - we have the biggest reserves in Russia.


Sergey Golubev:
British Petroleum is losing $5.2bn year on year due to falling oil prices, the worst result in more than 20 years, pushing the company to slash thousands of jobs on a massive scale(article published five hours ago).

They're there in Britain quietly "dying", proudly, while we here (in the media) are "cackling" ... :)

This is very encouraging! When oil was sold at $120 and the cost of production was $10, all industry and business died. Now it is time to reap the fruits of their labours.

5$ for five to ten years, I think, will make up for the business losses caused by unreasonable overpricing by oil companies.

Sergey Chalyshev:

This is very encouraging! When oil was sold at $120, at a cost of $10, all industry and business died. Now it is time to reap the fruits of their labours.

Five to ten years' worth of $5 will, I think, recoup the business losses caused by the unjustified overpricing by oil companies.

No one is pushing the price of oil, the market is driving it. Try to sell it at $120 now.
Alexandr Murzin:
The price of oil is not being inflated or overstated, the market is driving the price. Try selling it now at 120.

The price of $140 a barrel has been inflated by the sellers with games in the geopolitical arena.

This is the game that some of the players are paying for right now.

Alexandr Murzin:
Oil prices were not pushed up or overpriced, the market drives the price. Try to sell it for 120 now.

I don't want to be bullied into it, I wasn't going to. Read the above. When energy prices are falling all over the world, it's just like in the movies.

Have you seen Zigzag Luck? Let's take pictures of ourselves in order to meet the plan.)

It turns out they are crooks who speculate on public money.)