Let's pause in the words. - page 7

Ivan Vagin:
They allocated 30 mio from the budget to build a bridge across the Amur, but the bridge can be built in a year.
Or one year later, they could say that the bridge was washed away.
Alexey Busygin:

The saying, "With a sweetheart in a shawl", is only possible as long as the sun is smiling and the flowers are blooming. In all other processes, life becomes a living hell and a harsh everyday life.

You're right there.
Alexey Busygin:

For example, there are things that one person alone cannot achieve or at least it will take a lot of time and effort. Money simplifies the process, but you must agree that to work hard to earn money to feed yourself and your children, it's not a life, so the whole life is spent working, and you never know what will grow out of children. And of course it all depends on the person, a lot of money can easily make a person's head spin and he can forget, and lack of money can easily break it.

The saying "Peace in the shack with a pretty one" is only possible as long as the sun is smiling and the flowers are blooming. In all other processes, life becomes a living hell and a harsh everyday life.

Again and again, do not desire the impossible, the unattainable, but according to your abilities, efforts and reasonable necessity, otherwise you will be miserable and miserable! All superlatives are achieved by criminal means, and sooner or later there will be retribution, at least after your death in the memory of people! One need not go far to find examples!
Again and again, do not desire the impossible, the unattainable but according to your abilities, efforts and reasonable need, otherwise you will be miserable and wretched! All superlatives are achieved by criminal means, and sooner or later there will be retribution, at least after your demise in the memory of men! One need not go far to find examples!

You're bending it the wrong way, now that you have, bend it further! There is nothing in this world that is impossible and unreachable, there are three levels of thresholds that must always be overcome. The first level of thresholds a man sets for himself. The second one is set by society. The third is set by forces of the spiritual level. Who and how one reaches above, the way one chooses for oneself and one will be responsible for it.

Ivan Vagin:

From $16,000,000,000 - that would be an income of $160,000,000 a year, in my opinion, more than enough for a living wage....

I wonder.
What's the problem? Well, take that 16 billion to the bank for even more interest and live happily ever after.
Alexey Busygin:

You're bending it the wrong way, now that you have, I'll bend it further! There is nothing in this world that is impossible and inaccessible, there are three levels of thresholds that must always be overcome. The first level of thresholds a man sets for himself. The second one is set by society. The third is set by forces of the spiritual level. Who and how reaches above, the way chooses himself and himself will be responsible for it.

I agree! One can only wish that a sense of responsibility is present in everyone, especially those who take advantage of their special position in society!
I agree! The only thing left to do is to wish that everyone has a sense of responsibility, especially those who enjoy their special position in society!
And don't forget, a special position is not given for nothing.
Alexey Busygin:
And lest we forget, the special position is given for a reason.
Because they are supposed to serve, not command!
Because they are supposed to serve, not command!
That's right!
Dmitry Fedoseev:
2% per month is less than any weakest bank deposit, i.e. inflation is not covered, which means that the money just slowly and gradually dissolves and disappears. Investments below the inflation rate are not investments.
Can you give me an example of a bank yield on a dollar deposit above 24% a year???