Let's pause in the words. - page 6

And they waste their lives, which are more valuable than all the wealth in the world!
Life has goals and achieving a goal is not a waste of life. But a goal is not the same thing and in one case it is money for the sake of money or money for the sake of eating. It is, of course, a waste of time.
Ivan Vagin:
:-) It's already a question of diversification, 1% to put it more vividly, my broker offers a guaranteed 6% per $ deposit for minimum trade volume... i think 2% per month of trading is butter and caviar.... everything on top is super profits...
2% a month is butter and caviar. For those who take out loans at 0% yes. )
Ramiz Mavludov:
2% a month butter and caviar. For those who take out loans at 0% yes. )
There's loans like that? Wow, that's cool.
Alexey Busygin:
Life has goals and achieving a goal is not a waste of life. But goals are not the same and in one case it is money for money's sake or money for food's sake. This is, of course, a waste of time.
So it is not clear what the money is for! There is no sense for money, and for the sake of eating caviar every day, what else, what money. Another thing is something necessary and expensive, and even then, if you can do without it, it is not worth dodging for a fleeting whim, it is ridiculous to waste your life on it!
Alexey Busygin:
Is there such a thing as credit? Wow, that's cool.
Look at the interest rates of various countries, there is a reason this news is marked as important in the economic calendar. In the states, it's almost 0%. 5% a year for them for a reason, it's super like some people say. And in our country you know how it is with the loans, when the states reduce to 0% we increase to stimulate economic growth in the country, although we mean banks and insurance companies in the country.

Because things rarely work all the time. As a rule, a person is attached to his trading style, when the market changes he trades the same old way.

And on Forex, where is this constant income? So far I have not seen anyone making regular profits on it.

I have seen
Alexey Busygin:
Are there such loans? Wow, that's funny.
They allocated thirty mio for the construction of a bridge across the Amur, but the bridge could be built in a year
2% per month is less than any weakest bank deposit, i.e. inflation is not covered, which means that the money just slowly and gradually dissolves and disappears. Investing below inflation is not an investment.
Ivan Vagin:
They allocated 30 mio for the construction of a bridge across the Amur, but the bridge could be built in a year...
Millions... billions... Are you an accountant in the administration?
So it's not clear what the money is for! There is no sense for money, and for the sake of eating every day caviar, what else, what money. Another thing is something necessary and expensive, and that, if you can do without it, it is not worth dodging for a fleeting whim, it is ridiculous to waste your life on it!

For example, there are things that one person alone cannot achieve or at least it will take a lot of time and effort. Money simplifies the process, but you must agree that to work hard to earn money to feed yourself and your children, it's not a life, so the whole life is spent working, and you never know what will grow out of children. And of course it all depends on the individual, big money can easily make a person's head spin and he can forget, and lack of money can easily break it.

The proverb 'With a sweetheart in a hut', is only possible as long as the sun is smiling and the flowers are blooming. In all other processes, life becomes a living hell and a harsh everyday life.