Let's pause in the words. - page 2

Yury Reshetov:

Let's not point the finger

When God wants to punish someone, He deprives the offender of a sense of humour © Folk wisdom

No need to pass off your own hallucinations as my opinion.... pause... in words!
Ivan Vagin:
No need to pass off your own hallucinations as my opinion....
You should, Fedya, you should © Vladimir Vysotsky
Ivan Vagin:

Very happy with the reasoning about the percentage increase in deposit... 1% a year, is it a lot or a little, is it easy or difficult, is it realistic not realistic, can't I not, is it not bullshit...

From $16,000,000,000 - that would be an income of $160,000,000, per year, in my opinion, more than enough for a living wage....

Even taking into account the income of the broker through whom the transactions will be made and similar reasoning....

I'm curious about another thing, why people are stumping for thousands of percent gains as opposed to grinding out entry rules and MM...

Is it out of impatience or something....

All over the world, returns on financial transactions are compared to a notional risk-free rate of return. For example, the rate on a dollar bank deposit.

What donkey will risk operations on the stock market for the sake of a 1% yield if you can deposit the same money in a bank and get 5-10% p.a. without any risk?



What donkey will risk operations on the stock market for the sake of a 1% p.a. if you can put the same money in a bank on a deposit and get 5-10% p.a. without any risk?

Let us not point fingers at a particularly gifted donkey, or the discussion will drift into a discussion of personality.

It is better to move on to a more constructive track. Where's the guarantee the bank won't go down the drain? The amount stated in the first post is not bad (apparently TC earned it with blood and sweat in the tester grail?), and therefore the refund from the reserve fund will not cover even 1%.

Yury Reshetov:

Let's not point the finger at a particularly gifted donkey, otherwise the topic will slip into a discussion of personality.

Let's move on to something more constructive. Where's the guarantee the bank won't go down the drain? The amount stated in the first post is not insignificant, and therefore the reimbursement from the reserve fund will not cover even 1%.

There are bank ratings which reflect the reliability of the bank

Worldwide, returns on financial transactions are compared with a notional risk-free rate of return. For example, the rate on a dollar-denominated bank deposit.

What donkey will be engaged in risky operations on exchange for the sake of 1% per annum, if it is possible to deposit the same money in a bank and get 5-10% per annum without any risk?

A donkey - certainly not, I think there are no donkeys here, I hope you do not consider yourself a donkey, but for 35-40% a year, it is normal.... or how....
Ivan Vagin:
A donkey - definitely not, I think there are no donkeys here, you don't consider yourself a donkey I hope, but for 35-40% a year, that's fine.... or like....
Once again - it depends on what kind of risk.
There are bank ratings that reflect the reliability of a bank
Do you not understand the humour? The question was about the guarantee, not the banks' paid-for painted ratings.
There are bank ratings which reflect a bank's reliability
Banks in Russia alone give more than 7% a year in dollars, Russian banks abroad give 5-6% return on deposits...
Again, it depends on the risk.