Activations of a product purchased from the marketplace were taken away - page 11

Server Muradasilov:
I wonder if the speaker read rule 4.13.

probably not

the seller identified 9 extra activations at the time of sale, and after the sale identified 4 )

i.e. after the transaction.

it's like in the case of the bend: come on, give us one back we changed our mind (after the deal)


Not only that, there is a clause in the Rules description of the Product will result in blocking the Seller's account and refunding the proceeds of the sale to the buyers.

-- In this case, there is "inaccurate product description", which, according to the rules, should lead to blocking the Seller's account and refunding the proceeds.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

probably not

the seller identified 9 extra activations at the time of sale, and after the sale identified 4 )

i.e. after the deal.

it is like in the case of the bend: give us back one we changed our mind (after the transaction)

The key words in this clauseare determined by the Seller

Ten activations is a load of nonsense. It is a lot. Remember how the Market evolved - there were varying numbers of activations allowed until the golden mean of 5 activations was reached. 5 activations is to satisfy the interests of buyers and sellers alike.

Server Muradasilov:

Prove your confidence - your confidence already seems suspicious, if anything. Invite the seller here, and let him say that he did it without a backward glance. And since he is so crystal clear, let him return the activations to you. He won't get away with it, will he?

Nobody is discussing the fact that he has a good product! We are discussing something else, and you should have left feedback, not about the product, but about the activations - incomprehensible.

Topekuster, please respond to this post.
Server Muradasilov:
The key words in this clauseare determined by the seller
but nowhere does it say that after the transaction the seller can determine anything from the number of activations
Server Muradasilov:
Keywords in this clauseare determined by the Seller

the key word here is"product description" -- which may or may not be accurate.

in this case -- untrue product description -- according to Marketplace Rules -- the Seller's account must be blocked and the product refunded -- if compromised, 10 activations returned to the Buyer

Karputov Vladimir:

Ten activations is a load of nonsense. It is a lot. Remember how the Market evolved - there were varying numbers of activations allowed until the golden mean of 5 activations was reached. 5 activations is to satisfy the interests of buyers and sellers alike.

Why, then, were they allowed to do something so ridiculous?
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Not only that, there is a clause in the Rules description of the Product will result in blocking the Seller's account and refunding the proceeds of the sale to the buyers.

-- In this case, there is "inaccurate product description", which, according to the rules, should lead to blocking the Seller's account and refunding the proceeds.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

the key word here is"product description" -- which may or may not be accurate.

in this case -- unreliable product description -- according to Market Rules -- the seller's account must be blocked and the product refunded -- if a compromise is made, 10 activations must be returned to the buyer

Firstly no one has seen the text of the description. Second, the number of activations is not a description, it's an option from Marketplace. Therefore, for now, there is no question of blocking the seller.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:
then why did you give permission for this nonsense?

The number of activations - it is a manual adjustment carried out by the seller. If he wants - he will give additional activations, if he doesn't want - he won't.