FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 908

There's a lot to write about... Some people call me a philosopher... Well, that's something to think about. Let's start in order:

1. Someone said that one should not watch futures and options - for the lure of it all ... We are talking about futures and options - is it really too simple and obvious? Do not go far - the Euro. Futures and options - what is the "oil" picture? Everything is in the market. And so? Is it going down? No, it's not going down. It's going up, or it's sideways... a long one...

2. Someone said there's a lot of sellers - it's time to go up... And the truth - why not?

3. Moving on - someone said that one thing is appropriate today, another tomorrow... Why audi, harrier and all that... For Aude now there is a very interesting picture - all go there - as smeared with honey. It's kind of clear - most people have gone shopping... Isn't it appropriate to get into it? Moon's in there too. And judging by Strange's words it's the same(like him) "smart money.... Hmm... But here it's just like with the euro - there are more buyers than sellers. It would seem to be going up? But then again on the second point - why not go down as well?

Added - by the way the pound and the eur are all going down on.... Why would that be?

You have to philosophise about whether smart money rules the market or not. Either everything is open and transparent and they have to open up the AUD, or there will be a reverse trade ... Time will tell.
I see that your nickname has been banned. No offence to the philosopher, by the way, the normal nickname is FilosoFFx. And I like your reasoning, you try to comprehend the true state of affairs on your own, without somebody else's influence, using your intellectual capabilities. For me personally 10-39MSK short-term market is not interesting - balance, lack of tension. Many advanced (or advanced, ha-ha) just from this position open-I can't.

I'm going to try and put the pound on the rims...

_I see your nickname is banned, you've already said something. I don't take offense to the philosopher, by the way, your nickname is FilosoFFx. And I like your reasoning, you try to comprehend the true state of affairs on your own, without somebody else's influence, using your intellectual capabilities. Personally for me 10-39MSK short-term market is not interesting - balance, lack of tension. I can't do it, I just can't.
it's hard without tension... you'll be in the gravy! don't slack off.
Bane-loving thread) // ???
Well, the Greeks are with us, congratulations to Tsipras
Bane-loving thread) // ????
!!!))).............. and, dare I say it, the moderation here is very loyal. On other forums they won't let you write anything unnecessary. When I left the 4 left for another resource, I got kicked out of the forum after 3 sentences...... I had to work on myself.
the modders' favourite branch, they are gods here =))))

Have you considered gold?
looking at Eura, scratching KUKL on the sleepers without fail (as if to upset the Bears)...
looking at the euras, scratching KUKL on the sleepers relentlessly (as if not to upset the bears)...
Decided to pips on the eu?