FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 912

I guess so - maybe, but if...
clowns ))
Владимир Жириновский:

.... the prognosis is coming true

Only my predictions can come true!!! Too bad I don't give them publicly )))
not at all
It's a lot of bullshit, but the potato thing is a thought. On the other hand there are always those who eat potatoes. Let's be logical. Potato dealers will live forever. The most important thing is not to start growing them.
If Strange's words used to be...
"Strange's words"... Sounds ))) What's the point of this mumbling? 50-50 - pointing to the heel )))
It's a load of crap, but the potato thing is a thought. On the other hand there are always those who eat potatoes. Let's be logical. Potato dealers will live forever. The main thing is not to start growing them.
When the price is down, the forecasts don't come true for some reason... (((
when the price is lying - nothing comes true. take vasodilators )))
You've written a lot of shit, but the potato is a thought. On the other hand there are always those who eat potatoes. Let's get logical. Resellers on potatoes will live forever. The most important thing is not to start growing them.

"potato" is FA and no brains (( - go straight to TA ))))

on the yen the drive up is over, the drive down is on. (testing is going according to plan).

It's been a long time since we've talked about potatoes:
Potatoes to some, cucumbers to others.
The scrappy phrases below are rubbish...