FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 743


Same here. Change your tone. So far nothing useful has been found in the SOT forecasts accordingly.

The forecast was made yesterday and it is not worked out. Therefore Ishim, as I said, has made an independent decision.

Do not touch Zhenka )))) One lady on the branch ))))) Take care of her))))

who trades lunya, there buy sticks the other day and the current decline is a dollop of price down for the scam

TR 3355 to 3384 so far...

there c/l for this buy needs to be put under the lows of the previous "outtakes" - 1.3130 at least. So I'll pass.
and the dep?
When the dep was draining...
Fairy tales weren't drawn yet...
But fairy tales are just for the soul)))
When the dépas were merging...
Fairy tales weren't drawn yet...
But fairy tales are just for the soul)))


I don't know about November 2014...

I don't understand why the hell tell people that "this doesn't work and this does"?

Well, a man trades himself on SOTs, he's good at it - so be it.

No problem, as long as he doesn't stumble. When fish starts biting, big bucks start pouring into the trade, and then you know... So it's no laughing matter.
Leave Zhenka out of this )))) One lady on the branch ))))) Take care of her))))
We do our best.

no drive at all...


no drive at all...

the sun is still high)
the sun is still high)

and there's no drive...


and there's no drive...

well, start dusting off the screen then, take your time - until 5pm ))
