FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 719

125.64 on it TR?
at the end of May announced: sal for the year. below 100.
at the end of May voiced: sal for a year. under a hundred.

trouble, with one year olds...


I'm scared (0.851). It's not quite clear where we are going yet.

Yihihihihihihi, back to 2000);)no way)

it won't be like that. neither will parity ((.


Yihihihihihihi, back to 2000);)no way)

It won't be like that. Neither will parity ((.

I laughed myself yesterday, of course) clearly we have nothing to do in the 2000s.

Even if there is parity, it will not happen before the end of 2017.

I laughed myself yesterday, no way)

someone is good at drawing clubs,)

vyjuj gj tdht ytn? ppc


someone is good at drawing clubs,)

vyjuj gj tdht ytn? ppc


just lying around, too lazy to throw it away.

That's how I see it on a Jew.

55 yema.

I was wondering, triangle, what is the beast?

I sold, i will close on the reverse. (or rather "add on" as in the canteen))


just lying around, too lazy to throw it away.

That's how I see it on a Jew.

55 yema.

I was wondering, triangle, what is the beast?

I sold, i will close on the reverse. (or rather "add on" as in the canteen))

MAs are lagging badly. There's hardly any profit left anymore.

The triangle is better to draw right on the screens of the North, it is in the profile and it is shown here. It usually helps to draw the triangle to trade on the breakout. Try it.

And if you have another one in mind - it will loop three pairs - two majors and one cross.

plan to take to 5329

The MAs are lagging badly. Profit is almost gone.

The triangle is better to draw directly on the screenshots of the North, it is in his profile and I have it here. It usually helps to draw the triangle to trade on the breakout. Try it.

And if you mean something else - it is three pairs - two majors and one cross.

I got it, I was spinning and twisting like a bimbo. ))