FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 634


Who had a good day yesterday?

Judging by the other formulas, the depot is drained to the max...

tomorrow as planned.
the day before yesterday. Already satiated))

Who had a good day yesterday?

Judging by the other formulas, the depo's been drained to the max...


It's going well on these flights. When it's on the line, it's not going well.


Who had a good day yesterday?

Judging by the other formulas, the deposit is gone...

I bought indexes half an hour before they flew over and then the fun began :) . And so 10% of accounts killed, and there were used strategies for the acceleration, small amounts

I don't do striptease, and I'm not going to show my capital.

Show me yours if you're willing and if there's anything to show.

above threw your predictions, that'll be enough for you to at least double up by Monday...

You're not kidding us. You're fooling yourself.

We all know that you are a great tax cheat.



What's not 100362?


You're not fooling us. You're fooling yourself.

We already know you're a great leaker.


whatever. it doesn't bother me one bit. you put the projections out there and see what's what.

Why not 100362?

Whatever. It doesn't bother me one bit. You put them out there and see what's what.
Don't... monitor it. Open a demo account and freeze it. At least for a week, I don't think the account will last much longer. )))