FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1935

Just everything is a 'watershed', if we go from the level down to the lower end of the range, if we go up to the upper end. It is true that the limits are getting closer to this level every day from the maximum until the expiry of the January option contract. But in any case they will squeeze out as much as they can.
in short, 50X50 again?

If the balance sheet is pushed down, there will be at least a correction on the arrows

Вадим Новопашин:

People interested in your opinion who thinks the price will break 120.500

Please speak on the merits

Why do you want an opinion? To spit again?

If the balance sells down, there will be at least a correction at the arrows

118.90 - there will be a 100% price there

in short, 50X50 again ?
A place like this is a balance. It's better not to work here if there is no information on online volumes.
The place is such a balancing act. Best not to work here unless there is information on online volumes.

The Eura is set to go to the sell, TP 1.0250

Will your channelers show this target?


118.90 - there will be a price 100%

It will be, I agree. The only question is whether it will go to the top of the range or will break right away. It is better to work from the edge of the range - the drawdowns are lower and the bounce is more probable.

Shit, the flyers in Kubinka are annoying - the windows are shaking. At night the cannonade from the Kantemirovka training ground, and during the day the pilots do battle.


It will, I agree. The only question is whether it will go to the top of the range before that or it will break right away. It is better to work from the edge of the range - the drawdowns are lower and the probability of a bounce is higher.

Damn, the flyers in Kubinka are annoying - the windows are shaking. At night the cannonade from the Kantemirovka training ground, and during the day the pilots do battle.

Get a C-400...

It is better to work from the edge of the range - the drawdowns are lower and the probability of a bounce is higher.

Draw a chiff where you would enter the market?
Draw a chiff where you would enter the market?

If you go in right now from the current ones, the situation on the screenshot is TP<SL.

Actually, I enter from senior levels, and all currencies are balanced in this area, you can, of course, stop-reverse, thankfully the stop is small, but you will catch fleas. So, I'll pass for today. And tomorrow is Catholic Christmas.

We may enter from the edge of the range (green and yellow) to the inside. Stop at the extremum of the channel. Or go to a lower scale. Catch the end of corrections.