FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1714

Server Muradasilov:
Lyosha, you're not married, how do you know?
I know what to be afraid of.

Jinx of the people how to determine who did it?

Chronically unlucky? Tortured by illness? No strength and desire to live? Maybe you are jinxed? How do you know if you're under the spell or evil eye? If you are looking for a way to confirm or refute this guess, you need to sit for five minutes with a glass on your head and drink water with burnt matches. (tips taken from the internet, it's very important to find the villain... )
Just sit with a glass, then you don't have to look for anyone)
Alexey Busygin:
I know what to be afraid of.
Lesha, you're not completely lost)))
Evgeniya Balchin:
)))) then, it's better to keep the old one - it's more native))) otherwise the new one won't do away with one door... the floral and bouquet period will have to be respected))))))))))))
i don't know of such a period. the wine and temple period is more effective.
Lyosha, you're not completely lost)))
He's still ahead of the game, he hasn't even smelled the powder yet.
the pound is in trouble with the whole levels.
Server Muradasilov:
Lyosha, you're not married, how do you know?
Who told you that?
I don't know of such a period. wine and temporal is more effective.
There's....)))) the same thing.
Alexey Busygin:
Who told you that?
Figured it out a long time ago )))
The euro is about to go into a pullback.