FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1710

Do you think Mmmmmmmmmmmm Mighty has washed his trousers yet?)))
Taking out a consumer loan... for whiskey. )
Roman Busarov:
What's an Audi 7275? =)
Roman Busarov:
we won't see.
Margo thinks so, too, like Idler.
the euve is ahead, it's too early to drink champagne
Server Muradasilov:
Margot thinks so too, like Eidler.
but Eidler is earlier.)
but eidler's early.)

There are probably a dozen of you on the forum ))) hold your ground until the economy of some country collapses :))

Server Muradasilov:

There are probably a dozen of you on the forum ))) hold your ground until the economy of some country collapses :))

Something else, no country's economy has collapsed yet.
Server Muradasilov:

There are probably a dozen of you on the forum ))) hold your ground until the economy of some country collapses :))

I do not hold - I give advice for a fee. ) But for a week or two or a month it's the little things.

What are you guessing, to parities, fiddling around with them and updating the hajis.

Alexey Busygin:
Anything else, as long as no country's economy has collapsed.
Lesh, I take it you have an automatic washing machine and your friends do it by hand?